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B _ Corporate Governance The following table shows the remuneration awarded and due in accordance with § 162 AktG. It comprises the fixed remuneration, committee remuneration and attendance fees as well as their relative share of the total remuneration. Individual remuneration: 2021 and 2020 € thou (total might not sum up due to rounding) Total 1 Committees Committee remu- Members of the Supervisory Board Fixed remuneration remuneration Attendance fees neration A N P R S T SU in % of in % of in % of Members active in financial year € thou total € thou total € thou total € thou Michael Diekmann 2021 250.0 47 272.9 51 8.0 2 530.9 M C C C C M M (Chairperson) 2020 250.0 51 225.0 46 11.0 2 486.0 M C C C C M Jim Hagemann Snabe 2021 187.5 68 87.5 32 1.0 - 276.0 M M C (Vice Chairperson) 2020 187.5 70 75.0 28 4.0 2 266.5 M M C Gabriele Burkhardt-Berg 2021 187.5 72 72.9 28 1.0 - 261.4 M M M (Vice Chairperson) 2020 187.5 78 50.0 21 3.0 1 240.5 M M Sophie Boissard 2021 125.0 62 72.9 36 3.0 1 200.9 M M 2020 125.0 70 50.0 28 3.0 2 178.0 M Christine Bosse 2021 125.0 60 83.3 40 1.0 - 209.3 M M C 2020 125.0 82 25.0 16 3.0 2 153.0 M M Dr. Friedrich Eichiner 2021 125.0 45 150.0 54 3.0 1 278.0 C M M 2020 125.0 44 150.0 53 6.0 2 281.0 C M M Jean-Claude Le Goaër 2021 125.0 62 75.0 37 3.0 1 203.0 M M 2020 125.0 62 75.0 37 3.0 1 203.0 M M Martina Grundler 2021 125.0 71 50.0 28 1.0 1 176.0 M 2020 125.0 70 50.0 28 4.0 2 179.0 M Herbert Hainer 2021 125.0 71 50.0 28 1.0 1 176.0 M M 2020 125.0 69 50.0 28 5.0 3 180.0 M M Godfrey Robert Hayward 2021 125.0 83 25.0 17 - - 150.0 M 2020 125.0 82 25.0 16 2.0 1 152.0 M Frank Kirsch 2021 125.0 72 47.9 28 1.0 1 173.9 M M 2020 125.0 81 25.0 16 4.0 3 154.0 M Jürgen Lawrenz 2021 125.0 71 50.0 28 1.0 1 176.0 M M 2020 125.0 70 50.0 28 4.0 2 179.0 M M Total 2021 1,750.0 62 1,037.5 37 24.0 1 2,811.5 - - - - - - - 2020 1,750.0 66 850.0 32 52.0 2 2,652.0 - - - - - - - Legend: C = Chairperson of the respective committee, M = Member of the respective committee 1_Abbreviations: A = Audit, N = Nomination, P = Personnel, R = Risk, S = Standing, T = Technology, SU = Sustainability 50 Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group

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