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People Factbook

With over 126 million private and corporate customers worldwide and more than 155,000 employees, Allianz remains one of the world’s largest insurers, investors and assistance providers.

Allianz People Fact Book 2021 We care for tomorrow

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 2 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Dear colleagues, 2021 – This was the second year that we globally sailed through unprecedented times brought to us by COVID 19. And even though we faced many challenges, I am impressed by everything what we as Allianz have achieved together within the last year! Our business strategy continues to deliver and with it our HR strategy, giving us the confidence to secure the future of our people and customers. Our Allianz Annual Engagement Survey (AES) turned out to be the second-best results in history and outperformed the recent market trends. Especially the IMIX score, an indicator of company culture, remained highly stable – all thanks to our resilience! Empowering our employees is a focus area which yielded great results. With an aim to improve customer centricity and offer best in class HR services using technology at the forefront, HR Transformation (HRT) project was successfully completed in time. This is closely linked to our strategy and delivered on our ambition of simplifying HR products for our people. To strengthen our Employer Value Proposition, advance our market position, and attract, retain, and engage top talent in 2021, we launched the global minimum standards for Ways of Working (WoW). These standards focus on key initiatives like digital tools, life-long learning culture, strategic workforce planning, flexible working, employee safety, well-being & mental health. Hybrid working is our new normal. Included in our WoW, our people can work remotely at least 40% of the time and Allianz is providing flexibility in working abroad up to 25 days per year. Moreover, Allianz partnered with the World Economic Forum to set global standards for new work models. Alongside our WoW, lifelong learning and strategic workforce planning is identified as key for our people development. Not only providing a global learning platform but also driving strategic up- and re-skilling measures remain a high priority for our us going forward. Creating a diverse workplace is one of our most important commitments. And we are progressing on it to build a workplace that offers fair and equitable opportunities to all our employees. New global targets were set to foster all areas of diversity: Gender diversity, Disability, Nationalities, Generations and Sexual Orientation. Three new global employee networks – Allianz Engage (gender inclusion), Allianz Beyond (disability inclusion) and Allianz Grace (ethnic and cultural inclusion) were established bringing the total to five, each focused on a key priority. I am proud to share in the market, we were accorded with prestigious rankings and ratings: Allianz has been ranked number 5 in the Refinitiv Diversity & Inclusion Index 2021 – as the only German company among the top 20 and the only insurer in the top 100. Bagged 2 nd place in the German Diversity Index. Additionally, Allianz was globally EDGE Assess certified at the end of 2021 for its insurance entities covering almost 80% of Allianz Group’s global headcount. Almost 40% among these even achieved the advanced level ‘EDGE Move’. I am pleased to share that our new people fact book is certified with the ISO Standard for Human Capital Reporting. More insights on each of these achievements can be found in our 2021 People Fact Book. I hope you will enjoy the read. Stefan Britz Chief Human Resources Officer at Allianz Foreword

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 3 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Content 01 Overview 4 Financial performance 5 Employees 6 Employees – core and non-core business 7 Figures at a glance 8 Headcount by country 9 02 Employee Profile & Diversity 10 Key facts, focus, and outlook for 2022 11 Key figures 12 03 Mental Health & Well-being 21 Key facts, focus, and outlook for 2022 22 Key figures 23 04 AllianzU 27 Key facts, focus, and outlook for 2022 28 Key figures 29 05 Reward & Performance, Global Mobility 33 Key facts, focus, and outlook for 2022 34 Key figures 35 06 People Attraction & Talent Management 38 Key facts, focus, and outlook for 2022 39 Key figures 40 07 Employee Engagement 45 Key facts, focus, and outlook for 2022 46 Key figures 47 08 Appendix 53 Glossary 54 Disclaimer 56 Allianz ONE – Business Solutions GmbH, Munich

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 4 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Overview With over 126 million 1 private and corporate customers worldwide and more than 155,000 employees, Allianz remains one of the world’s largest insurers, investors and assistance providers. 1) Including non-consolidated entities with Allianz customers. 01 Highlights 155,411 employees 52% women 148.5 revenues (bn) 13.4 operating profit (bn) Allianz SE, Munich The strength and resilience of Allianz is in the hearts of our 155,000 employees. One of the best ways we can care for tomorrow and for all our employees is by creating an environment where everyone can thrive and be at their best. Our People Factbook 2021 highlights how we bring this to life through diversity and inclusion, physical and mental well- being, continuous learning, personal development and engagement. Renate Wagner Member of the Allianz SE Board of Management and Chairperson of the Global Inclusion Council

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 5 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Allianz delivers a strong finish to 2021 As of December 31, 2021 Total number of employees 1 155,411 EUR 148.5 bn revenues +5.7% +24.6% +1% - p +1 2 . 5% EUR 13.4 bn operating profit EUR 6.6 bn net income attributable to shareholders 209% Solvency II capitalization ratio 2 EUR 10.80 dividend per share proposal 2020 EUR 80.0 bn shareholders’ equity -1 .1% -2.9% 1) Total number of employees with an employment contract of all affiliated companies (core and non-core business). 2) Risk capital figures are group diversified at 99.5% confidence level. Including the application of transitional measures for technical provisions, the Solvency II capitalization ratio is 239% as of December 31, 2021. 50% women 50% men

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 6 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Allianz employed a total of 155,411 people at end of 2021 As of December 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020/December 31, 2019) Middle East & Africa: 4 (4/4) South America: 2 (2/2) North America: 5 (6/6) Eastern Europe: 8 (6/6) Asia Pacific: 13 (13/13) Germany: 30 (30/29) Rest of Europe: 38 (39/40) Middle East & Africa: 1 (1/1) Middle East & Africa: 1 (0/1) South America: 1 (1/1) South America: 1 (2/1) North America: 17 (15/16) Eastern Europe: 3 (2/2) Asia Pacific: 6 (4/7) Asia Pacific: 8 (8/7) Eastern Europe: 5 (6/5) Germany: 31 (34/34) Rest of Europe: 39 (39/38) Rest of Europe: 34 (44/40) North America: 32 (25/26) Germany : 22 (19/19) 1) Figures based on all Allianz employees (core and non-core business). Regional share of employees calculated based on headquarter location of each Allianz company. Employees (%) of 155,411 Total revenues (%) of EUR 148.5bn Operating profit (%) of EUR 13.4bn

