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Non-Financial Supplement

Complete overview of sustainability-related KPIs. Published in Excel and Pdf format.

Allianz Group Non Financial information Sustainability Reporting by subject 1 ESG Referrals 2 Environment 3 Human resources 4 Insurance 5 Investments 6 Climate-related financial disclosure 7 Other 1 / 21

Non-Financial Supplement - Page 1

ESG performance data Assessments of insurance and investment transactions for ESG appropriateness Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Insurance 850 430 474 Investment 71 65 64 Overview Procurement1 526 101 58 Other - 1 6 Total number of assessments 1,447 597 602 ESG assessment results Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Do not proceed 1 - 1 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Proceed 23 24 22 Proceed with mitigation 11 15 14 Total 35 39 37 Do not proceed - - 2 Animal Testing Proceed 1 1 1 Proceed with mitigation - - - Total 1 1 3 Do not proceed 1 - - Animal Welfare Proceed 3 - - Proceed with mitigation - - - Total 4 - - Do not proceed - - - Betting and Gambling Proceed 4 2 3 Proceed with mitigation 1 1 3 Total 5 3 6 2 / 21

ESG performance data Assessments of insurance and investment transactions for ESG appropriateness Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Insurance 850 430 474 Investment 71 65 64 Overview Procurement1 526 101 58 Other - 1 6 Total number of assessments 1,447 597 602 ESG assessment results Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Do not proceed - - - Clinical Trials Proceed 39 16 10 Proceed with mitigation 5 5 11 Total 44 21 21 Do not proceed 7 2 2 Defense Proceed 42 20 26 Proceed with mitigation 17 16 18 Total 66 38 46 Do not proceed 13 3 4 Human Rights Proceed 13 15 6 Proceed with mitigation 20 14 12 Total 46 32 22 Do not proceed 1 1 3 Hydro-Electric Power Proceed 10 10 11 Proceed with mitigation 12 7 7 Total 23 18 21 Do not proceed 17 12 9 Infrastructure Proceed 97 42 47 Proceed with mitigation 18 20 33 Total 132 74 89 3 / 21

ESG performance data Assessments of insurance and investment transactions for ESG appropriateness Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Insurance 850 430 474 Investment 71 65 64 Overview Procurement1 526 101 58 Other - 1 6 Total number of assessments 1,447 597 602 ESG assessment results Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Do not proceed 9 12 13 Mining Proceed 26 21 19 Proceed with mitigation 26 34 63 Total 61 67 95 Do not proceed - - 2 Nuclear Energy Proceed 8 9 2 Proceed with mitigation 1 6 3 Total 9 15 7 Do not proceed 13 6 4 Oil and Gas Proceed 48 23 24 Proceed with mitigation 53 41 39 Total 114 70 67 Do not proceed 15 10 8 Other ESG and Reputational Issues Proceed 331 76 91 Proceed with mitigation 35 31 30 Total 381 117 129 Do not proceed 5 8 8 Percent of Total Proceed 81 60 53 Proceed with mitigation 14 32 39 Do not proceed 1 - - Procurement Transactions Proceed 521 101 58 Proceed with mitigation 3 - - Total 525 1 101 58 4 / 21

ESG performance data Assessments of insurance and investment transactions for ESG appropriateness Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Insurance 850 430 474 Investment 71 65 64 Overview Procurement1 526 101 58 Other - 1 6 Total number of assessments 1,447 597 602 ESG assessment results Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Do not proceed - - - Sex Industry Proceed 1 1 1 Proceed with mitigation - - - Total 1 1 1 Do not proceed 78 46 48 Proceed 1,167 361 321 Total Proceed with mitigation 202 190 233 Share of Do not proceed % 5.4 7.7 8.0 Share of Proceed % 80.6 60.5 53.3 Share of Proceed with mitigation % 14.0 31.8 38.7 1) Increase of procurement referrals driven by a new set of ESG questions as part of our Vendor Integrity Screening process. 5 / 21

