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C _ Group Management Report Strategic workforce planning Compliance/anti-corruption and The purpose behind the strategic workforce planning initiative is to bribery matters understand what the transition to a digital future means for Allianz and its people, and how we can equip our workforce with the skills they This section describes the impact of ethics, responsible business and need for the future. Our strategic workforce planning approach compliance matters on the Allianz Group´s activities, and relationships compares workforce supply by job profile against projected workforce and the impact of the Allianz Group´s activities and relationships on demand over the next five years to prepare our people for the future. compliance. The concepts and achievements related to the As of 2021, strategic workforce planning is now a structured annual management of these impacts are described with a focus on the process integrated within the annual planning process. As a result, compliance management system, anti-corruption and bribery matters. major upskilling and reskilling initiatives are rolled-out to prepare our All compliance matters are overseen by the Group Compliance team. workforce for the future. Learning & development Our Compliance Management System (CMS) helps ensure Learning and development is a key differentiator in the financial compliance with internationally recognized laws, rules and services industry. We focus on promoting lifelong learning through our regulations, and to promote a culture of integrity in order to safeguard global #learn initiative, and offer our employees one hour each week the company's reputation. We take a proactive stance, working with dedicated to learning. We employ a wide range of learning and organizations such as the German Institute for Compliance and the development approaches, including on-the-job learning, mentoring Global Insurance Chief Compliance Officers Forum (CCO Forum) to and coaching, classroom training, peer circles, and digital/mobile enhance our understanding of compliance issues and to share best learning. We have targeted programs in place in key areas, including practices. property and casualty, life and health, IT, strategy, finance, Compliance risk is part of the operational risk category, as laid communications, market management and operations. In 2021, we down in the Allianz Integrated Risk and Control System (IRCS). OEs in continued #lead: a leadership development initiative for all Allianz scope of IRCS are defined by Group Risk. They are required to conduct people leaders around the globe. The program aims to set a minimum an annual compliance risk assessment based on Group-defined risk standard for all people leaders with an equal focus on hard and soft scenarios. Together with the Compliance Assurance of Risks and skills, in order to ensure the balance between the IQ (intelligence Effectiveness (CARE), they form the annual cycle of our integrated quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient) of our leaders. compliance risk scoping and assessment activities. In 2021, the Compliance Function underwent a transformation in Employee health and well-being the way it assesses Group and local compliance departments. Review Our goal is to maintain and improve employee health and well-being procedures have been expanded to confirm adequate compliance by providing a global framework with minimum requirements for all scope and skills, to confirm compliance with global programs and Allianz entities to support our new Ways of Working. Based on a pulse local specificities, and to reinforce a compliance-by-default and by- survey, we merged the Work Well Program into four Minimum Health design mindset. This holistic approach was rolled out in the second half Requirements to drive action. The Minimum Health Requirements for of 2021 through the CARE program, a self-assessment exercise all operating entities are: reinforced with compliance reviews; completed and coordinated by Group Compliance. 1. Access to professional psychological support for all employees Compliance Reviews are supplemented by Targeted Reviews worldwide, which assess the implementation status and effectiveness of programs 2. Training people leaders to maintain health and well-being in their such as Antitrust, Customer Protection, etc. The benefit of this multi- teams, faceted review and confirmation strategy is that operating entities are 3. Touch points to collect employee feedback on their health and monitored more frequently and are engaged in more holistic well-being, assurance activities. 4. Meeting Free Calendar Days @Allianz. An online tool for compliance issues management provides an overview of issues detected in the course of the above activities. It Health and well-being managers at each operating entity are requires reporting on mitigating activities as well as on follow-up responsible for driving activities to implement the Minimum Health procedures, including a review of actions undertaken and Requirements. We also rolled out the Allianz health app – Well documented in the tool. Together. The aim of this app is to combine the topics of health and The information gathered through the issue management tool sustainability under one holistic platform to motivate our employees provides the primary basis of reports to the Group Board and the to exercise more, live more healthily and – at the same time – protect Allianz SE Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee. An Integrity the environment. Committee, chaired by Group Compliance, reviews all activities and issues related to misconduct and/or violations of internal/external rules and regulations, and Code of Conduct infractions, including reports of actions to follow up on whistleblowing cases. 70 Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group

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