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Sustainability Report 2021 02.6 Environmental management 01 Introduction Driving down waste Action on plastic Allianz is also partnering with the international We have developed global guidelines on marine conservation organization, Sea Shepherd 02 Measuring and 41 % systematically working towards single use Global, to support cleaning the Mediterranean managing sustainability plastic free operations. We have introduced this Sea of plastic waste from abandoned fishing gear. Sustainability in our business activities waste reduction achieved by year-end 2021 topic in our reporting for the first time in 2021. Invested in forest protection since 2012 02.1 Sustainability in insurance against a target reduction of 10 percent per For example, AZ Technology has introduced 02.2 Sustainability in employee by year-end 2025 (2020: 29 percent plastic-free offices which aim to completely avoid Allianz has invested in projects to offset its proprietary investments reduction) against a 2019 baseline. single-use plastics within all Allianz Technology operational emissions since 2013, such as the 02.3 Sustainability in asset management We aim to minimize the waste we generate branches and subsidiaries. Allianz Partners also Rimba Raya project in Borneo, Indonesia. Sustainability in our organization and to re-use and recycle materials wherever launched a plastic reduction initiative to remove This area is rich in biodiversity including the 02.4 Human resources possible (see table ENV-8). Our office-based single-use plastic from all entities’ premises. endangered Bornean orangutan and was at 02.5 Customer satisfaction operations mostly generate household-type waste, We have defined ‘Action on plastic’ measures at risk of being converted into palm oil estates. 02.6 Environmental management in particular tackling waste from single use plastic three levels: By helping to prevent the deforestation of has come into focus. Waste reduction awareness nearly 65,000 hectares of peat swamp forest, 03 Strengthening campaigns are in place across Allianz entities to 1. Assessment of baseline usage of single use the project aims to avoid more than 130 million our foundation address behavioral change of employees. plastic across our operations. tons of carbon emissions in addition to protecting 2. Definition of targets and action plans per biodiversity and benefiting the local community 04 Climate-related operating entity, including allocation of through local revenues and construction of financial disclosure resources and launch of implementation. renewable energy plants, a health clinic and 05 Our universal principles two libraries. The Rimba Raya project meets 3. Progress assessed and reported to the project the requirement of standards under the UN’s management sponsor, action plan checked Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and and reviewed within reporting period. Forest Degradation Plus (REDD+) program. By the end of 2021, 67 percent of operating Emissions savings are independently measured entities (by headcount) had completed at least and certified once a year. As a result of our level one. investment, we retired carbon credits equivalent to 138,746 t CO e in 2021 (2020: 203,352 t CO e). 2 2 55

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