Environmental performance data Environmental Reporting Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 EMS Coverage Coverage of EMS % 96 97 95 Scope 1 – Direct GHG emissions, total t CO₂ e 28,699 28,714 42,011 Scope 2 – Indirect GHG emissions, total (market based) t CO₂ e 54,689 100,722 142,563 Scope 2 – Indirect GHG emissions, total (location based) t CO₂ e 149,599 180,826 224,315 Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 3 – Other indirect GHG emissions, total t CO₂ e 55,359 73,916 149,459 Scope 1-3, GHG emissions total (Gross) t CO₂ e 138,746 203,352 334,033 Total GHG per employee t CO₂ e/empl 0.9 1.4 2.4 GHG emissions reduction per employee since 2019 % -60 -42 - Target -30% by year-end 2025 Energy consumption from our office buildings GJ 1,675,573 1,802,755 2,156,963 Energy consumption from our data centers GJ 267,675 317,533 379,351 Total energy consumption GJ 1,943,248 2,120,288 2,536,314 1 Energy consumption from office buildings per employee GJ/empl Energy consumption 11.3 12.2 15.3 Energy reduction from office buildings per employee since 2019 % -26 -20 - Target -20% by year-end 2025 Electricity % 67.1 70.2 70.7 Fossil fuels % 11.5 11.0 14.0 Energy sources Long-distance heating % 19.8 17.6 14.9 Other sources (incl. energy from own sources including photovoltaic, internal waste heat) % 1.6 1.2 0.3 Renewable electricity GJ 1,001,859 854,762 872,929 Renewable electricity Renewable electricity as a share of all electricity sources % 77 57 49 Board target 100% by 2023 6 / 21

Environmental performance data Environmental Reporting Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Total travel km 226,377,786 356,560,721 918,693,524 Road travel (incl. rental, fleet, and private cars) % 81.4 61.5 34.8 Air travel % 14.7 31.4 54.8 Rail travel % 3.9 7.1 10.3 Business travel Travel per employee km/empl 1,529 2,421 6,509 Total GHG emissions from business travel t CO₂ e 39,570 52,959 124,354 GHG emissions from business travel per employee t CO₂ e/empl 0.3 0.4 0.9 GHG reduction from business travel per employee since 2019 % -70 -59 - Target -15% by year-end 2025 Total water consumption m³ 1,237,598 1,592,564 1,984,896² Drinking water % 93.0 93.4 91.0 Rain water % 0.5 0.4 0.3 Water consumption Natural water % 6.4 6.3 8.6 Water consumption per employee m³/empl 8 11 14 Water consumption reduction per employee since 2019 % -41 -23 - Target -10% by year-end 2025 Total waste t 12,064 14,395 19,396 Waste Incinerated % 36.2 36.2 39.8 Waste Recycled % 46.6 45.6 40.5 Waste Waste to Landfills % 16.9 18.0 19.6 Special Waste Treatment % 0.3 0.2 0.1 Waste per employee kg/empl 81 98 137 Waste reduction per employee since 2019 % -41 -29 - Target -10% by year-end 2025 Total paper consumption t 8,466 10,139 10,859 Paper sourced from certified sustainable sources % 76 73 67 Paper consumption Paper consumption per policy g/policy 54 70 81 Paper reduction per policy since 2019 % -33 -14 - Target -20% by year-end 2025 1) Energy consumption reported for data centers relates to our strategic data centers in Europe, the U.S, Singapore and Australia. At present, the energy consumption for some local data centers is included in the energy consumption reported for office buildings. 2) Please note, that the Water data (old absolute: 1,883,352 m³) have been restated for 2019, please see our explanatory notes. 7 / 21

