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Sustainability Report 2021 05.1 Target and achievement tables 01 Introduction Sustainability in our business activities Topic Targets 2021 Progress and Achievements 2021 Targets 2022 and beyond Reference 02 Measuring and Board target • DJSI/S&P Global: Top 5 • DSJI/ S&P Global: Top rank (2020: 98th percentile) • DJSI/S&P Global: Top 5 For further insights into our environmental managing sustainability management targets, please refer to section 1 2 2 Sustainability • MSCI : AA-AAA • MSCI : AAA (2020: AAA) • MSCI : AA-AAA 03 Str engthening ratings • Sustainalytics3: Top 5 diversified insurance • Sustainalytics3: #7 diversified insurance sub-industry (2020: • Sustainalytics2: Top 5 diversified insurance 02.6 and table ENV-1. our foundation sub-industry #2 diversified sub-insurance industry) sub-industry 04 Climate-r elated Board target Reduce GHG emissions by 30 % per employee In 2021, our carbon footprint per employee was 0.9 tons Reduce GHG emissions by 30 % per employee by For further insights into our GHG emissions, by year-end 2025, against a 2019 baseline. CO₂e (2020: 1.4 tons CO e). This represents a 60 % reduction year-end 2025, against a 2019 baseline. please refer to section 02.6 and table ENV- financial disclosure Greenhouse gas 2 (GHG) emissions (2020: 42 %), against a 2019 baseline. 2. Also refer to our Non-Financial Statement, 05 Our universal principles per employee section Environmental matters, p. 59–63. 05.1 Target and achievement tables Board target Achieve 100 % renewable electricity for our Achieved a share of 77 % renewable electricity of total Achieve 100 % renewable electricity for our For further insights into our renewable 05.2 How we report: transparent Renewable operations by 2023 within Allianz Group. electricity used (2020: 57 %) within Allianz Group. operations by 2023 within Allianz Group. electricity, please refer to section 02.6 and reporting, ratings and performance electricity table ENV-5. 05.3 Materiality Energy Reduce energy consumption from office Achieved a reduction of 26 % in 2021 (2020: 20 %) compared Reduce energy consumption from office buildings per For further insights into our energy 05.4 Stakeholder engagement 3 to 2019 within Allianz Group. employee by 20 % by year-end 2025 compared to consumption, please refer to section 02.6 and consumption buildings per employee by 20 % by year-end 05.5 Sustainability governance 2025 compared to 2019 within Allianz Group. 2019 within Allianz Group. table ENV-3. 05.6 Our commitment to human rights Paper consumption Reduce paper consumption by 20 % per Achieved a reduction of 33 % in 2021 (2020: 14 %) compared Reduce paper consumption by 20 % per policy For further insights into our paper 05.7 Our impact on the U.N. Sustainable policy compared to 2019 by year-end 2025 to 2019 within Allianz Group. compared to 2019 by year-end 2025 within consumption, please refer to section 02.6 and Development Goals within Allianz Group. Allianz Group. table ENV-9. 05.8 Independent practitioner’s report on a limited assurance engagement Water consumption Reduce water consumption by 10 % per Achieved a reduction of 41 % in 2021 (2020: 23 %) compared Reduce water consumption by 10 % per employee For further insights into our water on sustainability information employee compared to 2019 by year-end to 2019 within Allianz Group. compared to 2019 by year-end 2025 within consumption, please refer to section 02.6 and 2025 within Allianz Group. Allianz Group. table ENV-7. Waste Reduce waste generation by 10 % per Achieved a reduction of 41 % in 2021 (2020: 29 %) compared Reduce waste generation by 10 % per employee For further insights into our waste generation, employee compared to 2019 by year-end to 2019 within Allianz Group. compared to 2019 by year-end 2025 within please refer to section 02.6 and table within Allianz Group. Allianz Group. ENV-8. Business travel Reduce GHG emissions from business travel Achieved a reduction of 70 % in 2021 (2020: 59 %) compared Reduce GHG emissions from business travel by 15 % For further insights into our GHG emissions by 15 % per employee compared to 2019 by to 2019 within Allianz Group. per employee compared to 2019 by year-end 2025 from business travel, please refer to section year-end 2025 within Allianz Group. within Allianz Group. 02.6 and table ENV-6. Board target 73 % IMIX score in 2021 within Allianz Group. 78 % IMIX score in 2021 within Allianz Group (2020: 78 %). 75 % IMIX score within Allianz Group. For further insights into our inclusive Inclusive meritocracy, please refer to section 02.4 and meritocracy table HR-12. Also refer to our Non-Financial Statement, section Employee matters, p. 69–70. 1 The use by Allianz of any MSCI ESG research LLC or its affiliates (‘MSCI’) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, does not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of Allianz by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided as-is and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI. 2 Copyright ©2021 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved. This presentation contains information developed by Sustainalytics ( Such information and data is proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third-party suppliers (third-party data) and are provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an endorsement of any product or project, nor investment advice and is not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose. Its use is subject to conditions available at Rating results amongst peers with similar market cap. 3 Energy consumption reported for data centers relates to our strategic data centers in Europe, the U.S, Singapore and Australia. At present, the energy consumption for some local data centers is included in the energy consumption reported for office buildings. 95

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