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Sustainability Report 2021 GRI 302-4 02.6 Environmental management 01 Introduction As part of our commitment Implementation of the EMS is monitored by GHG emissions Reducing energy consumption to a sustainable future, we the Group Environment Officer (part of Global 02 Measuring and Sustainability, see page 51) and supported by 60 % 26 % managing sustainability manage the most significant the Board of Management of Allianz SE. In 2021, 1 percent of employees were included under Sustainability in our business activities 96 reduction in GHG emissions per employee reduction in energy consumption in our office 02.1 Sustainability in insurance environmental impacts of the scope of the EMS (2020: 97 percent) achieved by year-end of 2021 buildings per employee during 2021 02.2 Sustainability in our operations and aim to (see Table ENV-1). against a target reduction of 30 percent per against a target reduction of 20 percent in proprietary investments continuously improve our Further information on our Group Environmental employee by year-end 2025 (2020: 42 percent office buildings per employee by year-end 02.3 Sustainability in asset management Guideline can be found here. reduction) against a 2019 baseline across Scopes 1, 2025 (2020: 20 percent reduction) against a Sustainability in our organization environmental performance. 2 and selected Scope 3 emissions (currently energy- 2019 baseline. 02.4 Human resources We strive to be a role model Raising standards through certification related emissions, business travel and paper use). This was mainly due to energy management and 02.5 Customer satisfaction We apply targeted environmental management This reduction is mainly the result of increasing local data center closures in remaining locations 02.6 Environmental management in delivering our own targets system (EMS) processes, certified to ISO14001 the share of renewable power in our energy as part of the Group’s data center consolidation 03 Strengthening on environmental protection standard, to improve environmental management mix, delivering a structured approach to energy combined with COVID-19 related measures. our foundation governance practices at our major locations. management and reduced business travel Details of Allianz’s energy consumption can and climate change in order to This began in 2017 with the certification of our SE resulting from COVID-19. We expect to include be found in Table ENV-3. 04 Climate-related influence others in our industry location in Munich. Mandatory requirements of GHG emissions from remote and hybrid working financial disclosure certification help strengthen our approach – for within scope of our future reporting to reflect Our operating entities are developing targeted and beyond to do the same. example, it is a requirement of ISO14001 to have upcoming infrastructure changes. approaches to reduce energy consumption. 05 Our universal principles a Board-level sponsor for our EMS. At Allianz Full details of our GHG emission disclosure, For example: Our carbon reduction strategy is designed to SE, this sponsor is our Chief Operations Officer. • Allianz SE has developed a holistic energy reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Allianz Turkey became the latest entity to achieve including by Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions, material sources of Allianz Group operations ISO14001 certification of its Allianz Tower and are provided in Table ENV-2. concept to identify measures to reduce energy- emissions, namely energy use for office buildings campus locations in February 2021. Opportunities related GHG emissions and overall energy and IT, business travel and paper use. The strategy to secure environmental certification at other consumption at the Schwabing Campus. focuses on energy-efficient planning, construction locations will continue to be evaluated based on • Allianz Turkey is reducing its small regional and operation of buildings, sourcing green local context and operations. offices and moving to daily/hourly rent, thereby electricity and using carbon efficient vehicles. decreasing building energy consumption. The Allianz environmental management system • Allianz France is implementing the ISO 50001 (EMS) provides clear standards and controls, energy management standard to continuously supports environmental data collection, and improve energy efficiency of buildings with a promotes transparent reporting of environmental systematic approach for both premises and impacts across the Group. It guides the monitoring real estate portfolio. and management of our carbon footprint, use of energy and natural resources such as water and efforts to reduce waste. 1 To achieve 100 percent coverage of our global workforce, the indicators are extrapolated based on Group average figures. 53

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