D _ Consolidated Financial Statements 11 _ Intangible assets Intangible assets Allocation principles € mn For the purpose of impairment testing, the Allianz Group has allocated 1 84 As of 31 December 2021 2020 goodwill to CGUs . These CGUs represent the lowest level at which Goodwill 15,945 13,489 goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes. Distribution agreements1 1,164 995 2 CGUs in the Property-Casualty business segment are: Customer relationships 886 603 Other3 737 517 Total 18,732 15,604 − Insurance German Speaking Countries, including Germany and Switzerland, 1_Primarily includes the long-term distribution agreements with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., Santander Aviva Life and Commerzbank AG. − Insurance Western & Southern Europe, including Belgium, France, 2_Primarily results from business combinations. Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Turkey, 3_Primarily includes acquired business portfolios and brand names. − Insurance Asia, − Insurance Iberia & Latin America, including, Mexico, Portugal, South America, and Spain, − Insurance Central & Eastern Europe, including Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Goodwill Slovakia, and Ukraine, € mn − Global Insurance Lines & Anglo Markets, Middle East and Africa, 2021 2020 including Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Middle East and Cost as of 1 January 13,781 13,499 Africa, Accumulated impairments as of 1 January (292) (292) − Specialty Lines I, including Allianz Re, Allianz Global Corporate & Carrying amount as of 1 January 13,489 13,207 Specialty and Credit Insurance, and Additions 2,196 692 − Specialty Lines II, including Allianz Partners and Allianz Direct. Disposals - - Foreign currency translation adjustments 260 (410) Impairments - - CGUs in the Life/Health business segment are: Carrying amount as of 31 December 15,945 13,489 Accumulated impairments as of 31 December 292 292 − Insurance German Speaking Countries, including Germany and Cost as of 31 December 16,237 13,781 Switzerland, − Insurance Western & Southern Europe, including Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Turkey, − Insurance Central & Eastern Europe, including Austria, Bulgaria, 2021 Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Additions are mainly related to goodwill arising from the acquisitions Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine, of business operations of Aviva Group in Poland, Lithuania, and Italy, − Global Insurance Lines & Anglo Markets, Middle East and Africa, and Westpac General Insurance, Sydney. including Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Middle East and For further information, please see note 3. Africa, and − US Life Insurance. 2020 Additions are mainly related to goodwill arising from the acquisitions The business segment Asset Management is represented by the CGU of SulAmérica Seguros Automóveis e Massificados S.A, Rio de Janeiro, Asset Management, mainly including Allianz Global Investors and ControlExpert Holding B.V., Amsterdam, and BBVA Allianz Seguros y PIMCO. Reaseguros S.A., Madrid. The business segment Corporate and Other mainly includes For further information, please see Annual Report 2020 note 4. Digital Investments. 84_The following paragraphs only include the CGUs that contain goodwill. Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 149