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 7 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview 148,708 employees in our core business As of December 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020) = total number of employees with an employment contract of all affiliated companies Total number of employees 155,411 (150, 269) = total number of employees excluding fully consolidated companies which are: • considered pure financial investments • non-profit organizations, e.g., foundations • classified as held for sale Number of employees in core business 148,708 (148,929) Figures in this report are based on the number of employees in Allianz’s core business, unless otherwise stated.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 8 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Allianz Group human capital at a glance As of December 31, 2021 Allianz Employees 2019 2020 2021 Salaried workforce 97% 97% 97% Managers 1 13% 13% 14% Full-time equivalents (FTEs) 95% 92% 91% Part-time employees 13% 13% 13% Employees with permanent contracts 92% 93% 93% Trainees 2% 2% 2% International assignments 363 397 417 Average age 40.6 40.6 40.7 Average length of service in years 10.8 10.7 10.6 Employee turnover rate 16% 13% 15% Sick leave days per employee 8.1 6.9 6.9 Employees who participated in at least one training 2 75% 79% 103% Revenues 3 per employee 4 (in thou EUR) 1 , 0 4 7. 5 1,023.1 1,062.3 Operating profit 3 per employee 4 (in thou EUR) 8 7. 2 78.3 95.9 Total personnel expenses 3 (in mn EUR) 12,422 12,509 13,339 Personnel expenses 3 per employee 5 (in thou EUR) 86.9 84.1 8 7. 3 Human Capital Return of Investment 3 95% 86% 100% Employees in core business 148,708 52% women 48% men 1) Employees who are functionally responsible for other staff, regardless of level, e.g. division, department and team manager. 2) Percentage of employees with at least one training can be greater than 100% due to reporting period calculation methodology incl. employee in- and outflows. 3) Financials based on core and non-core businesses. 4) Based on average FTE of core and non-core businesses. 5) Based on average number of employees in core and non-core businesses.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 9 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview 10 largest countries by headcount Based on headcount of core and non-core entities Country 2019 2020 2021 Germany 38,412 39,76 8 39,720 France 13,888 13,538 13,325 United Kingdom 9,956 10,936 10,752 India 6,845 7,862 8,461 United States 8,329 7, 8 0 2 7, 8 9 7 Italy 6,289 6,087 6,194 Poland 1,843 1,755 6,121 Australia 5,470 5,668 5,912 Spain 4,488 4,308 4,485 Brazil 2,720 4,291 3,886

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 10 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity We are proud of our diversity and believe it is fundamental to our success and innovation. Our global workforce includes people from many different nationalities and backgrounds – be it gender, ethnicity, age, religious belief, education, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality. Allianz SE 2021 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (listed for the 6 th consecutive year) Bloomberg Allianz SE Rank 5 in the 2021 Global Refinitiv Diversity & Inclusion Index Refinitiv Allianz SE Rank 2 in the German Diversity Index 2021 BeyondGenderAgenda  Allianz Germany Rank 1 in Pride Index 2021 Uhlala Group Allianz Australia Best Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Program 2021 Australian HR Awards Allianz Technology/Allianz Services India Diversity & Inclusion Company of the Ye a r 2 0 21 Transformance Forums Highlights 2021 awards across Allianz entities 1 02 76 nationalities at the headquarters in Munich 1) Only few selected awards listed. AllianzGI, Munich Employee Profile & Diversity 39% female managers

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 11 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity Outlook 2022 Key facts In focus We have set ourselves ambitious D&I targets for December 2024 that extend much beyond gender representation and cover the dimensions of generations, nationalities, ethnicities, and LGBTQ+.  In line with our commitment to The Valuable 500 movement and together with our Allianz Beyond network, we will put a • In 2021, we formalized our commitment to Diversity and Inclusion through implementing the first ever global Allianz Diversity and Inclusion guideline and a Group-wide Allianz Anti-Harassment Policy. • We complemented our existing global employee networks focusing on LGBTQ+ and gender inclusion by setting up three new employee networks, looking at age inclusion, ethnic and cultural inclusion, and disability inclusion. In 2021, we were proud to introduce our new Transitioning at Work Functional Rule across Allianz UK. Spearheaded by our Pride networks in collaboration with Stonewall, we are the UK’s first major insurer to provide support of this kind for our employees. The document contains information and a work-related framework for any employee who is transitioning, as well as practical guidance for managers and colleagues on how to best support them. It highlights the legal context and protections we provide our trans colleagues, and the key considerations and responsibilities we all have to create a safe, inclusive environment for anyone transitioning or considering transition. Representing another key milestone in our D&I journey, this is a clear statement of our commitment to building and maintaining an environment in which everyone feels respected, valued, and empowered to express themselves authentically at work. Scarlet Marie Morgan (she/her) Allianz Transgender Ambassador, Pride Network co-lead Claims Administration, Allianz UK focus on disability inclusion to make Allianz a more inclusive and accessible workplace for everyone. Additionally, we will focus on lifecycle management to foster generational diversity at Allianz. • We organized the Allianz Diversity & Inclusion tour, a series of ten virtual D&I events open to all employees hosted by our employee networks, different OEs and senior Allianz leaders.

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 12 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity 52% of Allianz employees are women Female and male employees by region (in %) 54 Allianz Group 56 44 32 68 2021 49 51 48 52 45 55 53 47 2021 46 54 48 52 2021 32 68 55 45 56 44 33 67 2019 2020 Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific 50 50 52 48 48 52 2020 53 47 2019 53 47 48 52 Germany Eastern Europe Female employees in % of total employees Male employees in % of total employees 47 53 47 53 46 2019 2020 49 51 45 55 49 51

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 13 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity An Allianz manager is on average responsible for 6 people Managers and staff by region (in %) Managers in % of salaried workforce Staff in % of salaried workforce 12 88 88 12 88 17 83 83 11 89 2019 2020 2019 2020 17 83 12 88 88 13 87 11 89 18 82 19 81 13 87 13 87 13 87 13 13 13 87 87 87 12 88 2019 2020 14 86 14 86 14 86 2021 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 12 17 2021 2021 12 20 80

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 14 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity 39% of Allianz managers are women Female managers and staff by region (in %) Female managers in % of total managers Female staff in % of total staff 2019 2020 29 48 29 48 53 44 31 51 49 30 53 44 2019 2020 49 67 46 37 49 67 46 37 2019 2020 38 52 55 41 56 39 38 52 55 41 57 38 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 2021 39 53 30 48 49 66 55 41 46 37 56 41 53 44 36 53

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 15 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity Diversity of leadership team Female and male executive employees 67 Number of nationalities represented in executive positions Key Fact 25% female Total: 220 Allianz Global Executives Total : 8 81 Allianz Senior Executives 25% female Total: 5,961 Allianz Executives 33% female Total : 7, 0 6 2 32% female Total : 12,495 43% female Allianz Group junior management Allianz Group top management

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 16 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity On an average, the emerging markets have younger employees than the mature markets Average age as of December 31, 2021 50 40 30 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 Allianz Group Germany Eastern Europe Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Women Total salaried workforce Men 36.8 36.7 36.7 3 7. 2 38.0 3 7. 5 3 7. 4 42.3 41.6 41.9 31.6 33.2 34.7 31.6 33.0 34.2 40.6 41.6 41.1 40.1 42.4 41. 2 42.0 42.3 42.1 41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6 42.4 43.0 41.9 42.5 42.5 40.0 41. 3 40.6 40.1 41.1 40.6 42.1 41.5 41.8 3 7. 0 3 7. 1 3 7. 1 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 38.1 39.0 32.0 33.4 35.0 40.7 41.7 41. 2 42.3 42.7 42.4 41.4 42.2 42.8 40.2 41. 2 40.7 42.2 41.7 41.9 3 7. 2 3 7. 5 3 7. 3 3 7. 5 3 7. 5 38.5

