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Sustainability Report 2021 GRI 405-01 02.4 Human resources 01 Introduction Building confidence in our purpose, reaching over 50 operating entities Shaping how we work and do business: and innovation, resulting in simpler and prompter tomorrow must start with and 137,000 participating employees. Events our new Ways of Working (WOW) service offerings for our customers, resilience from 02 Measuring and sought to include real customer voices through In 2021, we introduced more flexible, collaborative the impacts of future crises and a faster and managing sustainability 148,7081 employees who are stories, podcasts and panel discussions to have and agile ways of working that empower flatter organization. COVID-19 required us to Sustainability in our business activities a positive impact on employee engagement and our employees, customers and organization. respond rapidly to unexpected situations and new 02.1 Sustainability in insurance part of our diverse global customer centricity. These new ways of working aim to enhance priorities. The challenges increased the pace of 02.2 Sustainability in workforce. Allianz fosters Inclusive Meritocracy – a culture where employee engagement, productivity change with respect to how we work together and proprietary investments engage with each other and our stakeholders. 02.3 Sustainability in asset management a culture and working people and performance matter Sustainability in our organization environment where people Inclusive Meritocracy is the term we use to The focus areas for our WOW standards 02.4 Human resources describe a culture and working environment 02.5 Customer satisfaction and performance matter and where people and performance matter. It was are centered across five categories: 02.6 Environmental management where everyone has a voice. developed under the umbrella of the Renewal 1. Flexible work and reduced travel Agenda in 2015 and resulted in the creation of see page 42 Customers 03 Strengthening We take a strong stance a key index in the Allianz Engagement Survey, our foundation regarding gender equality, the Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX). 2. Digital tools Inclusive Meritocracy describes a corporate see page 42 04 Climate-related diversity and inclusion (D&I), culture of mutual trust and respect, empowerment 3. Health and well-being financial disclosure training and development, and collaboration where diversity is appreciated see page 47 05 Our universal principles and employee engagement. and customer satisfaction is a high priority. 4. Learning WOW– Performance has an impact on rewards and see page 44 Ways of The health, safety and well- is encouraged by clear two-way leadership 5. Organization and culture being of our employees is of communication. The IMIX measures the see page 41. working progress we are making in embedding Inclusive utmost importance. Meritocracy. It looks across ten aspects covering Employees Organization leadership, performance and corporate & Culture Our purpose, ‘We secure your future’ reminds culture. Performance against employee us why we exist as a company: to secure our engagement targets is among the sustainability customers’ future and give them confidence factors considered as part of the variable Resilience in tomorrow. This purpose anchors the Group component of Board member’s remuneration strategy, employee value proposition, brand (see section 02.4.3). promise and customer experience principles and The results of the 2021 IMIX can be found drives our decisions and actions. We held our along with other results of the AES on second global Purpose and Strategy Day in the page 46. autumn of 2021 to engage our employees in 1 Figure includes only employees in core business; total employees (core and non-core): 155,411. 41

Sustainability Report 2021 - Page 42 Sustainability Report 2021 Page 41 Page 43