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C _ Group Management Report Employee matters local regulations. We have also significantly reduced business travel compared to 2019. This section describes our employees’ impact on our business activities and relationships, and vice versa. We describe the concepts, actions Business as usual and achievements in managing these impacts. All employee matters are managed by the Group HR function. Allianz Engagement Survey The annual Allianz Engagement Survey (AES) is our formal employee platform for gathering employee feedback and promoting a high- Delivering our purpose “We secure your future” starts with 155,4111 performance culture. The results of the AES are directly linked to the employees who are part of our diverse and global workforce. Our performance targets for the Group’s Board of Management. This year purpose anchors our Group strategy, employee value proposition, we achieved our second-best result in the Allianz Group´s history. brand promise and customer experience principles, and it drives our One part of the AES is the Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX). It decisions and actions. We held our second global Purpose & Strategy measures our progress in building a culture where both people and Day in autumn 2021 to engage our employees on our purpose. performance matter, as we seek to enable employees to unlock their A diverse workforce enables us to understand and fulfill the needs full potential. The IMIX score comprises 10 AES questions covering the of our equally diverse customer base. Allianz fosters a culture and areas of leadership, performance and corporate culture. working environment where people and performance matter, and where everyone has a voice. We take a strong stance regarding Targets and achievements: employee matters employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, and gender equality. Topic Targets 2021 Achievements 2021 Targets 2022-2024 We focus on managing talent, rewarding personal achievements and IMIX 73 % plus 78 % (2020: 78 %) 75 % plus promoting employee rights. The health, safety, and well-being as well as the training and development of our employees is of utmost importance. Diversity & Inclusion Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic In 2021, we rolled out two new policies that underpin the Allianz Code We continue to closely monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our global of Conduct: the Allianz Diversity and Inclusion Policy describes our workforce. The pandemic cast a spotlight on the importance of health rationale for diversity and inclusion (D&I) and how we foster diversity and mental well-being, and we introduced various measures to in all its forms, and the Allianz Anti-Harassment Policy outlines our support employees and meet our business needs during the crisis. global zero tolerance standard against sexual and other harassment These have included help/advisory lines for physical and mental and discrimination. health issues, preventative health measures, and special support for More than 20 CEOs and board members from Allianz entities working parents, such as additional leave to enable parents to take around the globe are part of the Global Inclusion Council, which has care of unexpected childcare needs. been in place since 2007. It oversees the implementation of our D&I Convinced that vaccination will help the return to more normality strategy built around three pillars: Employees, Customers, and Brand soon, Allianz has conducted vaccination campaigns in 2021. In and Reputation. addition, Allianz booster shot campaigns have started. We take a strong stance to increase the diversity of our leadership and management, and set new targets and ambitions for December New ways of working 2024 that extend beyond gender representation and cover the In 2021, we have introduced more flexible, collaborative and agile dimensions of generations, nationality and ethnicity, LGBTQ+ and ways of working that empower our employees, customers and disability. For more information, please see section 02.4.1 of our Group organization. These new Ways of Working (WOW) aim to enhance Sustainability Report 2021 and our D&I website employee engagement, productivity and innovation, resulting in simpler and prompter service offerings for our customers, resilience to values/diversity.html protect us from future crises, and a faster and flatter organization and culture. COVID-19 required us to respond rapidly to unexpected We promote employee networks to raise awareness, support situations and new priorities. The challenges increased the pace of employees, advocate for change and help shape the D&I agenda. At change with respect to how we work together and engage with each the global level, three new global networks were established in 2021 other and our stakeholders. bringing the total to five, each focused on a key priority for D&I: The focus areas for our WOW standards are centered across five categories: 1. Flexible work & Reduced travel, 2. Digital tools, 3. Health − Allianz NEO – gender inclusion, & Well-being, 4. Learning, 5. Organization & Culture. For instance, − Allianz Pride – LGBTQ+ inclusion, employees across the globe have the opportunity to spend a minimum − Allianz Engage – generations inclusion, of 40 percent of their working hours working from home (depending − Allianz GRACE – ethnicity and cultural inclusion, on the position, e.g., mobile worker, office worker, etc.) and the − Allianz Beyond – disability inclusion. opportunity to work up to 25 days a year abroad in accordance with 1_Total employees (core and non-core business). Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 69

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