Human resources performance data Human Resources Data Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 1 148,708 148,929 143,642 Total number of employees (core business) Employee overview thereof: men % 48.4 48.7 48.7 thereof: women % 51.6 51.3 51.3 Total number of employees (core and non-core) 155,411 150,269 147,268 Brazil 3,886 4,291 2,720 Australia 5,912 5,668 5,470 Austria 3,119 3,105 3,088 France 13,325 13,538 13,888 Germany 39,720 39,768 38,412 Employees by region India 8,461 7,862 6,845 Italy 6,194 6,087 6,289 Spain 4,485 4,308 4,488 United Kingdom 10,752 10,936 9,956 United States 7,897 7,802 8,329 Other 51,660 46,904 47,783 Total 155,411 150,269 147,268 8 / 21

Human resources performance data Human Resources Data Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 2 125,160 124,937 120,557 Full-time employees % 87.1 86.9 86.8 thereof: male 66,875 67,103 64,948 % 53.4 53.7 53.9 thereof: female 58,285 57,834 55,609 % 46.6 46.3 46.1 Part-time employees 18,460 18,768 18,376 % 12.9 13.1 13.2 thereof: male 3,783 3,961 3,822 % 20.5 21.1 20.8 thereof: female 14,677 14,807 14,554 % 79.5 78.9 79.2 3 % 2.0 2.1 2.3 Trainee ratio Permanent employees 138,778 138,974 132,682 % 93.3 93.3 92.4 thereof: male % 48.8 49.1 49.2 thereof: female % 51.2 50.9 50.8 Temporary employees 9,930 9,955 10,960 Employment relationships % 6.7 6.7 7.6 thereof: male % 42.8 42.5 43.0 thereof: female % 57.2 57.5 57.0 Permanent employees 138,778 138,974 132,682 Asia Pacific 18,095 17,923 17,036 Eastern Europe 7,414 7,897 8,223 Germany 42,557 41,821 40,027 Middle East & Africa 4,564 4,336 4,659 North America 8,385 8,451 8,702 Rest of Western Europe 54,149 54,579 51,588 South America 3,614 3,967 2,447 Temporary employees 9,930 9,955 10,960 Asia Pacific 1,774 1,668 1,652 Eastern Europe 392 417 526 Germany 3,137 3,241 3,174 Middle East & Africa 1,436 1,375 1,393 North America 34 44 37 Rest of Western Europe 3,114 3,172 4,123 South America 43 38 55 9 / 21

Human resources performance data Human Resources Data Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 % of 24 or under % 5.9 6.3 7.0 % of 25-34 % 28.6 28.8 28.1 % of 35-44 % 27.9 27.5 27.0 % of 45-54 % 23.5 23.6 24.0 % of 55-64 % 13.5 13.1 13.3 Age structure % of 65 or over % 0.6 0.7 0.6 Average age years 40.7 40.6 40.6 Allianz SE Board of Management4 % of below 30 % - - - % of 30-50 % 40.0 30.0 30.0 % of above 50 % 60.0 70.0 70.0 Employee turnover rate % 15.3 12.9 16.5 Turnover rate (men) % 15.8 12.7 16.3 Turnover rate (women) % 14.9 12.9 16.4 Turnover rate by region Asia Pacific % 21.9 18.5 24.2 Employee turnover Eastern Europe % 15.6 15.6 19.9 Germany % 8.1 6.4 7.8 Middle East & Africa % 23.7 21.9 26.6 North America % 16.1 13.4 13.3 Rest of Europe % 17.6 14.5 19.5 South America % 16.8 13.9 15.8 Total recruitment (external and internal) 33,378 19,564 24,829 Total recruitment (share of men) % 46.2 49.6 49.7 Total recruitment (share of women) % 53.8 50.4 50.3 Total recruitment by region Asia Pacific % 24.0 23.0 28.7 Employee recruitment Eastern Europe % 11.0 10.4 12.7 Germany % 32.3 10.9 10.0 Middle East & Africa % 23.6 18.1 33.0 North America % 15.6 11.1 15.4 Rest of Europe % 17.5 12.4 19.1 South America % 8.1 6.0 14.4 10 / 21