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 17 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity The largest share of Allianz employees are between 25 and 34 years old 2019 2020 2021 < 25 Total 9,675 7. 0 % 9,0 6 6 6.3% 8,481 5.9% Men 4,284 3.1% 3,910 2.7% 3,649 2.5% Women 5,391 3.9% 5,156 3.6% 4,832 3.4% 25-34 Total 39,096 28.2% 41, 379 28.8% 41,105 28.6% Men 18,696 13.5% 19,79 0 13.8% 19, 524 13.6% Women 20,400 14.7% 21,589 15.0% 21,581 15.0% 35-44 Total 3 7, 51 8 2 7. 0 % 39, 551 27.5% 40,011 2 7.9 % Men 18,530 13.4% 19,583 13.6% 19,829 13.8% Women 18,988 13.7% 19,968 13.9% 20,182 14.1% 45-54 Total 33, 376 23.9% 33,907 23.6% 33,821 23.5% Men 16,731 12.0% 16,861 11.7% 16,707 11.6% Women 16,645 11.9% 1 7, 0 4 6 11.9% 1 7, 11 4 11.9% 55-64 Total 18,472 13.3% 18,796 13.1% 19, 352 13.5% Men 10,101 7. 3 % 10,259 7. 1 % 10,470 7. 3 % Women 8,371 6.0% 8,537 5.9% 8,882 6.2% ≥ 65 Total 796 0.6% 1,006 0.7% 850 0.6% Men 428 0.3% 661 0.5% 479 0.3% Women 368 0.3% 345 0.2% 371 0.3% Age structure figures based on salaried workforce. No child labor (below 15 years old) exists.

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 18 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity 35% of our workforce is below 35 years old Age ranges 2021 (in %) < 25 < 25 45-54 45-54 25-34 25-34 55-64 55-64 35-44 35-44 ≥ 65 ≥ 65 < 25 45-54 25-34 55-64 35-44 ≥ 65 < 25 45-54 25-34 55-64 35-44 ≥ 65 < 25 45-54 25-34 55-64 35-44 ≥ 65 < 25 45-54 25-34 55-64 35-44 ≥ 65 < 25 45-54 25-34 55-64 35-44 ≥ 65 5.4 26.3 26.5 16.9 24.6 2 7. 3 20.3 13.1 35.6 6.4 25.3 25.7 15.6 26.4 < 25 45-54 25-34 55-64 35-44 ≥ 65 12.0 5.9 8.0 23.5 13.5 51. 2 28.6 26.3 2 7.9 22.8 24.8 14.0 32.3 20.6 31.9 38.7 6.0 16.7 38.8 32.9 Allianz Group Middle East & Africa Germany North America Eastern Europe South America Rest of Europe Asia Pacific Ø Age 40.7 Ø Age 42.2 Ø Age 41.9 Ø Age 33.4 Ø Age 42.4 Ø Age 38.5 Ø Age 41. 2 Ø Age 3 7. 3 4.9 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.6 2.5 2.1 4.7 0.2 0.6 4.0 2.9 3.9

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 19 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity In 2021, employees with disabilities make up 2% of our workforce Number of employees with disabilities in Allianz companies by region Allianz Group Middle East & Africa Germany Eastern Europe 2,818 2,893 63 57 1,320 1,427 192 190 56 44 Asia Pacific 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019 2021 3,222 54 1,502 210 North America South America 12 12 92 22 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019 2021 5 71 Rest of Europe 1,083 1,141 2020 2019 2021 1, 313 67

Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 20 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Profile & Diversity More than 160 nationalities worldwide while 76 are present at the Allianz SE headquarters in Munich Most common nationalities at Allianz SE 1 Nationality 2019 2020 2021 German 886 946 1,247 Italian 52 56 69 Indian 27 39 49 American 36 39 43 Chinese 31 31 40 Spanish 22 23 38 French 33 33 35 Austrian 27 28 28 British 25 22 27 Turkish 15 20 24 Romanian 13 17 17 Russian 14 15 15 Colombian 15 10 14 Serbian 11 10 14 Brazilian 7 11 12 1) Excluding Allianz SE Singapore, Casablanca and Rome branch.

Employee Profile & Diversity AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 21 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Mental Health & Well-being Mental Health & Well-being The well-being of our employees is key to the success of Allianz. We advocate workplace health and we provide a wide range of initiatives to create a healthy working environment. 03 Highlights Allianz Technology Corporate Health Award “Excellence” seal and special prize “International” EuPD Research and Handelsblatt Allianz Spa (Italy) Top employer 2021 Top Employer Institute Allianz SE Singapore Branch HRD 5 Star Employer Award 2021, Employer of Choice 2021 HRD Asia (  Allianz Taiwan LH and Allianz Thailand HR Asia Best Companies To Work For In Asia Awards 2021 HR ASIA ( Allianz Taiwan LH and Allianz Indonesia 2021 Top Insurance Employer Insurance Business Asia ( 2021 awards across Allianz entities 1 1) Only few selected awards listed. 69% WWI+ 80% female part-time employees Allianz Services, Munich

Employee Profile & Diversity AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 22 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Mental Health & Well-being Outlook 2022 Key facts In focus In 2022, we will continue with the global implementation of the four minimum health requirements. By running quarterly health pulse checks to learn about the needs and wants of our employees when it comes to health and well-being in the workplace. Subsequently, we will develop corresponding global initiatives to address gaps and major pain points and define new global standards, if necessary, to ensure sustainable implementation. Additionally, we will offer best-in-class mental health services. • In 2021, we implemented four global minimum health requirements: providing professional psychological support, health and well-being training for managers, regular feedback on employee health and a meeting free time to focus on work. • By the beginning of 2022, 95% of OEs have implemented Employee Assistance Programs, 72% of managers underwent health and well-being training, 64% of employees are satisfied with feedback opportunities and 67% of OEs have implemented meeting free time. • Multiple global initiatives raise awareness and break the stigma around mental health, such as the Mental Health podcast series “How are you really doing?” and the Well Together health app. In 2021, the Allianz mental health podcast series “How are you really doing? Let’s talk about mental health!” was launched in collaboration between the People Product House and AllianzU. It provides employees with valuable information around mental health and well-being. Nine episodes highlighted stories and lessons learned from people in all walks of life. Guests share stories of hardship and triumph, self-care tips, guided exercises, and best practices for creating psychologically safe workplace and developing personal resilience. The podcast series is brought to our employees via our global AllianzU learning platform. With more than 1,500 employees actively listening to the podcasts and getting engaged to initiate a self-reflection, the podcast series has significantly contributed to starting a conversation and breaking the stigma around the topic of mental health. Further, social media posts, promoting the podcast externally generated more than 28,000 views, once again highlighting the general interest in this important topic. Julie Mitchell Chief General Manager, Personal Injury, Allianz Australia

