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Sustainability Report 2021 GRI GRI 102-12 GRI 102-40 GRI 102-42 05.4 Stakeholder engagement GRI 102-43 GRI 102-44 Stakeholder engagement 1 01 Introduction Key stakeholder groups Why engagement is important How we engage 02 Measuring and and collaboration is crucial Investors We engage with investors to communicate our sustainability strategy Annual General Meeting managing sustainability to understand our impacts and performance, to enable them to make informed decisions about Dialogs and roadshows their investments, and to understand their expectations of our business. and drive progress across our Ratings (e.g. S&P Global CSA, MSCI ESG) and benchmarks 03 Str engthening Website, Sustainability Report, Non-financial supplement, our foundation sustainability challenges and Analyst Presentation 04 Climate-r elated opportunities. Understanding Customers Feedback from customers helps improve our products, services, Customer surveys:/learning from and sharing customer insights financial disclosure stakeholder needs enables and processes and ensures we offer easy and adaptable solutions. Review of financial services sector developments 05 Our universal principles us to design products and Research and development to support product innovations 05.1 Target and achievement tables services that scale our positive Net Promoter Score (NPS) 05.2 How we report: transparent Allianz Risk Barometer Survey reporting, ratings and performance contribution to tackling 05.3 Materiality Sustainability Factbook 05.4 Stakeholder engagement social, environmental, Society Engaging with civil society, governments and institutions helps us to Partnerships for civic engagement 05.5 Sustainability governance and economic issues. drive positive change and contribute to effective regulation and multi- Thought leadership on global issues 05.6 Our commitment to human rights stakeholder partnerships. 05.7 Our impact on the U.N. Sustainable We use our materiality analysis, customer surveys Panel discussions and roundtables Development Goals and direct engagement with a diverse range of Foundations, donations and volunteering 05.8 Independent practitioner’s report stakeholders to shape our strategy, activities and Formal dialogs with NGOs and sustainability professionals on a limited assurance engagement reporting. Besides engagement with international on sustainability information Employees Listening and responding to our employees’ views, ideas and concerns The Allianz Engagement Survey (AES) and national sustainability bodies and initiatives, shapes our strategy, values and workplace while enabling Allianz to Employee dialogs and networks we focus on four key stakeholder groups which generate long-term value. are most impacted by our business. Corporate volunteering programs Events for employees (including the Allianz Sustainability Forum and the Allianz World Run) 1 Due to COVID-19 restrictions, some of the events and engagements took place in a virtual form. 103

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