Human resources performance data Human Resources Data Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Women in Allianz SE Supervisory Board5 % 33.3 33.3 n/a Target 30% by year-end 2021 Women in Allianz SE Board of Management % 20.0 20.0 20.0 Target 30% by year-end 2021 6 % Women in Executive Positions (Top Management) 31.6 30.4 29.9 7 % Women in Allianz Global Executive (AGE) Positions 24.5 20.30 n/a 7 Diversity Women in Allianz Senior Executive (ASE) Positions % 24.7 25.80 n/a Target 30% by year-end 2021 7 % Women in Allianz Executive (AE) Positions 32.8 32.00 n/a 8 % Female managers 38.6 38.2 37.9 Women in talent pools % 43.4 42.3 40.2 Target 40% by year-end 2021 Share of women in core business % 51.6 51.3 51.3 9 Number of nationalities represented in executive positions 67 59 64 Overall average days/empl 6.9 6.9 8.1 Average days by region Asia Pacific days/empl 3.0 3.0 3.9 Germany days/empl 9.4 9.6 11.5 Sickness-related absenteeism Middle East and Africa days/empl 2.7 2.5 3.6 Eastern Europe days/empl 5.5 5.8 6.8 North America days/empl 1.3 1.3 2.0 South America days/empl 1.7 2.2 3.0 Rest of Europe days/empl 8.2 7.8 8.6 Total absenteeism Total absenteeism lost days days 993,348 981,093 1,110,896 Absenteeism - coverage of employees (core business) % 100 100 100 Number of work related injuries during the reporting period7 cases 578 n/a n/a Health and safety Number of fatal occupational injuries during work7 persons 1 n/a n/a Numbers of hours worked on average of a full-time equivalent (core) hours 7.7 7.7 n/a Total expenses for employee training 10 € mn 102.9 63.1 84.7 Training expenses per employee 10 €/empl 716 442 613 Average training hours hours/empl 11 20.7 24.0 34.7 Employee training Staff hours/empl 33.3 20.5 24.8 Managers hours/empl 43.5 21.6 26.6 Employees undergoing at least one training session % 12 78.8 75.2 103.1 Staff % 12 78.0 73.5 102.9 Managers % 12 83.7 84.8 104.5 11 / 21

Human resources performance data Human Resources Data Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Number of employees invited to participate in the Allianz Engagement Survey (AES) 132,126 132,593 123,505 Number of OEs invited to participate in the AES 64 67 62 Allianz Engagement Survey AES Participation rate % 82 85 84 Work Well Index+ (WWi+) % 69 70 66 Employee Engagement Index % 76 78 72 Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) % 78 78 73 Board target 75% by year-end 2024 1) Figures based on the number of employees in Allianz’s core business, which includes all companies in and related to the insurance and asset management business, including our Banking activities in Germany, France, Italy and Central and Eastern Europe. The figures do not include fully consolidated companies that are considered as pure financial investments and companies classified as held-for-sale. 2) Based on active headcount, excluding e.g. employees on sabbatical leave, in military or civilian service or on parental leave. 3) Trainees are employees at the beginning of their career participating in a trainee program, i.e. undergoing practical training designed to facilitate their development of knowledge and skills, e.g. apprentices, trainees, interns and working students, and with a formal arrangement (e.g. employment contract or third-party agreement with a school or university). 4) Disclosure started in 2019. 5) Data disclosed since 2020. 6) Includes women in all executive positions below the Board of Management. 7) Data disclosed since 2021. 8) Includes women functionally responsible for other staff, regardless of level, e.g. division, department and team managers. 9) Figures calculated by including all executive positions below the Board of Management. 10) Increase in training expenses driven by methodological adjustment towards industry practice to include overhead expenses. 11) Last year reported as training days per employee; definition adjusted to market practice in 2021. 12) The percentage of employees with at least one training can be higher than 100 percent due to the reporting period calculation methodology incl. employee in- and outflows. 12 / 21

