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C _ Group Management Report Human rights matters In 2021, we strengthened our approach by publishing a Human Rights Policy embedded in the Allianz Group ESG Integration Respect for human rights is a minimum standard for responsible Framework. We continue to apply ESG and Human Rights Guidelines business within and beyond our direct operations. This is an across all business lines and core processes dealing with insurance, expectation that is reflected by expanding legislation and applied investment and procurement decisions. As a corporate insurer and across our global operations. This section describes the impact of investor, our human rights due diligence process forms part of our human rights issues on our business activities and relationships, and overall ESG approach, which is integrated into our broader risk the impact of the Allianz Group´s activities and relationships on human management system. Please refer to our ESG approach for further rights issues. We also describe the concepts and achievements related details on the concepts. to the management of those impacts. As we are a financial services We require all our vendors to meet fair labor requirements and provider, these concepts mainly relate to insurance transactions, practices to prevent modern slavery and ensure compliance with proprietary investments, and our supply chain, and are managed by UDHR and the Allianz Group Vendor Code of Conduct. Vendors with Global Sustainability. a spend volume greater than € 250,000 undergo a vendor integrity screening that is based on the requirements laid down in the Allianz Global Standard for Procurement. In 2021, we revised the screening We aim to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights questionnaire with additional human rights questions. Screening data impacts linked to our business activities and operations including our and information in compliance with the Code of Conduct forms part of supply chain. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human our procurement KPI reporting. Rights (UDHR) and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business Further details can be found in the Allianz Group Vendor Code of and Human Rights (UNGP) provide a framework for responsible Conduct. business operations and activities. We are committed to respecting these standards and have been participating in the U.N. Global We take an active stance against modern slavery and human Compact (UNGC) since 2002, which, through its ten principles, covers trafficking, and pursue a risk-based approach across our business and human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti- supply chain. The Allianz Group Modern Slavery Statement, last corruption. We annually communicate our progress against these published in June 2021, confirms that no incident of modern slavery, principles. Internally, Global Sustainability is the responsible function human trafficking, or child labor has been found involving any of the for overseeing human rights matters. However, implementation of Allianz Group entities over the past year. certain processes and actions is taken up by various group functions, For further details on the Allianz Group’s referral process and our including procurement, risk management, HR and compliance, among Human Rights Guideline, see the Allianz ESG Integration Framework others. See our latest U.N. Global Compact annual communication . To manage our human rights impacts, we must look across each of our roles as an insurer and investor, as an employer, as a company, including our supply chain, and as a corporate citizen. For each of these roles, we have embedded different processes to manage human rights risks and act on opportunities to drive positive change. Targets and achievements: human rights matters Topic Targets 2021 Achievements 2021 Targets 2022 Modern Slavery Act Continue to report on human − No issues were raised in regard to human Continue to report on human rights issues as rights issues as defined in the rights issues in accordance with the defined in the (UK) Modern Slavery Act. Modern Slavery Act. Modern Slavery Act in 2021. − Allianz Group Modern Slavery Statement was updated in mid-2021. 68 Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group

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