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Sustainability Report 2021 02.4 Human resources 01 Introduction Human resources performance data 02 Measuring and Table HR-11 managing sustainability Employee training Sustainability in our business activities As of December 31 2021 2020 2019 02.1 Sustainability in insurance 1 02.2 Sustainability in Total expenses for employee training € mn 102.9 63.1 84.7 proprietary investments Training expenses per employee €/empl 716 442 613 02.3 Sustainability in asset management 2 Average training hours hours/empl 34.7 20.7 24.0 Sustainability in our organization Staff hours/empl 33.3 20.5 24.8 02.4 Human resources Managers hours/empl 43.5 21.6 26.6 02.5 Customer satisfaction 3 Employees undergoing at least one training session % 103.1 78.8 75.2 02.6 Environmental management 3 Staff % 102.9 78.0 73.5 3 03 Strengthening Managers % 104.5 83.7 84.8 our foundation Table HR-12 04 Climate-related Allianz Engagement Survey financial disclosure As of December 31 2021 2020 2019 05 Our universal principles Number of employees invited to participate in the 132,126 132,593 123,505 Allianz Engagement Survey (AES) Number of OEs invited to participate in the AES 64 67 62 AES Participation rate % 82 85 84 Work Well Index+ (WWi+) % 69 70 66 Employee Engagement Index % 76 78 72 Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) % 78 78 73 IMIX board target 75% by year-end 2024 1 Increase in training expenses driven by methodological adjustment towards industry practice to include overhead expenses. 2 Last year reported as training days per employee; definition adjusted to market practice in 2021. 3 The percentage of employees with at least one training can be higher than 100 percent due to the reporting period calculation methodology incl. employee in- and outflows. 40

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