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ESG Integration Framework 03.4.4 Allianz ESG Guideline on Clinical Trials Screening and assessment criteria The role of clinical trials is vital to the ongoing development of Following an assessment of company, sector and country-specific medical progress. Allianz is committed to supporting customers as ESG risk databases, clinical trial-related transactions are screened an insurer and investor in this sector. on the following criteria: Due to the important role and wide range of standards which clinical Risks related to bio-medical research practices trials operate under, it is important to ensure that all activity in this area is transparent, does not breach generally accepted standards • Inadequate medical, ethical and scientific review of the trial of research and medical ethics and does not exploit vulnerable • Involvement of children and/or pregnant women in the clinical people. trial External Standards and Sources • Involvement of illiterate participants and/or participants that did not provide fully-informed prior consent The Allianz screening approach criteria are informed by • Trial located in regions with vulnerable populations • national and international transparency and ethical standards (developing countries, high-unemployment) and Reputational risks • Guidelines for Clinical Trial and Medical Research of the • Negative reputational impacts on Allianz stakeholders Medical Research Council (UK). (investors, customers, business partners, regulators, staff, ...) 14

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