Sustainability in Insurance Sustainable Solutions Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2 2019 2 Sustainable Insurance Solutions € mn 1,022.0 1,025.2 965.3 Revenues from sustainable solutions1 Insurance solutions with a sustainability component € mn 417.6 367.6 366.7 Emerging Consumer Solutions € mn 45.2 56.1 40.7 Total € mn 1,484.7 1,448.9 1,372.7 2021 2020 2 2019 Sustainable Insurance Solutions 91 105 109 Insurance solutions with a sustainability component4 41 39 39 Number of sustainable solutions by solution category3 Emerging Consumer Solutions 30 26 28 Sustainable Asset Management Solutions 177 61 52 Total 339 231 228 Customers Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Customer Base Total mn 126 100+ 100+ Net Promoter Score (NPS) greater than local market average or loyalty leadership in % 84 79 70 Customer Loyalty their market Net Promoter Score (NPS) loyalty leadership in their market % 58 60 46 Board target 50% by year-end 2024 13 / 21

Sustainability in Insurance Emerging Consumers Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Gross Written Premiums (GWP) 5 € mn 510.2 452.2 413.9 thereof from consolidated entities 6 € mn 45.2 56.1 39.6 thereof from non-consolidated entities 5 6 € mn 465.0 396.1 374.3 Emerging consumer business No. of in-force insured people 62,221,110 5 46,138,372 55,402,075 thereof from consolidated entities 9,721,944 10,077,970 9,971,6376 thereof from non-consolidated entities 52,499,166 5 36,060,402 6 45,430,438 GWP per customer €/customer 8.20 9.80 7.47 Economic Value Generated, Distributed and Retained Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 Economic Value Generated € mn 122,238.9 100% 119,509.6 100% Revenue from sale of goods € mn 77,656.2 63.5% 75,714.2 63.4% Revenue from rendering of services € mn 13,998.1 11.5% 12,049.1 10.1% Revenue from financial investments € mn 30,552.1 25.0% 31,581.8 26.4% Other operating income € mn 32.5 0.0% 164.5 0.1% Economiv Value Distributed € mn 104,239.5 85.3% 94,989.5 79.5% Operating expenses € mn 81,326.6 66.5% 74,171.4 62.1% thereof: Claims and insurance benefits € mn 54,873.0 44.9% 53,793.2 45.0% Claims P&C € mn 33,783.8 27.6% 33,257.9 27.8% Claims L&H € mn 21,089.5 17.3% 20,535.4 17.2% Wages and other payments to employees € mn 13,339.8 10.9% 12,509.3 10.5% Payments to provider of capital € mn 5,475.3 4.5% 5,564.3 4.7% Payment to shareholders € mn 4,705.6 3.8% 4,702.3 3.9% Payments to creditors € mn 769.7 0.6% 862.0 0.7% Payments to government € mn 3,985.9 3.3% 2,608.8 2.2% thereof: income tax expense7 € mn 3,659.6 3.0% 2,287.2 1.9% Community investments € mn 112.9 0.1% 135.8 0.1% Economic Value not yet distributed € mn 17,295.4 14.1% 21,740.6 18.2% Change in reserves € mn 13,716.2 11.2% 12,975.8 10.9% Impairments € mn 1,331.0 1.1% 5,467.3 4.6% Change in provisions € mn 2,248.2 1.8% 3,297.4 2.8% Economic Value Retained € mn 704.0 0.6% 2,779.5 2.3% 1) Our current data collection process does not allow for a complete tracking of revenue data. Revenues included are subject to data availability. 2) Data was restated due to reclassification of certain products and minor corrections. 3) Our current data collection process does not allow for a complete tracking of the number of sustainable solutions. Number of solutions data is included subject to data availability. 4) Revenue data for insurance solutions with a sustainability component is only included when this component can be clearly separated from other parts of the revenue. 5) Includes Indian government-sponsored health schemes not reported in previous years (GWP EUR 88mn & 15.5mn insured). 6) Please see note 45 to the Consolidated Financial Statements of Allianz Group Annual Report 2020. (update based on AR 2021). 7) Includes income taxes paid, accrued income taxes and income taxes related incidental benefits/expenses. 14 / 21

