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Sustainability Report 2021 GRI 301-1 02.6 Environmental management 01 Introduction Renewable electricity for determining best-fit strategic renewable Green commuting Reducing water use energy solutions across the Group and engaging We have committed to develop Green 02 Measuring and 77 % with the unbundled renewable Energy Attribute Commuting Plans to limit emissions that arise 41 %1 managing sustainability Certificate (EAC) market in countries where the from our employees commuting to and from the Sustainability in our business activities of the electricity we used came from renewable energy market is less developed, as a workplace. Plans prioritize walking, using public water reduction achieved by year-end 2021 02.1 Sustainability in insurance renewable, low-carbon sources in 2021 temporary solution. transport and use of EVs with a range of actions against a target reduction of 10 percent per 02.2 Sustainability in against a target of 100 percent for 2023. Cutting GHG emissions from for operating entities to implement – from employee by year-end 2025 (2020: 23 percent proprietary investments (2020: 57 percent) (see Table ENV-5). business travel bike leasing to discounted public transport reduction) against a 2019 baseline. 02.3 Sustainability in asset management With this, we achieved our mid-term target of and EV charging stations. In 2021, 65 percent This reduction was achieved through water saving Sustainability in our organization 70 percent through a combination of strategic of employees (by headcount) across our measures applied across our locations combined 02.4 Human resources discussions with suppliers on ‘green tariffs’ 70 % operating entities were covered by a Green with COVID-19 related measures. For example, 02.5 Customer satisfaction (64 percent), expanding the use of on-site Commuting Plan. Allianz Turkey started to reuse rainwater for 02.6 Environmental management renewable technologies (0.04 percent) and first- reduction in GHG emissions from business travel cooling and landscape maintenance and Allianz time sourcing of ‘unbundled’ renewable Energy per employee achieved by year-end 2021 Reducing paper use Suisse is installing water-saving attachments 03 Strengthening Attribute Certificates (13 percent). against a target reduction of 15 percent per for taps. Water saving awareness campaigns our foundation employee by year-end 2025 (2020: 59 percent 33 % are also helping to address behavioral change As a signatory of the RE100 initiative, we have reduction) against a 2019 baseline. of employees. 04 Climate-related committed to source 100 percent renewable reduction in paper use achieved by year-end 2021 financial disclosure electricity (RE) for our group-wide operations Measures taken in response to COVID-19 played against a target reduction of 20 percent per policy Minimizing our water consumption is a key by 2023. With operations in more than 70 a material role in reducing business travel principle under our Group Environmental 05 Our universal principles countries, achieving this is complex and will emissions across 2020 and 2021. Managing by year-end 2025 (2020: 14percent reduction) Guidelines. Our office-based operations mostly require significant engagement and collaboration business travel post COVID-19 will be key for against a 2019 baseline. do not result in significant water use but we with electricity suppliers and landlords. In 2020, 2025 GHG target achievement. Our new Ways Our paper use is mainly linked to external reflect the increasing need to use water efficiently, we started to embed RE in the management of Working (see section 02.4) will capitalize on communications (e.g. marketing and customer especially considering the impacts of climate targets of our Board of Management and CEOs this shift to minimize emissions from business communications) with a smaller amount used change. This is especially important in areas at of Allianz entities. This includes annual targets travel by enabling more flexible and agile for internal office printing. Our efforts to reduce risk of water-stress such as India and Singapore. towards achieving 100 percent RE by 2023. working practices. paper consumption are underpinned by the Approximately two-thirds of Allianz employees In 2021, we made Energy Sourcing a strategic As part of our transition to low-carbon operations, increasing shift towards digital communication. are situated in countries with medium to extremely procurement category for the first time and we are shifting to hybrid and electric vehicles Looking ahead, we will also seek to maximize high water stress.2 established central governance and expertise (EVs) in our corporate fleet. For example, the share of paper used to come from certified within the Sustainable Operations office. This will AZ Technology has launched a new Mobility sustainable sources, which accounted for shift our energy procurement from locally-driven Policy for Allianz entities in Germany which will 76 percent of our paper in 2021. to globally-driven processes, increasing our see company cars with combustion engines impact and streamlining efforts. The new exchanged with plug-in hybrid or electric strategic energy procurement function will vehicles upon the termination of their lease. play a key role in our internal power-sourcing Further information about our fleet policies transformation journey. It lays the foundation can be found in section 03.6. 1 Please note that the 2019 baseline was restated and the restatement was not part of the audit engagement. Value before restatement: 1,883,352m³, value after restatement 1,984,896m³. 2 Based on analysis of World Resources Institute (WRI) 2019 water stress and Allianz Group 2017 headcount data. 54

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