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Sustainability Report 2021 GRI 404-2 02.4 Human resources 01 Introduction Allianz applies a Women in Leadership movement working to put disability on the Women in leadership forecasting model (based on people analytics) to agenda of business leadership. Allianz UK joined 02 Measuring and identify hiring needs and thus increase the ratio the Race at Work Charter and has committed managing sustainability of female executives. We have set new targets to the calls to action to ensure that ethnic Women in the workforce 51.6% Women in senior 30.0% Sustainability in our business activities and ambitions for December 2024 that extend minority employees feel included at all levels in 4 24.7% beyond gender representation and cover the the organization. (core business) executive positions 02.1 Sustainability in insurance dimensions generations, nationality and ethnicity, (2020: 25.8%) 02.2 Sustainability in LGBTQ+ and disability. As accountability is key, We continued to receive external recognition 51.6 % proprietary investments of our D&I efforts, for example: 02.3 Sustainability in asset management management has the target to drive development • We were listed in the Bloomberg Gender- (2020: 51.3%) Sustainability in our organization for all employees and ensure a robust succession Equality Index for the sixth consecutive year; 02.4 Human resources pipeline in line with our D&I targets and ambitions. 02.5 Customer satisfaction Read more about our D&I targets and • We achieved fifth place in the Global Refinitiv 02.6 Environmental management ambitions on our website. Diversity and Inclusion Index, two ranks up Female managers3 38.6% Women in talent pools 43.4% from 2020; and (2020: 42.3%) 40.0% 03 Strengthening Fair and transparent reward • We were placed second in the our foundation We emphasize equality and fairness by ensuring BeyondGenderAgenda German Diversity 38.6 % 04 Climate-related the same pay for equal work and work of equal Index (ranking the DAX30 companies). (2020: 38.2%) financial disclosure value for all employees. Allianz has committed In 2021, we embarked on the EDGE (Economic to the ambitious goal of achieving equal pay Dividends for Gender Equality) certification 05 Our universal principles globally by the end of 2021.1 To this end, we have 2 process. The process is designed to help us introduced an annual global pay review and measure, monitor and understand how we are best practices to monitor fair pay across the progressing on gender equality and equal pay Women in executive positions Women in Allianz SE Board 30.0% organization and prevent equal pay gaps from globally compared to external standards and 5 (Top Management) of Management arising in the future. In 2022, we will introduce benchmarks. We are now globally EDGE Assess (2020: 20.0%) 20.0% pay equality KPIs in line with the World Economic Certified for our Insurance Business segment and 31.6 % Forum (WEF) requirements. for the Global Business Lines Allianz Partners, External commitments and recognition Euler Hermes, Allianz Global Corporate & (2020: 30.4%) Specialty, Allianz Technology and Allianz Services. Complementing our commitment to the U.N. Further information about external Women’s Empowerment Principles and the U.N. recognition of our D&I efforts and EDGE LGBT Code of Conduct, Allianz became one of the please see People Fact Book 2021. Female full-time employees 14 Iconic Leaders of The Valuable 500, a global Women in Allianz SE 30.0% 33.3% 46.6 % Supervisory Board (2020: 33.3 %) 1 This involves pay adjustments in the year end cycle 2021/2022. Final data will be (2020: 46.3%) available in 2Q 2022. Accordingly, the target achievement will be reported in the next Sustainability Report. 2 3 Includes women functionally responsible for other staff, regardless of level, e.g. division, department and team managers. 4 (2024 target: 30 percent). 2021 Target Actual 5 From Jan 1 – Sep 30, 2021: 30 percent; from Oct 1 – Dec 31, 2021: 20 percent ; As of January 2022: 27 percent. 43

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