Investments ESG engagement Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Number of active engagements 61 68 49 Engagement outcomes ESG engagement overview Engagement closed sucessfully 21 3 4 Engagement closed with restrictions 2 8 1 Engagement on-going 38 57 44 Europe 15 17 18 Engagements by Region Asia Pacific 22 25 12 North America 17 20 15 Emerging Markets 7 6 4 Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 Oil, Gas and Energy 34 Metals and Mining 7 Engagements by Sector Steel and Cement 7 Chemicals 3 Construction and Engineering 5 Other 5 CO Emissions and Mangement 48 2 Health, Safety and Human Rights 17 Engagements by Topic1 Toxic Emissions and Waste 6 Product Safety 2 Biodiversity and Land Use 4 Other 3 Divestments Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Cumulative divestment since November 2015 Fixed income investments to run-off or already disposed € mn 5,983.0 5,983.0 5,942.7 Divestment from coal-based business models Listed equities divested € mn 347.5 347.5 340.5 Additional divestments Additional fixed income investments to run-off € mn 0.0 2 40.3 236.0 Additonal listed equities divested € mn 0.0 2 7.0 14.0 15 / 21

Investments Sustainable Investments Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 3 2019 4 Global Portfolio ESG screened5 € bn 849.2 835.0 795.0 Sustainable investments € bn 123.1 127.0 n/a Thereof environmental objectives € bn 109.9 115.6 n/a Thereof social objectives € bn 12.0 10.8 n/a Sustainable Investments Thereof environmental and social objectives € bn 1.1 0.5 n/a Asset class breakdown Thereof sustainable sovereigns € bn 84.1 92.7 n/a Thereof sustainable corporates € bn 25.5 21.9 n/a Thereof renewables € bn 7.0 6.9 n/a Thereof green buildings € bn 6.4 5.6 n/a ESG-themed Investments Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Asset Manager Selection Share of asset managers being PRI signatories or having an ESG policy in place % 99 99 99 AllianzGI - Total ESG-themed Investments € bn 184.3 95.4 56.1 ESG risk focused6 € bn 43.1 51.0 31.0 Third Party Assets under Management Impact focused7 € bn 4.8 2.2 1.8 Sustainability focused8 € bn 136.4 42.1 23.3 PIMCO € bn 203.1 136.5 101.6 1) Multiple topics per engagement possible. 2) Given the extensive Freeze of positions that could breach new ambitious thresholds for coal based business models coming into effect in 2023, no additional divestments are reported for 2021. 3) KPIs were not part of the audit engagement. 4) Definition was newly introduced in financial year 2021, no comparison figures for 2019 disclosed. 5) Based on economic view. AllianzGI changed the titles of its sustainability categories to reflect the developing nature of its investment approaches. 6) ESG Risk focused – previously labeled Integrated ESG. 7) Impact focused – previously labeled Impact. 8) Sustainability focused – previously labeled SRI and now includes newly developed sustainable strategies such as CEWO. It should be noted that only the latter two categories are considered Sustainable under the SFDR. 16 / 21

