Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement People Attraction & TM 56 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Appendix Recruitment rate Total number of recruitments divided by yearly average number of employees. Trainees recruited for a traineeship position are out of scope. Renewal Agenda Accelerator The purpose of the Renewal Agenda Accelerator program is to accelerate Allianz’s transformation by having top talents work closely with the Allianz SE Board on key strategic topics facing the Group. It is the Group’s most senior Allianz leadership program and was piloted in 2018. Salaried workforce Employees (headcount) on the reporting unit’s payroll, excluding e.g. employees on sabbatical leave, employees on non-paid parental leave. Shareholders’ equity Proportion of the equity that is attributable to shareholders. Sick leave days Total number of working days missed due to sickness. Solvency II capitalization ratio Ratio indicating the capital adequacy of a company comparing eligible own funds to required capital, based on Solvency II Regulation. Staff Employee who is not functionally responsible for other employees. Strategy Campus (AMI Campus) Strategy Campus (AMI Campus) programs are Board-sponsored events, taking place each year to provide a structured and open dialogue among senior executives on key strategic issues, affecting the Allianz Group. Top management & strategy Measured through the Allianz Engagement Survey Top Management & Strategy dimension as the average of 5 items: 1. The top management at our company has communicated a Purpose and Strategy for the future that motivates me, 2. The top management at our company acts and communicates in a credible way, 3. The top management at our company demonstrates that employees are important to the success of our company, 4. I have a clear understanding of the strategy of our company, 5. I understand how my work goals relate to our company’s goals. Total revenues Represent the sum of P/C segment’s gross premiums written, L/H segment’s statutory premiums, operating revenues in Asset Management and total revenues in Corporate and Other (Banking). Trainees Employees at the beginning of their career who are undergoing practical training designed to facilitate their development of knowledge and skills, e.g. apprentices, trainees, interns and working students. Trainees could be either full-time or part-time. Training days per employee Number of days spent by employees in training. Trainings of less than 3 hours’ duration are also included. Training expenses Effective spending on training per employee, excluding related expenses (e.g. travel expenses) and further costs (e.g. internal academy costs). Turnover rate Number of employees leaving the Allianz Group divided by yearly average number of employees. Voluntary turnover rate Number of Employees who left Allianz Group under the terms of a mutually agreed termination contract initiated by the employee divided by the yearly average number of employees.