Sustainability Report 2021 01.1 Message from the CEO 01 Introduction Broadening the net-zero commitments to insurance Caring for our people Our efforts to improve and simplify our products Please enjoy reading this report. And please and asset management is an important element The Allianz organization prizes its employees and processes also led to increased customer feel encouraged to make your own contribution 01.1 Message from the CEO of our strategy. Therefore, Allianz also became a and customers and cares for them accordingly: loyalty, with NPS improving to 84 % in 2021 from toward a more sustainable world. We are in 01.2 Company description and strategy founding member of the U.N.-convened Net-Zero Convinced that vaccination will help the previously 79 % of segments outperforming their this together. 01.3 Our sustainability approach Insurance Alliance (NZIA) and our asset manager return to normality happen sooner, Allianz has respective market. 01.4 Our social approach Allianz Global Investors became a member of conducted vaccination campaigns in 16 countries We also contributed to our local communities 01.5 Our climate approach the Net-Zero Asset Managers initiative during (e.g., Colombia, Germany, Ghana, Lebanon, in 2021: Allianz’s charitable donations totaled 01.6 Our sustainability 2021. Our insurance entities focus on climate risk Malaysia) in 2021. € 28.2 million, and our employees contributed integration approach management and aspire to use our insurance 01.7 2021 Reporting highlights expertise to support the transformation of We have highly motivated and highly loyal 72,580 hours in corporate volunteering. different sectors and customers towards net-zero. employees. Our Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) We will take sustainability to the heart of Chairman of the Board 02 Measuring and With natural catastrophes hitting communities which measures the progress of the organization of Management managing sustainability around the world, we stood by our customers, on its way towards inclusive meritocracy, stood at Allianz – together Allianz SE 03 Strengthening notably the major floods across Europe caused an excellent 78 % in 2021, exceeding our targets Allianz has the ambition, as well as the global our foundation by storm “Bernd”. We unbureaucratically covered by 5 %-p. scale and skills, to be the trusted partner of our more than 20,000 claims with an amount of more Our efforts around diversity and inclusion stakeholders, helping to solve society’s most 04 Climate-related than € 1 billion. pressing issues. Already today, we are taking financial disclosure The Allianz organization delivered on its climate are paying out: environmental, social and governance aspects to targets: in 2021, we reduced the greenhouse • Approximately 30 % of Allianz Group operating the heart of our business. Going forward, we are 05 Our universal principles gas emissions (GHG) per employee and profit is managed by women, we see that working to fully integrate sustainability into increased renewable energy, ahead of our targets. diversity and performance go hand in hand. how we run our organization and our business This was mainly driven by lower energy use alike, and to drive real world impact in societies, • Allianz is also in the top 5 of the Refinitiv economies, and the environment. To support the and more renewable electricity, as well as low Diversity & Inclusion Index 2021 globally and sustainability integration, Global Sustainability business travel emissions, including effects from the number 1 insurance company. was established as a Group Center as of January COVID-19 measures. • We also signed the ‘Valuable 500’ Charter and 2021, and the Sustainability Committee was Allianz is one of 14 Iconic Leaders, who are formed under our Supervisory Board in June 2021. co-creating solutions which will transform the In 2022, we will further integrate sustainability business system to be more inclusive of people into Allianz’s organization and business areas with disabilities. Together with London Stock and continue inspiring employees, customers, Exchange Group (LSEG), Allianz is committed investors, and society. to increase transparency on disability data disclosure in the corporate space across the globe. 06