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Sustainability Report 2021 02.4 Human resources 01 Introduction Aiming for true candidate-centricity Employee rights The Allianz Engagement Survey 2021 We expected a slight setback as uncertainty Applying for a job with Allianz has also never We ensure employee rights are protected The Allianz Engagement Survey (AES) is our after the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic 02 Measuring and been easier. In October 2021, we launched a new across all operating entities. Allianz was one formal employee platform for gathering reduced and these results are in line with general managing sustainability online application tool for internal and external of the first companies to create pan-European employee feedback and promoting a high- observed employee engagement trends. Sustainability in our business activities job seekers which requires only six fields to be worker participation standards and to establish performance culture. In 2021, 132,126 employees Survey dimensions showing the most improvement 02.1 Sustainability in insurance filled in to submit an application. We eliminated a European SE Works Council under the (2020: 132,593) from 64 entities (2020: 67) were Manager with 86 percent (2020: 85 %) and 02.2 Sustainability in certain application form fields, e.g. salutation, legislation for Societas Europaea (SE) companies. worldwide were invited to take part in AES.1 Collaboration and Communication with 80 percent proprietary investments and leveraged artificial intelligence when writing Local employee representation is widespread The response rate of 82 percent (2020: 85 %) is (2020: 79 %). 02.3 Sustainability in asset management job descriptions to reduce unconscious bias in the across Europe. The Allianz SE holding company considered very high among large, multi-national Based on the results, the overarching themes for Sustainability in our organization recruitment process. Continuing our path of true has a supervisory board made up of 50 percent organizations which typically reach 70 percent to creating impact on engagement in 2022 are: 02.4 Human resources candidate-centricity, we launched an online forum employee representatives. 80 percent. This reflects the continued interest of 02.5 Customer satisfaction on our global career website which connects our employees in having their say on the future • Reward and recognition, for example by 02.6 Environmental management users to Allianz employees where they can ask Social dialogue 2.0 development of Allianz. reviewing and fostering the Global Equal questions to foster transparency. We engage closely with employee representatives The 2021 results of AES were the second best Pay Initiative; 03 Strengthening to support change implementation, manage result in Allianz history. They showed a mainly • Implementing and monitoring the new WOW; our foundation Fostering the share ownership culture impacts on employees and promote opportunities. stable, partially consolidating trend in 2021 across Being simpler, faster and better for our customers Social dialogue 2.0 is our pan-European forum • Further engaging managers as the main 04 Climate-related means working together as one Allianz and, which has existed for over a decade. It supports the three key indices following a significant jump drivers of survey follow-up processes; financial disclosure as such, all our employees should benefit when the progress of the Renewal Agenda and our in 2020: • Continuously encouraging best-practice 05 Our universal principles we succeed. The Allianz Employee Share Purchase response to the increased pace of change of Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) – see definition sharing across teams and operating Plan (ESPP) is designed to enable our employees topics such as the digital revolution. The outcomes on page 41: 78 (stable compared with 2020). entities; and to share in the long-term performance of Allianz of the discussions in 2021 included among others Employee Engagement Index (EEI) – measures the • Extending the listening strategy to capture SE on the stock market as shareholders, owners the signing of the Equal opportunities, Diversity, degree of satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy and pride feedback and signals from our employees and employees. For every 3 Euro invested in and Inclusion Agreement. of Allianz‘ employees: 76 percent (2020: 78 %). through quarterly pulses. the share program, Allianz contributes 1 Euro. Work Well Index (WWi+) – measures the stress For further details about the Allianz Currently, more than 50 percent of employees level of employees for work-related strain Engagement Survey results, please across 42 countries (2020: 42 countries) are including the topics demands, rewards, control, see Table HR-12. Allianz shareholders. In 2021, the Allianz ESPP support, social capital and processes as well as was recognized externally by the Global Equity tool and resource availability. A higher index score Organization (GEO) winning the award for Best is associated with better employee health and Plan Communication. productivity: 69 percent (2020: 70 %). 1 The reduction of entities participating in the AES 2021 is based on two entities dissolved in 2021 and AZ China Life participating under AZ China Holding. 46

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