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Sustainability Report 2021 As a next logical step on further integrating our sustainability activities we included a 01.7 2021 Reporting highlights highlights table which follows the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) logic. 1 2 01 Introduction IIRC capital Outputs 2021 Outcomes 01.1 Message from the CEO categories 01.2 Company description and strategy Manufactured € 123.1 bn sustainable investments • In 2021, we reviewed our definition of proprietary sustainable investments to follow the rules set by E.U. Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). 01.3 Our sustainability approach (proprietary investments) The volume of sustainable investments decreased slightly if we would have applied the same definition for 2020. 01.4 Our social approach € 203.1 bn PIMCO ESG themed investments • We continue to expand dedicated sustainability products for our third party asset managers AGI and PIMCO. 01.5 Our climate approach • Our sustainable insurance solutions revenues remained fairly stable in 2021. We are currently reviewing the regulatory changes and assessing how we will assess 01.6 Our sustainability € 184.3 bn AGI ESG themed investments and disclose sustainable insurance solutions in the future. integration approach € 1,484.7 mn revenues from 01.7 2021 Reporting highlights sustainable solutions 02 Measuring and Financial € 13.4 bn operating profit • Operating profit jumped 24.6 percent to 13.4 billion euros. managing sustainability € 6.6 bn shareholder net income • Net income attributable to shareholders declined 2.9 percent to 6.6 billion euros as a result of a one-time pre-tax provision of 3.7 billion euros in anticipation of 03 Strengthening € 2.4 bn corporate tax paid settlements with major investors in the AllianzGI U.S. our foundation Structured Alpha funds and in light of current discussions with U.S. governmental authorities, lowering the group’s 2021 net income by 2.8 billion euros. • Corporate tax: Fair, effective and stable tax payments are beneficial for both government and companies. 04 Climate-related Intellectual Allianz Risk Barometer published • The Allianz Risk Barometer is our annual report identifying the top corporate risks for the next 12 months and beyond, based on the insight of more than 2,650 risk financial disclosure ESG Integration Framework published management experts from 89 countries and territories. 05 Our universal principles DJSI: Top rank (93 out of 100 points) • Our ESG Integration Framework allows NGOs, peers, customers, and other stakeholders to get an in-depth overview of the way in which we integrate sustainability- related risk and opportunities management across Allianz. USD 15 bn Brand value • After a drop to 6th rank in 2020 in DJSI we regained our top position in 2021, scoring 93 points out of 100. • Brand value up 17 % to more than USD 15bn (Source: Interbrand Best Global Brands Ranking 2021). Social and 62 mn Emerging Consumers reached • We aim to continue our expansion in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Main driver for the increase is the inclusion of Indian government-sponsored health insurance relationship 84 % NPS (Customer loyalty) schemes in the reporting scope for the first time. € 28.2 mn Corporate Giving • Business segments with a net promoter score of above market average (incl. loyalty leaders). • In 2021 our Corporate Giving totaled € 28.2 mn. In 2020 our donations were higher due to COVID-19 emergency relief efforts. • Social Impact Fund is our program supporting strategic opportunities to deliver social impact. Human * • The 2021 Allianz Engagement Survey results are our second-best result in the Allianz history. 76 % Employee Engagement Index 78 % IMIX (Inclusive Meritocracy Index) • Our high standards in leadership, performance and corporate culture are reflected in the high rating in the IMIX. 38.6 % Female managers • The share of women has continuously increased since 2019 among managers (by +0.7 % p), executives (top management, by 1.7 % p) and in talent pools (+3.2 % p). 1 An integrated report identifies an organization’s Natural 77 % renewable electricity of operations • +20 %-p 77 % share of renewable electricity, up from 57 % in 2020. Increase vs. 2020 supported by changes in supplied electricity mix and the first time use of key products and services. There might be other outputs, such as by-products 0.9 t CO e per employee carbon footprint offset certificates. and waste (including emissions), that need to be 2 • -32 % Carbon footprint per employee from operations decreased from 1.4 tons CO e in 2020 to 0.9 in 2021. Both years are impacted by COVID-19-related drop, discussed within the business model disclosure of operations 2 depending on their materiality. 18.7 mn t CO e carbon footprint of primarily in business travel. On a normalized basis, emissions decrease from ~2.0 tons/employee in 2020 to ~1.8 tons/employee in 2021, mainly due to an increased 2 Outcomes are the internal and external 2 share of renewable electricity. consequences (positive and negative) for the proprietary investments • Carbon footprint of proprietary investments: -16 % Successful continuation of portfolio decarbonization. Improvement 2021 vs. 2020 supported by ~4–5 %-p from capitals as a result of an organization’s business activities and outputs. COVID-19 shutdowns. Score date: December 2021. 13

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