D _ Consolidated Financial Statements recorded of these receivables is € 125 mn, of which € 13 mn is expected to be uncollectible. The following table summarizes the total consideration Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale transferred and the goodwill recognized at the acquisition date: € mn As of 31 December 2021 2020 Total consideration transferred and determination of goodwill Assets of disposal groups classified as held for sale € mn Closed book portfolio of Allianz Benelux - 1,377 Other disposal groups - 15 Cash consideration 2,623 Subtotal - 1,392 Plus: Non-controlling interests 122 Non-current assets classified as held for sale Less: Total identifiable net assets (919) Real estate held for investment 125 397 Goodwill 1,826 Real estate held for own use 20 - Associates and joint ventures 1 1 Subtotal 145 398 Total 145 1,790 Liabilities of disposal groups classified as held for sale For the year ended 31 December 2021, acquisition-related costs in the Closed book portfolio of Allianz Benelux - 1,125 amount of € 47 mn were included in administrative expenses. Other disposal groups - 10 The components of non-controlling interests have been measured Total - 1,134 at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. The total goodwill of € 1,826 mn arising from the acquisition is largely attributable to the tied agents’ network, future customer Closed book portfolio of relationships and synergies from the optimization of cost structures. Allianz Benelux S.A., Brussels None of the goodwill is deductible for income tax purposes. Effective 1 April 2021, the Allianz Group disposed of a closed book The revenue (net earned premium) included in the consolidated portfolio covering classical life retail insurances together with mort- income statement of the Allianz Group contributed by the business gage loans of Allianz Benelux S.A., Brussels, allocated to the reporta- operations of Aviva Group in Poland and Lithuania from the ble segment Western & Southern Europe and Asia Pacific acquisition date to 31 December 2021 was € 44 mn. The business (Life/Health). This portfolio had been classified as held for sale since operations of Aviva Group in Poland and Lithuania also contributed a 31 December 2020. Until its disposal on 1 April 2021, no impairment net income of € 13 mn over the same period. loss had been recognized in connection with this transaction. Upon Had the business operations of Aviva Group in Poland and closing of the sale, the Allianz Group recognized a loss of € 46 mn, in- Lithuania been consolidated from 1 January 2021, the consolidated cluded in the line realized gains/losses (net) of the consolidated in- income statement of the Allianz Group would have included revenue come statement. (net earned premium) of € 510 mn and net income of € 136 mn. 4 _ Segment reporting In 2020, the Allianz Group acquired 100 % of SulAmérica Seguros de Automóveis e Massificados S.A., Rio de Janeiro, 90 % of ControlExpert Holding B.V., Amsterdam, and 50 % plus one share in the newly formed The business activities of the Allianz Group are organized by product venture BBVA Allianz Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Madrid. For more and type of service: insurance activities, asset management activities, information, please see Annual Report 2020 note 4. and corporate and other activities. Due to differences in the nature of products, risks, and capital allocation, insurance activities are further divided into the business segments Property-Casualty and Life/Health. In accordance with the responsibilities of the Board of Management, each of the insurance business segments is grouped into the following reportable segments: − German Speaking Countries and Central & Eastern Europe, − Western & Southern Europe and Asia Pacific, − Iberia & Latin America and Allianz Partners, − USA (Life/Health only), − Global Insurance Lines & Anglo Markets, Middle East and Africa. Both asset management as well as corporate and other activities represent separate reportable segments. In total, the Allianz Group has identified 11 reportable segments in accordance with IFRS 8. The types of products and services from which the reportable segments derive revenues are described below. Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 137