Employee Profile & Diversity AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 23 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Mental Health & Well-being Germany and Western Europe have the biggest share of part-time workers Part-time and full-time employees by region (in %) 13 87 18 82 8 92 17 83 Part-time employees in % of salaried workforce Full-time employees in % of salaried workforce 99 1 98 2 97 3 13 87 17 83 95 5 97 3 18 82 98 2 97 3 8 92 99 1 99 1 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2021 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 13 87 17 83 8 92 17 83 99 1 96 4 92 8

Employee Profile & Diversity AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 24 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Mental Health & Well-being 82% of part-time employees in Germany are women Female part-time and full-time by region (in %) Female part-time employees in % of total part-time employees Female full-time employees in % of total full-time employees 79 47 54 49 76 44 78 53 86 50 78 48 77 53 52 47 87 50 72 44 79 46 79 38 68 65 79 46 82 38 70 64 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 2021 80 47 82 39 66 64 79 48 52 51 51 67 44 80 52 81

Employee Profile & Diversity AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 25 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Mental Health & Well-being Work-related injuries decreased by 23% in 2021 for Allianz Group Number of work-related injuries by region 1,513 751 578 Allianz Group 2020 2019 2021 15 1 7 North America 2020 2019 2021 45 9 12 South America 2020 2019 2021 210 142 101 Asia Pacific 2020 2019 2021 346 179 107 Germany 2020 2019 2021 22 8 7 Eastern Europe 2020 2019 2021 18 9 7 Middle East & Africa 2020 2019 2021 857 403 337 Rest of Europe 2020 2019 2021 1 Fatal Occupational Injury in 2021

Employee Profile & Diversity AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 26 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Mental Health & Well-being Allianz employees took 6.9 sick leave days on average Sick leave days per region Allianz Group Germany Eastern Europe Rest of Europe North America South America Asia Pacific Middle East & Africa 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 7. 8 5.8 5.5 2.5 2.7 2.2 1.7 1.3 1.3 9.6 9.4 6.9 6.9 3.0 3.0 8.1 11.5 6.8 8.6 8.2 3.6 2.0 3.0 3.9

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 27 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview AllianzU AllianzU Ensuring that our employees continuously develop their skills and have the opportunity to reach their full potential enables us to remain agile and responsive. The vision of AllianzU (Allianz University) is to provide every employee across the entire Group with the right development programs to support their continuous development. Allianz SE, Munich 04 Highlights 1) Only few selected awards listed. 716 EUR average training spend per employee Allianz Group The LinkedIn Talent Award 2021 for the Best Culture of Learning for large (3,000+ employees) companies in Germany Since launching LinkedIn Learning in 2018, Allianz has consistently been above benchmark for active users and hours of learning LinkedIn Learning 2021 awards across Allianz entities 1 48% LinkedIn registration rate 34.7 average training and learning hours per employee

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 28 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview AllianzU Outlook 2022 Key facts In focus AllianzU will continue to foster a culture of lifelong learning for our employees. The platform (powered by Degreed) will have enhanced engagement initiatives, enabling employees to reskill and upskill themselves in areas relevant for the future. Through our transformation of leadership culture as part of #lead leadership development, leaders will continue their learning journey to refresh their passport through the AllianzU Platform by completing 45 hours of learning every year. We will continue to strengthen our global learning offers with focus on specific skills to help our people stay resilient and advance in their careers. • AllianzU has rolled out its first global social learning platform (Degreed) to all 136,000+ employees across all entities. It has reached 40% registration (more than 55,000 and over 540,000 viewed items in 2021). • #lead, Allianz’s first ever groupwide leadership development initiative, was launched in 2020 to equip our leaders with the mindset and tools to lead our business into the future. Under #lead, the Allianz Leadership Passport is the license to be a people leader at Allianz. 14,213 of our people leaders attained their passport by the end of 2021. • In 2021, Allianz’s employees reached a registration rate of 48% (more than 69,000) on LinkedIn Learning. Our employees completed over 196,000 hours of learning and an average viewer spent nearly 6 hours on LinkedIn Learning. Allianz is among the highest LinkedIn Learning benchmarks for activation and learning hours. Euler Hermes launched in 2021, “Learning Fridays”, a monthly webinar gathering all employees around the world to learn about topics such as Agility, Diversity, People Management, New Technologies, or a specific business line linked to their strategy such as Surety, with an average participation rate of 15% of Euler Hermes employees. Euler Hermes trained more than 50 experts and HR professionals on content creation through interactive webinars and designed a quality assurance framework to deliver attractive, pedagogical, and insightful learning contents. Thierry Trabach Global Learning Manager, Euler Hermes

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 29 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview AllianzU Global leadership development programs 1 Number of Participants Program Total Men Women NPS/ Rating 2 Countries 2019 Renewal Agenda Accelerators 21 8 13 n.a. 12 Strategy Campus (AMI Campus) 161 117 44 91% 3 29 Allianz Leadership Development Program 29 16 13 93% 17 Allianz Management Program 33 17 16 76% 10 Total 244 158 86 2020 Renewal Agenda Accelerators 23 17 6 n.a. 10 #lead empower (formerly Allianz Leadership Development Program) 36 22 14 n.a. 20 Allianz Management Program 64 46 18 70% 17 Total 4 123 85 38 2021 #lead Empower (former Allianz Leadership Development Program) 33 18 15 4.2 15 #lead Ignite (former Allianz Management Program) 99 53 46 4.6 14 #sheleads (former Women Sponsorship Program) 37 37 4.6 15 Total 4 169 71 98 1) For program descriptions, please refer to the glossary section. 2) Shift in 2021 to a 5-star rating instead of NPS (Net Promoter Score). 3) Refers to the average NPS of all Strategy Campus (AMI Campus) programs. 4) All 2021 Strategy Campus programs and the Renewal Agenda Accelerators were cancelled due to Covid-19.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 30 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview AllianzU Digital learning in AllianzU Developing digital skills for the future LinkedIn Learning 2021 AllianzU Platform 2021 48.3% OF EMPLOYEES 69,534 REGISTERED USERS AVERAGE OF 6h 18m PER VIEWER Allianz is above the 75 th percentile benchmark for learners logging in multiple times and videos viewed per month 52,317 ACTIVE USERS 547,190 VIEWED ITEMS ROLLED OUT TO OVER 100% OF ALLIANZ EMPLOYEES MORE THAN 430,000 POINTS 1 WERE RECORDED 1) Approx. 430k hours of learning, some overlap with LinkedIn Learning hours. TOP SKILLS FOLLOWED BY EMPLOYEES Leadership | Change management | Communication | Data analytics | Agile 20% LEARNING ON MOBILE DEVICES

