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In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic 1 continued to have a significant impact on all our lives. Public administration and businesses, but also every individual around the world, had and still have to face enormous challenges. With over 100 million customers in more than 70 countries worldwide, Allianz is one of the world’s largest insurers, investors and assistance providers. More than 155,000 Allianz employees continued to support these customers last year guided by our purpose ‘We secure your future’ and they will continue to do so in the future. Although the challenges did not diminish last year, Allianz was able to achieve very good economic results, proving once again that we are a reliable partner for all our stakeholders. In 2021, for example, the total fiscal contribution of the entire Allianz Group, including taxes borne and collected, amounted to 17.9 billion Euros. This contribution is an important part of our overall economic and social impact and therefore plays a key role in the development of the countries in which we operate. From a tax perspective, 2021 was a year with important developments. For example, Europe has finally paved the way for a public Country-by- Country reporting. In anticipation of the expected legislation, we have already substantially enhanced our Tax Transparency Report. Still using the B-Team’s Tax Transparency Principles 2 as an essential basis we included further country- specific detailed information in the report. In addition, this Tax Transparency Report has been audited for the first time according to the report on page 13 by an independent audit firm. In 2021, particular importance was attached to international work on the introduction of a global minimum taxation. Last December, the OECD adopted and published so-called Model Rules and the European Commission published a draft of a corresponding directive. It is expected that the necessary national regulations will be adopted by many countries in the coming months and that they will come into force as early as next year. Allianz welcomes in principle all efforts to reduce the harmful effects of international tax competition on the basis of a global consensus of the international community. However, in order to avoid distortions of competition or one-sided competitive disadvantages, the guarantee of legal security, clear rules and the avoidance of double taxation will therefore be of decisive importance, particularly in the European and national implementation. Allianz has already participated in the discussion on a global minimum taxation in the past and we will continue to do so in the interest of all our stakeholders. Communicating our performance We simplify communication of our performance in several ways: Through tables and charts throughout the report. References to GRI standard disclosures are tagged using this icon. # Limited assurance engagement on the qualitative disclosures denoted with ‘#’. √ Limited assurance engagement on the determination of the quantitative disclosures denoted with ‘√’. 1 For details concerning COVID-19 impacts related to business environment, employee matters, consumer matters, etc. we refer to the respective information and explanations given in the Allianz Group Annual Report 2021. 2 Welcome We secure your future – our common purpose – it motivates all of us in the Allianz Group to give our best to serve our customers, partners, shareholders and communities, every day. With our total tax contribution of 17.9 billion Euros we make a meaningful contribution to the economic and social development of the communities in which we operate. Giulio Terzariol Chief Financial Officer, Allianz Group Allianz Group Tax Transparency Report 2021 1

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