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Sustainability Report 2021 02.2 Sustainability in proprietary investments 01 Introduction Sustainability in proprietary investments performance data Table ESG-9 This section contains data related to the sustainability performance of Allianz Group. Sustainability engagement: overview 02 Measuring and Data in this section is part of the Managing Sustainability, Sustainable Insurer and Responsible Investor Chapters. 2021 2020 2019 managing sustainability Sustainability in our business activities Table ESG-7 Number of active engagements 61 68 49 02.1 Sustainability in insurance Proprietary sustainable investments Engagement outcomes 02.2 Sustainability in Proprietary Investments € bn Engagement closed successfully 21 3 4 proprietary investments Engagement closed with restrictions 2 8 1 02.3 Sustainability in asset management 1 2 As of December 31 2021 2020 2019 Engagement on-going 38 57 44 Sustainability in our organization 3 3 3 02.4 Human resources Global Portfolio ESG screened € bn 849.2 835.0 795.0 Table ESG-10 02.5 Customer satisfaction Sustainable investments € bn 123.1 127.0 n/a Sustainability engagement: region 02.6 Environmental management Thereof environmental objectives € bn 109.9 115.6 n/a Thereof social objectives € bn 12.0 10.8 n/a As of December 31 2021 2020 2019 03 Strengthening Thereof environmental and social objectives € bn 1.1 0.5 n/a Europe 15 17 18 our foundation Asset class breakdown Asia Pacific 22 25 12 04 Climate-related Thereof sustainable sovereigns € bn 84.1 92.7 n/a North America 17 20 15 financial disclosure Thereof sustainable corporates and others € bn 25.5 21.9 n/a Emerging Markets 7 6 4 Thereof renewables € bn 7.0 6.9 n/a 05 Our universal principles Thereof green buildings € bn 6.4 5.6 n/a Table ESG-11 Sustainability engagement: sector Table ESG-8 Divestment from coal-based business models As of December 31 2021 Proprietary Investments € mn Oil, Gas and Energy 34 As of December 31 2021 2020 2019 Metals and Mining 7 Cumulative divestment since November 2015 Steel and Cement 7 Fixed income investments to run-off or € mn 5,983.0 5,983.0 5,942.7 Chemicals 3 already disposed Construction and Engineering 5 Listed equities divested € mn 347.5 347.5 340.5 Other 5 Additional divestments Table ESG-12 4 5 Additional fixed income investments to run-off € mn 0.0 40.3 236.0 Sustainability engagement: topics 4 Additional listed equities divested € mn 0.0 7.0 14.0 As of December 31 2021 CO2 Emissions and Management 48 Health, Safety and Human Rights 17 Toxic Emissions and Waste 6 1 KPIs were not part of the audit engagement. Product Safety 2 2 Definition was newly introduced in financial year 2021, no comparison figures for 2019 disclosed. Biodiversity and Land Use 4 3 Based on economic view. Other 3 4 Given the extensive Freeze of positions that could breach new ambitious thresholds for coal based business models coming into effect in 2023, no additional divestments 24 are reported for 2021. 5 Multiple topics per engagement possible.

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