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 31 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview AllianzU Training investment in 2021 Training and learning hours and training investment per employee Training spend per employee (EUR) 2 1) Last year reported as training days per employee: defined adjusted to market practices in 2021. 2) Increase in training expenses driven by methodological adjustment towards industry practice to include overhead expenses. Allianz Group Average training and learning hours per employee (hour s) 1 Staff Total salaried workforce Managers 43.5 33.3 34.7 2021 21.6 20.5 20.7 2020 2021 2019 2020 613 442 € € € Allianz Group 716

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 32 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview AllianzU All Allianz employees participated in at least one training in 2021 1 Managers who participated in at least one training in % of managers Staff who participated in at least one training in % of staff Employees who participated in at least one training in % of salaried workforce 84 78 79 105 103 103 113 118 117 97 85 86 105 97 98 90 71 73 102 107 106 106 104 104 97 102 101 87 83 83 70 65 100 84 84 84 88 86 84 73 34 38 82 65 67 85 74 75 79 78 85 82 81 88 76 74 86 70 63 64 98 43 49 87 76 78 80 75 74 77 75 75 1) Percentage of employees with at least one training can be greater than 100% due to reporting period calculation methodology incl. employee in- and outflows. 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 2021

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 33 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Reward & Performance, GM Reward & Performance, Global Mobility At Allianz, we foster a working environment where both people and performance matter. The remuneration structures provide incentives for sustainable value creation and are based on key principles of fairness and transparency. Allianz Services, Munich 05 Highlights 1) Only few selected awards listed. 13.3 total personnel expenses (bn) Allianz Group 2021 GEO Award – Best Plan Communication GEO – Global Equity Organization 2021 awards across Allianz entities 1 9.7% Allianz employees in % of shareholders

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 34 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Reward & Performance, GM Outlook 2022 Key facts In focus Our commitment to achieve Equal Pay by the end of 2021 was another milestone towards reaching gender equality. In 2022 we will continue implementing practices to ensure sustained success and embed Equal Pay in the HR value chain. Another key focus area for this year is the further implementation of our Global Benefits Strategy, which aims at ensuring global minimum standards and to a certain extend harmonizing benefits to increase efficiency and boost employee experience. Finally, with regards to fostering cross-border remote work as part of our new Ways of Working, the cross- border remote assessment tool will be rolled out to all interested OEs globally. This will not only ensure full compliance, but more importantly, create a positive impact on employee experience and further strengthen Allianz’ employer value proposition. • In 2021, Allianz colleagues around the globe received a record number of more than 676,000 Allianz shares via the Employee Share Purchase Program (ESPP). • As part of our commitment to Gender Equality, in 2021 we embarked on the EDGE certification process with 68 entities covering almost 80% of our global headcount. EDGE is a globally recognized assessment method and certification standard which was launched at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in 2011 to assess the level of gender equality in companies and provide recommendations on how to improve. Having achieved global EDGE Assess Certification for our Insurance Business segment and for the global business lines Allianz Partners, Euler Hermes, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE, Allianz Technology and Allianz Services, is proof of our strong focus on equal opportunities for all our employees. • In 2021, we launched our brand-new assignee platform called GoGlobal, which was designed jointly with our partners (EY and ICUnet) and ensures a seamless experience along the entire assignment journey. GoGlobal provides assignees with all relevant information on activities, documents, contact details, full transparency on all ongoing, planned and completed processes and even recommended places for their assignment – simply everything employees must know about their assignment in one place. The platform is truly state-of-the- art in terms of usability and user experience and the feedback from assignees has been overwhelmingly positive. As the world around us becomes increasingly more global, many of us have friends and family scattered across various parts of the world. For an increasing number of people, the freedom to simultaneously work remotely from other countries and spend quality time with family, visit friends, or simply catch some winter sunshine – is a valuable benefit of modern working life. After listening to our employees, Allianz has embraced this kind of flexibility and implemented the Allianz Global Guidance for Cross-Border Remote Work, which sets the framework to work remotely, outside the country of employment. Depending on the implementation in different OEs, employees are now eligible to work up to 25 days per year from outside their country of employment, as long as the request is within the Guideline and has been approved beforehand. This is due to various legal and tax restrictions and therefore each request must be properly assessed. However, this process is fairly simple. Instead of engaging in a multi-step, time-intensive process, employees can determine their eligibility within a matter of a few minutes through a smart and easy-to- use self-assessment tool that instantly analyzes their key inputs ensuring a compliant approval amidst millions of possibilities. The Cross-Border Remote Work Assessment Tool was developed inhouse by Global Mobility, Group Tax and Allianz Technology and has received a lot of positive recognition, both internally as well as externally. So far, the tool has been rolled out in Allianz SE, Allianz Reinsurance, Allianz Technology, AGCS, and Allianz Germany. Many more OEs are interested to onboard the tool in the upcoming year. This approach towards cross- border remote work shows the willingness of Allianz to offer a high degree of flexibility to employees, setting it apart from many other companies in the market. Olaf Kliesow Head of Global Reward & Performance, Allianz SE

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 35 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Reward & Performance, GM Allianz Group paid a total of EUR 13.3bn to employees worldwide 1 Personnel expenses (in EUR mn) 2019 2020 2021 Δ 20/21 Salaries and wages 9,787 9,942 10,587 6.5% – performance-related elements 29% 27% 29% 2.0% Social security and employee assistance 1,435 1,439 1,553 7.9 % Expenses for pension and other post-retirement benefits 1,200 1,129 1,19 9 6.3% Total 12,422 12,509 13,339 6.6% 1) Figures based on all Allianz employees (core and non-core business). Percentage of employees whose salary is set by collective bargaining agreement 2021: 62.8% 2020: 62.1% 2019: 62 . 5% Allianz Germany

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 36 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Reward & Performance, GM Allianz fosters global mobility Top 5 home countries in 2021 Germany 100 India 20 France 18 United Kingdom 15 United States 13 Top 5 host countries in 2021 Germany 68 Singapore 14 France 13 United States 13 Malaysia 7 Top 5 countries sending and receiving international assignments 1 International assignments in 2021 Duration of assignment Women: 29% (6 4) Men: 71% (155) International assignees by gender 12 months or less: 12% (27) More than 12 months: 88% (192) 1) Number of international assignments in the top 5 home and host countries. For definition of international assignments, please refer to the glossary section.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 37 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Reward & Performance, GM In 2021, employees in 41 countries could buy Allianz SE Shares Global Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) 2019 2020 2021 Employees eligible 114,808 1 1 7,9 1 4 129,994 No. of countries 41 40 41 Take up rate 14% 26% 24% Allianz employees 1 2019 2020 2021 In % of shareholders 3.3 11.1 9.7 For every 3 Euros employees invest, Allianz adds another Euro on top, resulting in a 25% discount. The reference price was 197.82 EUR. The shares have a holding period of 3 years. The number of ESPP shares sold to employees under this plan was 676,669. In November 2021, the 3-year restriction period of the new plan ended for the first time (for shares allocated to colleagues in 2018). At Allianz we are happy and proud to see an increasing number of employees having access to and participating in our Employee Stock Purchase Program (ESPP), thereby participating in the long-term success of our company also as shareholders. Oliver Bäte Chief Executive Officer Allianz SE

