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Sustainability Report 2021 02.4 Human resources 01 Introduction Flexible working In 2021, we rolled out two new policies that Our workforce – diverse in many forms Our new global WOW standards have been 65 % underpin the Allianz Code of Conduct: Our global workforce consists of 155,411 02 Measuring and designed to provide an environment where our employee time was spent working from home • The Allianz Diversity and Inclusion Policy (2020: 150,269) people, including 52 percent managing sustainability employee needs are taken care of. Flexible work 1 2 describes our rationale for D&I and how (2020: 51 percent) women and spanning five in RACo entities by the end of 4Q 2021. Sustainability in our business activities comes in different forms and we have learned we foster diversity in all its forms generations.3 We have people from 67 (2020: 59) 02.1 Sustainability in insurance that hybrid teams help us build a more resilient • The Allianz Anti-Harassment Policy that nationalities among our executives, representing 02.2 Sustainability in organization. This will become our new normal. 99 % outlines our global zero tolerance standard the rich cultural diversity within Allianz Group. proprietary investments Employees are offered the opportunity to spend employees in RACo entities have been offered against sexual and other harassment 02.3 Sustainability in asset management a minimum of 40 percent of time working from a technical package to work from home with and discrimination. Sustainability in our organization home depending on their position e.g. mobile 40.7 02.4 Human resources worker, office worker etc. The shift has also connectivity to the Allianz server by the end Our commitment to D&I comes from our top Average age 02.5 Customer satisfaction significantly reduced business travel compared of 4Q 2021. management. More than 20 CEOs and Board (2020: 40.6) 02.6 Environmental management to 2019. Members from Allianz entities around the globe With the introduction of cross-border remote 02.4.1 Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are part of the Global Inclusion Council which 03 Strengthening work guidelines, our mobile work policy standard A diverse workforce enables us to has been in place since 2007. It oversees the 67 our foundation allows employees to work up to 25 days a year implementation of our D&I strategy. understand and fulfil the needs of We engage with employees through inclusion Nationalities represented 04 Climate-related abroad in accordance with local regulations. our equally diverse customer base. networks which aim to raise awareness, support in executive positions financial disclosure The flexibility of this standard offers the potential We believe in equality of opportunity employees, advocate for change and help shape (2020: 59) to enhance the employees’ work-life balance. the D&I agenda. They bring together colleagues 05 Our universal principles As part of our new WOW, we are enabling our and continue to create an inclusive who share an identity or experience and their 20+ teams to collaborate and work remotely by environment to equip our employees friends and allies. At the global level, three new investing in technical equipment (e.g. laptop, for the challenges of the future. global networks were established in 2021 Local LGBTQ+ networks mobile phone, screens, headset etc.) and D&I are important material issues for Allianz, bringing the total to five, each focused on a key collaboration tools (e.g., global roll-outs of O365). as identified in our 2021 materiality assessment. priority for D&I. The number of local employee Increasing the diversity of our In-office meeting spaces will be equipped with The topic covers commitments and activities to networks grew from 15 to more than 50. leadership and management technology to support hybrid meetings and create a fair and inclusive working environment Our target for December 2021 was to have promote an inclusive environment across hybrid where everyone can succeed regardless of Global employee networks 30 percent of women on the Allianz SE Board teams. In addition, new global workspace designs gender identity or expression, age, ability, • Allianz NEO – gender inclusion of Management and Supervisory Board and promote a culture of collaboration, sharing and sexual orientation, ethnicity or cultural 40 percent women in our talent pools. We are co-creation. background among others. • Allianz Pride – LGBTQ+ inclusion proud to have achieved 33.3 percent women • Allianz Engage – generations inclusion on the Allianz SE Supervisory Board and 43.4 Diversity and inclusion strategy • Allianz GRACE – ethnicity and percent of women in our talent pools. We have Our D&I strategy, is built around three pillars: cultural inclusion 27 percent of women on the Allianz SE Board of employees; customers; and brand and reputation. • Allianz Beyond – disability inclusion Management as of January 2022, beginning a It aims to embed D&I across the whole business, year of transition towards our target of 30 percent helping us to define our priorities and drive our women which we are confident we will reach. 1 Renewal Agenda Companies represent the largest flagship entities of Allianz Group. D&I ambitions. 2 Proportion of employee time spent working from home is regularly assessed on entity level and is only partially based on actual data. 3 Our five generations are Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, Baby Boomer, Silent Generation. 42

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