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ESG Integration Framework 03.4.5 Allianz ESG Guideline on Animal Testing Screening and assessment criteria Allianz appreciates the sensitivity around the debate on animal Following an assessment of company, sector and country-specific testing. There is a lack of internationally available standards in ESG risk databases, animal testing-related transactions are screened relation to animal testing. Where testing involving animals occurs, on the following criteria: the following principles should be considered: scientific method applied, up-to-date procedures and protocols used, best practice Risks related to bio-medical research practices utilized, reduction of pain, suffering, distress, lasting harm avoided, • Animal living conditions below sector average use of alternatives before animal testing sought, continuous • Inadequate medical, ethical and scientific review of the trial improvement of care and housing standards for test subjects. • Non-adherence to best practice standards or codes External Standards and Sources • Performance of invasive procedures without anesthetic The Allianz screening approach criteria are informed by • Use of Great Apes (e.g. chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, etc.) • the Guiding Principles of Replacement, Reduction and • Use of subjects caught in the wild Refinement outlined by the European Commission Directorate- Reputational risks General for Environment and • the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific • Negative reputational impacts on Allianz stakeholders purposes. (investors, customers, business partners, regulators, staff, ...) 15

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