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Sustainability Report 2021 02.1 Sustainability in insurance 01 Introduction Table ESG-4 Table FIN-1 Revenues from sustainable solutions1 Economic value generated, distributed and retained 02 Measuring and € mn 2 2 managing sustainability As of December 31 2021 2020 2019 Sustainable Insurance Solutions € mn 1,022.0 1,025.2 965.3 As of December 31 2021 2020 Sustainability in our business activities 02.1 Sustainability in insurance Insurance solutions with a sustainability component € mn 417.6 367.6 366.7 Economic Value Generated € mn 122,238.9 100% 119,509.6 100% 02.2 Sustainability in Emerging Consumer Solutions € mn 45.2 56.1 40.7 Revenue from sale of ‘goods’ € mn 77,656.2 63.5 75,714.2 63.4 proprietary investments Total € mn 1,484.7 1,448.9 1,372.7 Revenue from rendering of services € mn 13,998.1 11.5 12,049.1 10.1 02.3 Sustainability in asset management Revenue from financial investments € mn 30,552.1 25.0 31,581.8 26.4 Sustainability in our organization Table ESG-5 3 Other operating income € mn 32.5 0.0 164.5 0.1 02.4 Human resources Number of sustainable solutions by solution category 02.5 Customer satisfaction Economic Value Distributed € mn 104,239.5 85.3 94,989.5 79.5 02.6 Environmental management As of December 31 2021 20202 2019 Sustainable Insurance Solutions 91 105 109 Operating expenses € mn 81,326.6 66.5 74,171.4 62.1 03 Strengthening Insurance solutions with a sustainability component4 41 39 39 thereof: Claims and € mn 54,873.0 44.9 53,793.2 45.0 our foundation insurance benefits Emerging Consumer Solutions 30 26 28 Claims P&C € mn 33,783.8 27.6 33,257.9 27.8 04 Climate-related Sustainable Asset Management Solutions 177 61 52 Claims L&H € mn 21,089.5 17.3 20,535.4 17.2 financial disclosure Total 339 231 228 Wages and other payments to employees € mn 13,339.8 10.9 12,509.3 10.5 05 Our universal principles Table ESG-6 Payments to providers of capital € mn 5,475.3 4.5 5,564.3 4.7 Emerging consumer business thereof: to shareholders € mn 4,705.6 3.8 4,702.3 3.9 thereof: payments to creditors € mn 769.7 0.6 862.0 0.7 As of December 31 2021 2020 2019 Payments to government € mn 3,985.9 3.3 2,608.8 2.2 5 7 Gross Written Premiums (GWP) € mn 510.2 452.2 413.9 thereof: income tax expense € mn 3,659.6 3.0 2,287.2 1.9 thereof from consolidated entities € mn 45.2 56.1 39.66 Community investments € mn 112.9 0.1 135.8 0.1 5 6 thereof from non-consolidated entities € mn 465.0 396.1 374.3 Economic Value Not Yet Distributed € mn 17,295.4 14.1 21,740.6 18.2 No. of in-force insured people 62,221,1105 46,138,372 55,402,075 thereof from consolidated entities 9,721,944 10,077,970 9,971,6376 Change in reserves € mn 13,716.2 11.2 12,975.8 10.9 5 6 Impairments € mn 1,331.0 1.1 5,467.3 4.6 thereof from non-consolidated entities 52,499,166 36,060,402 45,430,438 Change in provisions € mn 2,248.2 1.8 3,297.4 2.8 GWP per customer €/customer 8.20 9.80 7.47 Economic Value Retained € mn 704.0 0.6 2,779.5 2.3 1 Our current data collection process does not allow for a complete tracking of revenue data. Revenues are included subject to data availability. 2 Data was restated due to reclassification of certain products and minor corrections. 3 Our current data collection process does not allow for a complete tracking of the number of sustainable solutions. Number of solutions data is included subject to data availability. 4 Revenue data for insurance solutions with a sustainability component is only included when this component can be clearly separated from other parts of the revenue. 5 Includes Indian government-sponsored health schemes not reported in previous years (GWP € 88mn & 15.5mn insured). 6 Please see note 45 to the Consolidated Financial Statements of Allianz Group Annual Report 2020 (update based on AR 2021). 7 Includes income taxes paid, accrued income taxes and income taxes related incidental benefits/expenses. 17

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