Climate-related financial disclosure Listed equity portfolio indicators Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 1 Listed Equities, Portfolio AuM € bn 40.8 32.5 Listed Equities, Share of total AuM % 5.0 4.0 Listed equity portfolio indicators Listed Equities, Absolute emissions mn t CO₂ 2.3 2.2 Listed Equities, Relative emissions t CO₂ / mn € invested 55.7 67.5 Listed Equities, Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂ / mn € sales 134.0 143.7 Listed Equities, Emissions data coverage % 97.0 97.0 Total AuM in 4 sectors with highest owned absolute emissions € bn 21.6 16.9 Sectoral listed equity portfolio indicators2 Absolute Emissions of 4 sectors with highest owned absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 2.0 2.0 Number of issuers in 4 sectors with highest owned absolute emissions 2053 2041 Under Engagement by Climate Action 100+ 112.0 118.0 sector total AuM € bn 19.3 14.8 share of equity AuM % 47.0 46.0 Manufacturing absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 1.6 1.5 relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 82.6 99.6 Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 74.7 78.2 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products sector total AuM € bn 0.7 0.5 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.2 0.4 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 355.5 828.6 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 22.7 38.5 Manufacture of basic metals sector total AuM € bn 0.2 0.1 Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of basic metals absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.5 0.3 Manufacture of basic metals relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 2.7 2.8 Manufacture of basic metals Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 7.7 8.1 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products sector total AuM € bn 0.9 0.7 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.3 0.3 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 327.7 369.8 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 23.6 22.7 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products sector total AuM € bn 1.9 1.5 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products absolute emissions 0.3 0.3 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 152.6 177.7 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 44.2 46.7 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector total AuM € bn 0.9 1.0 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector share of equity AuM % 2.0 3.0 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.2 0.2 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 247.1 249.4 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 17.8 23.2 Mining and quarrying sector total AuM € bn 0.7 0.7 Mining and quarrying sector share of equity AuM % 2.0 2.0 Mining and quarrying Mining and quarrying sector absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.2 0.2 Mining and quarrying sector relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 251.4 280.3 Mining and quarrying weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 12.2 15.2 Transportation and storage sector total AuM € bn 0.6 0.4 Transportation and storage sector share of equity AuM % 1.0 1.0 Transportation and storage Transportation and storage sector absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.1 0.1 Transportation and storage sector relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 115.0 150.9 Transportation and storage weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 5.9 7.6 17 / 21

Climate-related financial disclosure Regional listed equity portfolio indicators Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 Europe Region total AuM € bn 20.1 15.6 Europe Europe Region Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 1.4 1.2 Europe Region Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 34.4 36.9 Europe Region weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 62.7 69.4 North America total AuM € bn 9.5 7.5 North America North America Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.3 0.3 North America Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 6.6 8.4 North America weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 35.8 26.4 Asia/Pacific Region total AuM € bn 6.5 5.6 Asia/Pacific Asia/Pacific Region Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.3 0.4 Asia/Pacific Region Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 6.7 11.1 Asia/Pacific Region weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 16.4 25.2 Emerging Markets Region total AuM € bn 4.7 3.7 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Region Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.3 0.4 Emerging Markets Region Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 8.0 11.1 Emerging Markets Region weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 19.1 22.7 18 / 21

