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Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement People Attraction & TM 55 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Appendix Glossary Allianz Excellence Program Allianz Excellence Program, sponsored by the Group Chairman, is the Group’s most senior leadership program and focuses on developing global top talent by working on key strategic Group topics. Allianz Executives (top management positions) Number of employees holding a graded position of Allianz Executives (AE, grade 13-15) based on Allianz Grading System (AGS) method. Allianz Global Executives (top management positions) Number of employees holding a graded position of Allianz Global Executives (AGE, grade 18-22) based on Allianz Grading System (AGS) method. Allianz Leadership Development Program Allianz Leadership Development Program is a transition program, sponsored by a Board member, that equips executives with skills and capabilities to improve their leadership performance and effectively plan their next career steps at Allianz Group. Allianz Management Program Allianz Management Program is a leadership development program consisting of two modules with a strong focus on self-leadership and change, designed for confirmed future potentials with leadership experience. Allianz Senior Executives (top management positions) Number of employees holding a graded position of Allianz Senior Executives (ASE, grade 16-17) based on Allianz Grading System (AGS) method. Core business All companies in and related to the insurance and asset management business, including our banking activities, where Allianz has more than half of the voting power. Dividend That part of the earnings of a company that is distributed to its shareholders. External recruitment Number of employees recruited from outside the Allianz Group. Internal recruitment Number of employees recruited from another Allianz company. International assignments Number of employees working in a foreign country (host country) for a predetermined period of time with the intention to return to the sending company in the home country after completion of the assignment. Length of service in years Period of employment in years in Allianz companies starting from the date of the first entry in an Allianz company. Manager Employee who is functionally responsible for other staff, regardless of level, e.g. division, department and team manager. Managerial effectiveness Measured through the Allianz Engagement Survey Manager dimension as the average of 4 items: 1. My manager and I work together in an atmosphere based on mutual trust and respect, 2. My manager clearly communicates what is expected of me, 3. My manager gives me feedback that helps me to improve my performance, 4. My manager listens and responds to my ideas and concerns. Net income Net income is the residual from the total operating and non- operating income and expenses net of income taxes. Net Promoter Score Net Promoter Score is the key KPI system at Allianz for measuring loyalty and advocacy. Responses are on a scale from 0 to 10 and categorized as follows: promoters (10-9), passives (8-7) and detractors (6-0). NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. Non-core business Fully consolidated companies which are considered as pure financial investments, non-profit organizations e.g. foundations and companies classified as held for sale. Operating profit Earnings from ordinary activities before income taxes and non-controlling interests in earnings, excluding, as applicable for each respective segment, all or some of the following items: Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value (net), realized gains / losses (net), impairments on investments (net), interest expenses from external debt, amortization of intangible assets, acquisition-related expenses and income from fully consolidated private equity investments (net) as this represents income from industrial holdings outside the scope of operating business.

People Factbook - Page 55 People Factbook Page 54 Page 56