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Sustainability Report 2021 02.4 Human resources 01 Introduction 02.4.2 Training and #lead Ignite is a global program designed to Our target was for 100 percent of leaders to attain developing our people 82 % equip the next generation of Allianz leaders with their Allianz Leadership Passport by the end of 02 Measuring and of the global Allianz workforce covered by the the knowledge, mindset and skills needed to lead 2021. As of the end of 2021, 11,850 (93 %) leaders managing sustainability Learning and development is a key SWP program by end of 2021 in Allianz’s inclusive, meritocratic environment. in scope have attained their #lead Allianz Sustainability in our business activities differentiator in the financial services (2020: 53 percent) In 2021, the program was completed by 99 Leadership Passport. 12,116 leaders in scope 02.1 Sustainability in insurance industry which is constantly changing participants, 47 percent of whom were women completed the digital learning journey on the 02.2 Sustainability in 1 (up from 27 % of 33 participants in 2020) across #lead Platform and 12,117 leaders completed proprietary investments in response to the evolving external 3,155 FTEs 13 operating entities. the #lead Experience virtual classroom. This 02.3 Sustainability in asset management context. Companies that develop #lead Empower is a group-wide program for equated to 339,264 hours of leadership training Sustainability in our organization skills for the long term will be best recruited and reskilled in strategically relevant experienced leaders that provides participants since the program launch. 02.4 Human resources prepared to respond to emerging trends talent segments in Allianz operating entities with development and coaching for their next The success of the #lead Allianz Leadership 02.5 Customer satisfaction and opportunities and to attract the in 2021 (2021 plan: 2,177). career step to a senior executive role as they Passport will be monitored in three key ways: 02.6 Environmental management We avoid ‘like-for-like’ recruiting and emphasize transition from leading teams to leading leaders Business impact – measured by engagement best talent. the acquisition of new and relevant strategic skills. and the business. In 2021, 34 of our high-potential survey progression and increase in learning hours; 03 Strengthening Supporting lifelong learning leaders started their #lead Empower journeys, our foundation Strategic workforce planning of whom 47 percent were women (vs. 39 percent Behavioral change – measured via assessment Understanding what the transition to a digital We focus on promoting lifelong learning in 2020). These leaders represented 15 countries tools (Allianz Multi Rater Assessment), 04 Climate-related future means for Allianz and its people is a through our global #learn initiative and offer and 21 entities. engagement survey and learning hours; and financial disclosure strategic priority. Digitalization and automation our employees one hour each week dedicated Satisfaction with program – based on the 05 Our universal principles will change the composition of the future to learning. We employ a wide range of learning The Allianz Leadership Passport Net Promoter Score (NPS) and evaluation workforce with some job profiles no longer and development approaches including on-the- We launched the Allianz Leadership Passport, form outcomes. existing, new profiles and capabilities emerging, job learning, mentoring and coaching, classroom a #lead program, in June 2020. The passport While it is still early to measure the business and considerable changes in existing profiles trainings, peer circles and digital/mobile learning. is the license to be a people leader at Allianz. impact and behavioral changes – given that the and skills. This will require major upskilling and Digital opportunities such as LinkedIn Learning Our people leaders follow a continuous learning program was launched in June 2020 – people reskilling initiatives to prepare the workforce for and our AllianzU Learning Platform (Degreed) are journey consisting of self-led gamified learning analytics has demonstrated that higher #Lead the future. Our main focus will be on developing available to all employees worldwide. on the #lead Platform and the #lead Experience, coverage goes along with higher employee digital, data and agile working skills. Skills like We have targeted programs in place for key an instructor-led virtual classroom. The passport engagement and well-being. In addition, IT security, communications and HR will also areas such as property and casualty, life and covers technology-focused Intelligence Quotient the current NPS is 74 and the average quality be essential. health, IT, strategy, finance, communications, (IQ) skills and people-focused Emotional Quotient rating is 84 percent. Our strategic workforce planning (SWP) approach market management and operations. (EQ) skills – from digital leadership to storytelling compares workforce supply by job profile against and resilience. After attaining their Leadership projected workforce demand over the next five Developing strong leaders Passport, leaders complete one hour per week of years to prepare our workforce for the future. As of Ensuring our leaders continue to develop their learning to ‘refresh’ their passport. 2021, strategic workforce planning is a structured leadership skills and mindsets to steer the annual process integrated with the annual transformation is critical for the success of the planning process. business and for empowering all employees to perform at their best. 1 Full-time equivalent. 44

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