Climate-related financial disclosure Corporate bonds portfolio indicators Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 Corporate bonds Portfolio AuM € bn 197.6 192.2 Corporate bonds Share of total AuM % 31.0 31.0 Corporate bonds portfolio indicators Corporate bonds Absolute emissions mn t CO₂ 16.4 20.0 Corporate bonds Relative emissions t CO₂ / mn € invested 83.2 103.8 Corporate bonds Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂ / mn € sales 190.4 208.2 Corporate bonds Emissions data coverage % 73.0 74.0 Total AuM in 4 sectors with highest owned absolute emissions € bn 84.3 85.6 Sectoral corporate bonds portfolio indicators Absolute Emissions of 4 sectors with highest owned absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 14.4 17.8 Number of issuers in 4 sectors with highest owned absolute emissions 1138 1068 Under Engagement by Climate Action 100+ 111 111 Manufacturing sector total AuM € bn 47.2 48.4 Manufacturing sector share of corporate bonds AuM % 24.0 25.0 Manufacturing Manufacturing sector absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 6.5 8.4 Manufacturing sector relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 138.4 173.4 Manufacturing sector Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 53.1 60.8 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products sector total AuM € bn 8.2 8.2 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 3.1 3.7 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 371.5 449.5 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 94.3 93.2 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products sector total AuM € bn 0.9 1.1 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 1.1 1.5 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 1.1 1.3 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 40.0 48.2 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products sector total AuM € bn 3.0 3.4 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 1.0 1.5 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 343.0 452.3 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 36.6 44.4 Manufacture of basic metals sector total AuM € bn 1.1 0.9 Manufacture of basic metals Manufacture of basic metals absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.6 0.6 Manufacture of basic metals relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 541.5 701.7 Manufacture of basic metals Weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 16.7 16.7 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector total AuM € bn 18.6 18.4 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector share of corporate bonds AuM % 9.0 10.0 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 5.4 6.4 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 288.0 346.0 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 80.9 82.2 Transportation and storage sector total AuM € bn 14.5 14.9 Transportation and storage sector share of corporate bonds AuM % 7.0 8.0 Transportation and storage Transportation and storage sector absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 1.6 1.8 Transportation and storage sector relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 108.9 120.5 Transportation and storage weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 21.7 27.3 Mining and quarrying sector total AuM € bn 4.0 3.9 Mining and quarrying sector share of corporate bonds AuM % 2.0 2.0 Mining and quarrying Mining and quarrying sector absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 1.0 1.2 Mining and quarrying sector relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 243.8 313.5 Mining and quarrying weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 11.9 13.6 19 / 21

Climate-related financial disclosure Regional corporate bonds portfolio indicators Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 Europe Region total AuM € bn 87.6 93.5 Europe Europe Region Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 6.5 8.3 Europe Region Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 32.7 43.2 Europe Region weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 56.3 63.3 North America total AuM € bn 86.8 78.2 North America North America Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 6.2 7.9 North America Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 31.6 41.0 North America weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 107.7 118.2 Asia/Pacific Region total AuM € bn 7.1 7.3 Asia/Pacific Asia/Pacific Region Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 0.7 0.8 Asia/Pacific Region Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 3.4 4.0 Asia/Pacific Region weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 5.2 7.2 Emerging Markets Region total AuM € bn 16.1 13.2 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Region Absolute emissions mn t CO₂e 3.0 3.0 Emerging Markets Region Relative emissions t CO₂e/€ mn invested 15.4 15.6 Emerging Markets Region weighted average carbon intensity t CO₂e/€ mn sales 21.2 19.5 1) The number of issuers in 5 sectors with highest owned absolute emissions in equities portfolio increased significantly compared to previous year reporting, mainly due to the generation of carbon footprint report using the NACE sector. Moreover, a considerable share of equity portfolio is invested in manufacturing sector, resulting in large numbers of issuers in scope. 2) These four NACE level 1 sectors comprise the majority of our listed equity absolute owned emissions. We decided to further break down the manufacturing sector to the most impacted NACE level 2 sectors as it alone accounts for a material part of the emissions. 20 / 21

Additional sustainability performance data Corporate Citizenship Data Indicator Components/Sub-Indicators Unit 2021 2020 2019 Allianz WorldRun Number of particpants persons over 12,000 over 12,000 n/a Allianz WorldRun Workout Minutes min over 55 mn over 25 mn n/a Corporate Charitable Donations Corporate Giving Total (Cash contributions) € mn 28.2 1 1 43,5 21,5 Corporate Foundations Number of foundations 12 12 13 Corporate Volunteering Volunteering Hours hours 84,753 56,654 115,057 1) Basis of calculation changed in 2021 – data from 2019 and 2020 have been adjusted to the same basis. 21 / 21