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3. Tax Compliance, Stakeholder Dialogue and Tax Advocacy As a responsible taxpayer, Allianz supports the fairness and balance of all tax systems. Transparent and trustworthy dialogue with all stakeholders is fundamental to our corporate policy. Tax Compliance # In over 70 countries we act not only as a taxpayer but also as a tax collector. Full compliance with the relevant tax laws are part of our overall Group business principles and codes. All key operating entities have a tax team of leading professionals with in-depth tax expertise. Their professional development and continuous learning as well as a continuous exchange with internal stakeholders are secured. In applying the laws, we take into account both the letter and the spirit of the law. Accordingly, no artificial structures are used for the purpose of avoiding taxes. The complete, accurate and timely preparation and submission of all required tax returns is subject to clear internal rules and processes. This is equally true for the correct and timely payment of taxes. For the German companies, the tax compliance management system was officially certified by an external auditor based on the audit standard IDW PS 980. Most recently, a comprehensive tax control system has been introduced and officially certified by an external auditor for our Austrian entities. We constantly aim for security in our tax positions and seek internal or external advice to review and validate our position where appropriate. In cases in which our assessment and that of the authorities do not match, we give early notice of possible divergent opinions in order to prevent misunderstandings. If we seek decisions from tax authorities to confirm applicable tax treatment, we do so on the basis of full disclosure of all relevant facts and circumstances. In accordance with our Code of Conduct Allianz has committed itself to trustworthy and transparent communication with all stakeholders. Possible violations of the Allianz Code of Conduct as well as laws and regulations, including tax laws, can be reported at any time 9 . Allianz encourages its employees to speak-up (SpeakUp@Allianz) and report any possible misconduct they believe violates the Allianz Code of Conduct, any laws, regulations, order of regulators or any internal rules (whistleblowing). Stakeholder Dialogue and Advocacy # Taxes are an essential foundation for the economic and social development of all countries. Allianz has therefore always welcomed all work at national and international level for a transparent and fair tax system and is committed to regulations that strike a fair balance between the interests of governments and companies as taxpayers. Being engaged in several associations, including Business at OECD and Insurance Europe, as well as national insurance associations in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the USA and other jurisdictions, either directly or through our subsidiaries, we develop our tax positions in dialogue with key stakeholders and present them transparently. Discussions with stakeholders such as the B-Team or changing requirements from non-governmental organizations such as the GRI have encouraged and influenced the further development of Allianz positions. We have been involved in the international discussion on the introduction of a global minimum tax for several years. This is done through participation in the relevant association committees at national, European and international level, but also in direct contact with the administration and government. We will also be engaged in the discussions on the forthcoming transpositions into national law and will address the issues that are particularly important from a business perspective. Here, particular importance will be given to a legally secure design, limiting complexity and also preventing double taxation and distortions of competition. In connection with COVID-19, the world of work has changed considerably. More and more employees are working well and successfully from their home offices. This trend will continue even after the end of the pandemic and does not only apply to domestic employees. In the cross-border context, employees’ interest in opportunities to work from their home offices has also steadily increased. Here, a large number of complicated and sometimes unjustifiably restrictive tax regulations have to be observed. For this reason, Allianz is engaged in improving the tax regulative framework for cross-border working from a home office through various national and international associations. 9 Complaint system ( GRI 207–1, 207–2, 207–3 Allianz Group Tax Transparency Report 2021 4

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