D _ Consolidated Financial Statements 10 _ Other assets Other assets € mn As of 31 December 2021 2020 Receivables Policyholders 7,580 7,214 Agents 4,574 4,592 Reinsurance 5,110 3,604 Other 7,114 6,092 Less allowances for doubtful accounts (832) (788) Subtotal 23,546 20,715 Tax receivables Income taxes 2,124 1,986 Other taxes 2,370 2,310 Subtotal 4,494 4,296 Accrued dividends, interest, and rent 5,716 5,955 Prepaid expenses 996 793 Derivative financial instruments used for hedging that meet the criteria for hedge accounting, and firm commitments1 331 1,134 Property and equipment Real estate held for own use 2,847 2,914 Software 3,377 3,340 Equipment 1,179 1,240 Right-of-use assets 2,338 2,332 Subtotal 9,741 9,827 Other assets2 3,441 2,853 Total3 48,264 45,573 1_Mainly level 2 for fair value measurement. 2_Includes € 1,359 mn (2020: € 989 mn) assets for deferred compensation programs which are mainly level 2 for fair value measurement. 3_Includes other assets due within one year of € 40,839 mn (2020: € 38,166 mn). Property and equipment € mn 2021 2020 Real estate Real estate held for Right-of-use held for Right-of-use own use Software Equipment assets own use Software Equipment assets Cost as of 1 January 3,902 9,383 3,849 3,099 3,874 8,850 4,008 2,838 Accumulated depreciation/amortization as of 1 January (988) (6,043) (2,609) 767 (1,025) (5,667) (2,629) 423 Carrying amount as of 1 January 2,914 3,340 1,240 2,332 2,848 3,183 1,379 2,416 Additions 112 998 254 421 238 939 297 660 Changes in the consolidated subsidiaries of the Allianz Group 1 11 5 13 - 9 4 (83) Disposals and reclassifications into non-current assets and assets of disposal groups classified as held for sale (25) (85) (30) (41) (21) (39) (45) (160) Reclassifications (103) 10 (8) (33) (41) 9 (5) (16) Foreign currency translation adjustments 16 9 29 47 (36) (26) (36) (61) Depreciation/Amortization (77) (815) (311) (392) (74) (724) (344) (410) Impairments - (96) (1) (7) - (9) (10) (13) Reversals of impairments 10 5 - - - - - - 1 2 3 Carrying amount as of 31 December 2,847 3,377 1,179 2,338 2,914 3,340 1,240 2,332 3 Accumulated depreciation/amortization as of 31 December 917 6,660 2,711 1,182 988 6,043 2,609 767 Cost as of 31 December 3,764 10,038 3,889 3,520 3,902 9,383 3,849 3,099 1_As of 31 December 2021, assets pledged as security and other restrictions on title were € 93 mn (2020: € 90 mn). 2_As of 31 December 2021, includes € 2,883 mn (2020: € 2,870 mn) for self-developed software and € 494 mn (2020: € 470 mn) for software purchased from third parties. 3_Consists mainly of real estate. 148 Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group