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B _ Corporate Governance The earnings development is shown using the two key performance The following overview compares the annual development of the indicators for the Group’s financial target achievement – operating remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board, the average profit and net income as well as net income as reported in the remuneration of the employees, and selected earnings parameters individual financial statements of Allianz SE. The workforce of the over the last five financial years. The remuneration of the members of German companies of the Allianz Group is used to present the average the Supervisory Board presented in the table corresponds to the total employee remuneration on the basis of full-time equivalents. remuneration awarded and due in the respective financial year. Comparative presentation Development of Supervisory Board compensation, profit and average compensation of employees Change Change Change Change 2018 to 2019 to 2020 to 2017 to 2019 in 2020 in 2021 in Financial year 2017 2018 in % 2018 % 2019 % 2020 % 2021 Supervisory Board compensation in € thou Active members in financial year Michael Diekmann 257.0 88 484.0 - 484.0 - 486.0 9 530.9 Jim Hagemann Snabe 194.5 38 268.5 - 268.5 (1) 266.5 4 276.0 Gabriele Burkhardt-Berg 137.1 48 202.8 20 243.5 (1) 240.5 9 261.4 Sophie Boissard 97.1 88 183.0 1 184.0 (3) 178.0 13 200.9 Christine Bosse 132.8 17 156.0 - 156.0 (2) 153.0 37 209.3 Dr. Friedrich Eichiner 192.7 47 283.0 - 284.0 (1) 281.0 (1) 278.0 Jean-Claude Le Goaër - - 83.5 150 209.0 (3) 203.0 - 203.0 Martina Grundler 145.3 26 183.0 (1) 182.0 (2) 179.0 (2) 176.0 Herbert Hainer 96.4 89 182.0 (1) 181.0 (1) 180.0 (2) 176.0 Godfrey Robert Hayward 83.0 88 156.0 - 156.0 (3) 152.0 (1) 150.0 Frank Kirsch - - 52.0 200 156.0 (1) 154.0 13 173.9 Jürgen Lawrenz 137.8 31 181.0 - 181.0 (1) 179.0 (2) 176.0 Former members Rolf Zimmermann (end of service 08/2018) 196.2 (17) 162.3 - - - - - - Jean-Jacques Cette (end of service 07/2018) 145.3 (28) 105.1 - - - - - - Dante Barban (end of service 05/2017) 53.0 - - - - - - - - Dr. Wulf Bernotat (end of service 05/2017) 106.4 - - - - - - - - Prof. Dr. Renate Köcher (end of service 05/2017) 52.2 - - - - - - - - Dr. Helmut Perlet (end of service 05/2017) 152.2 - - - - - - - - Profit development in € bn Operating profit 11.10 4 11.51 3 11.86 (9) 10.75 25 13.40 Net income attributable to shareholders 6.80 10 7.46 6 7.91 (14) 6.81 (3) 6.61 Net income acc. Allianz SE financial statement 3.67 46 5.36 (14) 4.60 - 4.61 16 5.35 Average employee compensation in € thou Average compensation based on full-time equivalent 85 (2) 83 4 86 (6) 81 4 84 Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 51

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