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Sustainability Report 2021 05.6 Our commitment to human rights 01 Introduction Respect for human rights We continue to apply ESG and Human Rights In terms of our investments, if we identify an We continuously engage with the B Team and is a minimum standard Guidelines for sensitive countries across all issuer in our listed investment portfolio that is business across industries to exchange and better 02 Measuring and business lines and core processes dealing with flagged for human rights issues by our external understand human rights topics. managing sustainability for responsible business insurance, investment, and procurement decisions. sustainability data provider, we prioritize For more details on employee rights, In 2021, we collaborated with a third-party this issuer for a systematic engagement gender equality and diversity initiatives, 03 Str engthening within and beyond our consulting company to perform a Human (see section 02.2). see section 02.4. our foundation direct operations. This is an Rights Impact Assessment based on UNGP’s Read the Allianz Group Code of Conduct. expectation that is reflected methodology to identify gaps in our approach 46 04 Climate-r elated and continue to improve human rights integration Respecting human rights in financial disclosure by expanding legislation in our core business and organization. We will ESG referrals were assessed under the continue to work on improvement points based on human rights guideline in 2021. our operations 05 Our universal principles and applied across our the findings of this assessment. Human rights due diligence in our operations is 05.1 Target and achievement tables global operations. Read the Allianz Group ESG Respecting human rights as an employer part of our ESG referral and assessment process 05.2 How we report: transparent Integration Framework. (see section 01.6). For procurement activities, reporting, ratings and performance We are committed to respecting various human We apply the Universal Declaration of Human a negative answer to human rights-related 05.3 Materiality rights standards and have been a participant Rights as an employer throughout our worldwide screening questions in the vendor integrity 05.4 Stakeholder engagement in the U.N. Global Compact (UNGC) since 2002. Integrating human rights operations. We have integrated the 10 principles of screening triggers sustainability assessment at 05.5 Sustainability governance We annually communicate our progress against into our core business the UNGC into our globally binding Allianz Group Group level. In 2021, we revised this screening 05.6 Our commitment to human rights these principles. As a corporate insurer and investor, our human Code of Conduct and we respect the Organization questionnaire with additional questions. These are 05.7 Our impact on the U.N. Sustainable rights due diligence process forms part of our for Economic Co-operation and Development published in the annex of the Allianz Group Development Goals We aim to identify, prevent, or mitigate adverse overall sustainability approach which is integrated (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. 05.8 Independent practitioner’s report human rights impacts linked to our business Vendor Code of Conduct. on a limited assurance engagement activities and operations including our supply into our broader risk management system (see Allianz endorses the Declaration on Fundamental We extend our commitment to international on sustainability information chain. The U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Table ESG-3). We use a combination of sector Principles and Rights at Work, including the ILO human rights standards to the workforce of our Human Rights (UNGP) provide a framework for and country-specific approaches to identify declaration on the freedom of association and suppliers and those impacted by our supply chain. responsible business operations and activities. human rights risks. the right to collective bargaining. In countries Our Global Sourcing and Procurement function Read our UNGC Communication on Progress. Human rights-related due diligence has been where local law prohibits formalized unions assesses current and potential suppliers to ensure integrated into all 13 sensitive business areas and works councils, we respect local law but do they abide by the ESG guidelines outlined in the In the German context, Allianz commits to the where relevant, to ensure that human rights not obstruct parallel means of association and Allianz Vendor Code of Conduct (CoC), which is National Action Plan for Business and Human are part of the overall risk assessment for bargaining, and we strive to act in the spirit of the aligned with ILO standards, UNGP and UNGC Rights which is based on the U.N. Guiding insurance and investments in non-listed asset UNGC principles. (see section 03.6). Allianz is also committed to Principles on Business and Human Rights. classes. We maintain a mandatory referral list Our commitment to foster workplace and gender compliance with the Modern Slavery Act in the To manage our human rights impacts, we must for sensitive countries where systematic human equality goes to the core of our commitment as U.K., both from the perspective of our U.K. business look across each of our roles as an insurer and rights violations occur. For business transactions an employer. Allianz is a supporter of the U.N. and the interactions of our wider Group. No issues investor, as an employer, as a company including located in these countries, we carry out explicit Women’s Empowerment Principles and the B were raised regarding human rights issues in our supply chain and as a corporate citizen. For due diligence in accordance with our Human Team’s Principles for Equality which aim to ensure accordance with the Modern Slavery Act in 2021. each of these roles, we have embedded different Rights Guideline that covers various human rights equitable, safe, and dignified workplaces that Read the Allianz Group Vendor Code processes to manage human rights risks and act violations. Additional details on these human respect human rights and allow people to thrive. of Conduct. on opportunities to drive positive change. In 2021, rights assessments can be found in Table ESG-3. we strengthened our approach by publishing our Read the Allianz Group 2021 Statement Human Rights Approach embedded in the Allianz on Modern Slavery. Group ESG Integration Framework. Access our grievance mechanism. 108

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