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix 38 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview People Attraction & TM People Attraction & Talent Management At Allianz, we care for tomorrow. We care for our employees, their ambitions, dreams and challenges. Together we can build an environment where everyone feels empowered and has the confidence to explore, to grow and to shape a better future for our customers and the world around us. Join us and together, let’s care for tomorrow. 06 Highlights Allianz Group Digital Communications Award Quadriga University Allianz Group 6x shortlisted for various awards for the development, communication and global roll-out of its new Employer Value Proposition Gartner Communications Award, 2x for TIARA Award, Trendence Award, HR Excellence Award, Symbiosis Employer Branding Award Allianz Life Best Workplaces for Women Fortune 500  Allianz Technology India Best Workplaces for Women Great Place To Work 2021 awards across Allianz entities 1 1) Only few selected awards listed. 22.4% recruitment rate 33,378 employees were hired in 2021 Allianz Real Estate GmbH, Munich

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix 39 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview People Attraction & TM Outlook 2022 Key facts In focus With regards to candidate experience and talent acquisition, Allianz continues to migrate local stand-alone career websites into to offer a one-stop shop for all job and career- related information across Allianz entities. Additionally, improving the candidate and new joiner experience – measured via the Net Promoter Score across all Allianz entities along a job seeker’s journey is a priority, too. We will also develop our online forum for job seekers embedded on to allow direct interaction between job seekers and real Allianz employees without any intermediate. • Approximately 1.51 million users on looked at about 1.57 million jobs posted in 2021. • Allianz received about 200,000 internal and external applications via its global online application system in 2021. • Allianz’ Employer Value Proposition “We care for tomorrow” has seen a local implementation progress of approx. 80% across all global entities. In early 2021, Allianz introduced an entirely new “Employer Value Proposition” (EVP): ‘We care for tomorrow’. We took this EVP and customized it to Allianz’ Services local market needs. Based on our market research, we concluded that the caring aspect of our EVP has the highest attraction among target groups. As a result of close collaboration between the people experience and communication teams, we were able to launch the new EVP with a massive employer branding campaign including outdoor advertising on the streets and subways in Romania to the new office branding in Mauritius. We also promoted it on our social media channels, namely LinkedIn, which resulted in a gain of approx. 14k followers within seven months, and an above-average engagement rate of 9.2%. Corina Toma Senior People Attraction and Engagement Communications Expert, Allianz Services

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix 40 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview People Attraction & TM 1 3 . 2 1 7 . 4 2 2 . 4 1 0 . 0 1 0 . 9 3 2 . 3 1 2 . 4 1 9 . 0 1 7 . 5 3 3 . 0 1 8 . 1 2 3 . 6 1 1 . 1 1 5 . 4 1 5 . 6 1 4 . 4 8 . 1 2 8 . 7 2 3 . 0 2 4 . 0 1 0 . 4 1 2 . 7 1 1 . 0 6 . 0 Germany had the highest recruitment rate in 2021 Recruitment rate (in %) Allianz Group Germany Eastern Europe Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix 41 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview People Attraction & TM Allianz hired a total of 33,378 employees in 2021 1 Recruitment rate (in % of total recruitment) Recruitment in % Recruitment in % Recruitment in % Employees Internal External Employees Internal External Employees Internal External 2019 2020 2021 Allianz Group 24,829 6 94 19, 56 4 7 93 33,378 35 65 Germany 4,254 18 82 4,795 15 85 14,667 73 27 Eastern Europe 1,153 4 96 884 5 95 887 6 94 Rest of Europe 10,801 4 96 7, 2 67 5 95 10,080 6 94 Middle East & Africa 1,798 3 97 1,066 10 90 1,384 3 97 North America 1,284 1 99 959 1 99 1,320 4 96 South America 362 0 100 194 3 97 309 7 93 Asia Pacific 5,177 2 98 4,399 2 98 4,731 2 98 1) Number of employees recruited refers to new hires only and does not include employees taken on as a result of mergers or acquisitions and employees who moved within the same Allianz company.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix 42 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview People Attraction & TM Recruitment rate in managerial positions remains stable on Group level Recruited managers and staff by region (in %) 9 91 95 5 95 5 94 6 94 6 96 4 95 5 95 5 96 4 96 4 96 4 7 93 7 93 94 6 97 3 97 3 95 5 97 3 94 6 94 6 94 6 94 6 94 6 Recruited managers in % of total recruitment Recruited staff in % of total recruitment 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2021 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 95 5

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix 43 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview People Attraction & TM 40% of recruited managers in 2021 were women Recruited female managers and staff by region (in %) Recruited female managers in % of recruited managers Recruited female staff in % of recruited staff 44 67 35 40 51 37 54 41 43 47 44 30 55 30 41 53 51 38 52 37 48 46 47 33 51 25 42 50 52 67 38 44 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 2021 55 40 54 42 48 46 57 40 58 21 49 40 66 41 44 45

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix 44 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview People Attraction & TM Leadership recruitment rate Recruitment rate (in % of total recruitment) Recruitment in % Recruitment in % Recruitment in % Employees Internal External Employees Internal External Employees Internal External 2019 2020 2021 Allianz Top Management 557 43 57 599 38 62 814 55 45 Allianz Global Executives 21 71 29 26 73 27 25 72 28 Allianz Senior Executives 89 66 34 82 59 41 121 67 33 Allianz Executives 447 38 62 491 33 67 668 52 48

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 45 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Employee Engagement Employee engagement is key to driving long- term business success and supporting our mission towards becoming a truly customer- centric organization. Over the past years, the Allianz Engagement Survey has become our main employee listening platform for gathering feedback and promoting a high-performance culture. 07 Highlights Allianz US Life Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For Fortune Media Group Allianz Turkey Great Place To Work Great Place To Work Institute Inc. Allianz Deutschland AG Great Place to Work Great Place to Work Institute Inc.  Allianz Services India Great Place to Work Great Place to Work Institute Inc. 2021 awards across Allianz entities 1 1) Only few selected awards listed. 76% EEI 8.1% turnover rate in Germany 10.6 years average length of service with the company Allianz Germany, Munich

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 46 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Outlook 2022 Key facts In focus In 2022, we are further looking to strengthen the AES follow-up. For that purpose, targeted pulse checks are planned, especially around the topics of “New ways of working” and “Health & wellbeing”. We want to make employee engagement more tangible and hope to gain further insights through these pulse checks. • The Allianz VOICE or Super teams concept is gaining ground across several entities (e.g. Allianz SE, Allianz Services) with a goal to give our people the opportunity to develop concrete and impactful ideas to improve challenges identified via the AES results and drive cultural change from within the organization. It brings together colleagues from all levels and departments and helps build communities, so that employees feel empowered to pitch and work on the ideas that shape Allianz as an organization they love working for. • Worldwide, 132,126 employees in 64 OEs were invited to participate in the Allianz Employee Survey (AES) 2021. • The global employee engagement survey shows a very high participation rate of 82% (108,596 employees). • The Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) – our key measure of cultural change remained stable at its highest level of 78%. The two other key indices WWi+ (69%; -1%-p) and EEI (76%; -2%-p) slightly decreased as expected after the substantial increase in 2020. • Allianz’ largely stable results outperform the market trend where a more significant drop is seen in engagement scores following an initial uplift in the pandemic. Through 2020 and 2021, AllianzGI (Allianz Global Investors) went through a major transformation which encompassed repositioning our strategy and reshaping our structures and organizational footprint across the globe. Aware of the many pitfalls for transformational success, we created a comprehensive top-down & bottom-up program to help guide the organization best possibly through the change journey. The program included special attention to increasing employees’ understanding of the strategy and how they contribute, elements which scored historically low in the 2020 AES results. One voice meetings helped top management to get fully aligned with the direction of the firm and identify culture shifts needed to become the best set up for success. Meet-me-in-the-middle activation webinars and toolkit helped enable managers to take accountability for guiding their teams on strategy and leading their teams through cultural change. Virtual Livingroom sessions with members of top management, frequent Ask-the-Exco sessions, as well as Journey Teams to explore and activate culture shifts to support our strategy, gave employees real opportunities to connect with the strategy and desired culture, and to participate in shaping the way forward. In 2021, a year with negative market trend on employee engagement, AllianzGI employees’ understanding of the strategy and own contribution to company goals increased by 18 and 10 percentage points respectively, helping to improve the Employee Engagement Index by 7 percentage points. Key for success were the multiple formats for continuous and relentless dialogue and collaboration across the organization. Cecilia Grøndahl Head of Culture and Engagement, Allianz Global Investors

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 47 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Employee Engagement remains at high level of 76% Response rate, Employee Engagement Index, managerial effectiveness and top management and strategy (in %) Managerial effectiveness Top management & strategy Allianz Group Top management & strategy and managerial effectiveness 1 2020 2020 2021 2021 2019 2019 Response rate Employee Engagement Index (EEI) 1) Dimensions calculated based on Allianz Engagement employee survey (further details included in Appendix). 85% 73% 81% 66% 72% 84% 78% 85% 82% 76% 72% 86%

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 48 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement 1 6 . 5 1 2 . 9 7 . 8 1 4 . 5 1 9 . 5 2 1 . 9 2 6 . 6 1 3 . 4 1 3 . 3 1 5 . 8 1 3 . 9 2 4 . 2 1 5 . 6 1 9 . 9 2 1 . 9 1 8 . 5 1 5 . 3 8 . 1 1 5 . 6 1 7 . 6 2 3 . 7 1 6 . 1 1 6 . 8 6 . 4 South America has the lowest turnover rate Turnover rate (in %) Allianz Group Germany Eastern Europe Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 49 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Largest gender gap in staff turnover observed in South America Employee turnover rate by region (in %) Germany Eastern Europe Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Women Men 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 2020 2021 2019 16.4 7. 2 20.9 19.8 22.9 12.5 13.3 22.6 16.3 12.7 12.9 6.6 5.8 15.8 16.2 14.7 22.9 22.2 13.3 13.0 9.9 1 7. 8 18.2 8.1 20.1 19.9 24.9 12.8 18.9 24.1 13.9 14.6 15.8 14.9 8.7 7. 3 15.6 16.3 16.9 23.0 23.3 16.0 19. 3 16.2 23.1 20.5 16.3 18.6 Allianz Group

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 50 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Asia Pacific has the highest voluntary turnover rate Voluntary turnover rate (in %) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2021 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 7. 8 8.6 12.0 3.0 4.9 4.3 9. 5 6.9 9.8 6.8 11.4 8.5 16.1 16.1 22.4 9.7 6.9 10.8 13.3 16.8 16.9 7. 0 4.9 7. 6

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 51 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement In Europe employees remain on average longer with the company Average length of service by region (in years) Women Total salaried workforce Men 9.7 9.6 9.7 9. 2 8.1 8.6 13.9 13.3 13.6 4.3 5.0 4.7 6.7 5.7 6.2 10.7 10.7 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.7 11.1 11.2 11.1 8.7 8.8 8.7 13.2 12.8 13.7 5.1 5.5 4.8 6.3 5.9 6.7 9.8 9.6 9.8 8.7 8.2 9.4 8.3 8.4 8.1 11.4 11.4 11.3 10.8 10.7 10.9 11.6 11.9 11.4 7. 4 7. 2 7. 5 14.4 13.2 13.8 4.1 4.5 4.3 6.7 5.6 6.1 9.4 9.0 9. 2 9.1 8.1 8.5 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 2021

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 52 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Employees in emerging markets on average have a lower tenure Average length of service by region (in years) Staff Managers 10.4 13.0 10.2 12.8 10.8 13.5 8.2 12.3 12.9 15.6 4.6 8.7 5.7 9.4 9.6 10.9 8.1 11.4 13.6 11.0 11. 3 7.9 10.5 13.0 13.8 11. 3 10.4 6.9 13.3 16.0 4.2 8.6 9. 5 5.6 13.4 16.3 3.9 7. 8 8.9 5.6 9. 5 11.4 11.1 8.0 8.9 11.2 11. 3 7.9 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Allianz Group Rest of Europe Middle East & Africa North America South America Asia Pacific Germany Eastern Europe 2021 2021 2021

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 53 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Leadership turnover rate Turnover rate 1 and voluntary turnover rate 1 (in %) Turnover rate in % Voluntary Turnover rate in % Turnover rate in % Voluntary Turnover rate in % Turnover rate in % Voluntary Turnover rate in % 2019 2020 2021 Allianz Top Executives 0.40 0.21 0.40 0.18 0.43 0.21 Allianz Global Executives 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 Allianz Senior Executives 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.02 Allianz Executives 0.34 0.19 0.34 0.16 0.38 0.19 1) Turnover rate and voluntary turnover rate calculated based on total workforce.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement People Attraction & TM 54 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Appendix Appendix 08 AGCS, Munich

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement People Attraction & TM 55 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Appendix Glossary Allianz Excellence Program Allianz Excellence Program, sponsored by the Group Chairman, is the Group’s most senior leadership program and focuses on developing global top talent by working on key strategic Group topics. Allianz Executives (top management positions) Number of employees holding a graded position of Allianz Executives (AE, grade 13-15) based on Allianz Grading System (AGS) method. Allianz Global Executives (top management positions) Number of employees holding a graded position of Allianz Global Executives (AGE, grade 18-22) based on Allianz Grading System (AGS) method. Allianz Leadership Development Program Allianz Leadership Development Program is a transition program, sponsored by a Board member, that equips executives with skills and capabilities to improve their leadership performance and effectively plan their next career steps at Allianz Group. Allianz Management Program Allianz Management Program is a leadership development program consisting of two modules with a strong focus on self-leadership and change, designed for confirmed future potentials with leadership experience. Allianz Senior Executives (top management positions) Number of employees holding a graded position of Allianz Senior Executives (ASE, grade 16-17) based on Allianz Grading System (AGS) method. Core business All companies in and related to the insurance and asset management business, including our banking activities, where Allianz has more than half of the voting power. Dividend That part of the earnings of a company that is distributed to its shareholders. External recruitment Number of employees recruited from outside the Allianz Group. Internal recruitment Number of employees recruited from another Allianz company. International assignments Number of employees working in a foreign country (host country) for a predetermined period of time with the intention to return to the sending company in the home country after completion of the assignment. Length of service in years Period of employment in years in Allianz companies starting from the date of the first entry in an Allianz company. Manager Employee who is functionally responsible for other staff, regardless of level, e.g. division, department and team manager. Managerial effectiveness Measured through the Allianz Engagement Survey Manager dimension as the average of 4 items: 1. My manager and I work together in an atmosphere based on mutual trust and respect, 2. My manager clearly communicates what is expected of me, 3. My manager gives me feedback that helps me to improve my performance, 4. My manager listens and responds to my ideas and concerns. Net income Net income is the residual from the total operating and non- operating income and expenses net of income taxes. Net Promoter Score Net Promoter Score is the key KPI system at Allianz for measuring loyalty and advocacy. Responses are on a scale from 0 to 10 and categorized as follows: promoters (10-9), passives (8-7) and detractors (6-0). NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. Non-core business Fully consolidated companies which are considered as pure financial investments, non-profit organizations e.g. foundations and companies classified as held for sale. Operating profit Earnings from ordinary activities before income taxes and non-controlling interests in earnings, excluding, as applicable for each respective segment, all or some of the following items: Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value (net), realized gains / losses (net), impairments on investments (net), interest expenses from external debt, amortization of intangible assets, acquisition-related expenses and income from fully consolidated private equity investments (net) as this represents income from industrial holdings outside the scope of operating business.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement People Attraction & TM 56 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Appendix Recruitment rate Total number of recruitments divided by yearly average number of employees. Trainees recruited for a traineeship position are out of scope. Renewal Agenda Accelerator The purpose of the Renewal Agenda Accelerator program is to accelerate Allianz’s transformation by having top talents work closely with the Allianz SE Board on key strategic topics facing the Group. It is the Group’s most senior Allianz leadership program and was piloted in 2018. Salaried workforce Employees (headcount) on the reporting unit’s payroll, excluding e.g. employees on sabbatical leave, employees on non-paid parental leave. Shareholders’ equity Proportion of the equity that is attributable to shareholders. Sick leave days Total number of working days missed due to sickness. Solvency II capitalization ratio Ratio indicating the capital adequacy of a company comparing eligible own funds to required capital, based on Solvency II Regulation. Staff Employee who is not functionally responsible for other employees. Strategy Campus (AMI Campus) Strategy Campus (AMI Campus) programs are Board-sponsored events, taking place each year to provide a structured and open dialogue among senior executives on key strategic issues, affecting the Allianz Group. Top management & strategy Measured through the Allianz Engagement Survey Top Management & Strategy dimension as the average of 5 items: 1. The top management at our company has communicated a Purpose and Strategy for the future that motivates me, 2. The top management at our company acts and communicates in a credible way, 3. The top management at our company demonstrates that employees are important to the success of our company, 4. I have a clear understanding of the strategy of our company, 5. I understand how my work goals relate to our company’s goals. Total revenues Represent the sum of P/C segment’s gross premiums written, L/H segment’s statutory premiums, operating revenues in Asset Management and total revenues in Corporate and Other (Banking). Trainees Employees at the beginning of their career who are undergoing practical training designed to facilitate their development of knowledge and skills, e.g. apprentices, trainees, interns and working students. Trainees could be either full-time or part-time. Training days per employee Number of days spent by employees in training. Trainings of less than 3 hours’ duration are also included. Training expenses Effective spending on training per employee, excluding related expenses (e.g. travel expenses) and further costs (e.g. internal academy costs). Turnover rate Number of employees leaving the Allianz Group divided by yearly average number of employees. Voluntary turnover rate Number of Employees who left Allianz Group under the terms of a mutually agreed termination contract initiated by the employee divided by the yearly average number of employees.

Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Employee Engagement Appendix People Attraction & TM 57 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Disclaimer These assessments are, as always, subject to the disclaimer provided below. Find out more about Allianz Forward-looking statements The statements contained herein may include prospects, statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management‘s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Such deviations may arise due to, without limitation, (i) changes of the general economic conditions and competitive situation, particularly in the Allianz Group‘s core business and core markets, (ii) performance of financial markets (particularly market volatility, liquidity and credit events) (iii) frequency and severity of insured loss events, including from natural catastrophes, and the development of loss expenses, (iv) mortality and morbidity levels and trends, (v) persistency levels, (vi) particularly in the banking business, the extent of credit defaults, (vii) interest rate levels, (viii) currency exchange rates including the Euro/U.S. Dollar exchange rate, (ix) changes in laws and regulations, including tax regulations, (x) the impact of acquisitions, including related integration issues, and reorganization measures, and (xi) general competitive factors, in each case on a local, regional, national and/or global basis. Many of these factors may be more likely to occur, or more pronounced, as a result of terrorist activities and their consequences. No duty to update The company assumes no obligation to update any information or forward- looking statement contained herein, save for any information required to be disclosed by law. annualreport Date of publication: March 2021 sustainability Date of publication: April 2021

Allianz SE GroupHR Follow Allianz Careers on At Allianz, we care for tomorrow. We care for our employees, their ambitions, dreams and challenges. Together we can build an environment where everyone feels empowered and has the confidence to explore, to grow and to shape a better future for our customers and the world around us. Join us and together, let’s care for tomorrow. This report is certified under the ISO 30414 standard for Human Capital Reporting. 4C GROUP AG hereby certifies that aligned its external Human Capital Reporting to the following ISO Standard: ISO 30414:2018 Human Resource Management – Guidelines for internal and external Human Capital Reporting Subject of the certification assessment was the 2021 Human Capital Reporting of Allianz SE. Certificate register no.: ALL0003-003-01 Date of issue: 23.03.2022 Munich, the 23.03.2022 CERTIFICATE 4C GROUP AG, Elsenheimerstrasse 55a, 80687 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49 (89) 599882-0 | Allianz SE Königinstraße 28 80802 München / Germany Sarah Leu, ISO 30414 Expert, 4C GROUP AG Dr. Heiko Mauterer, Board Member, 4C GROUP AG Co-author of ISO 30414:2018 Expert with the “German institute for standardization (DIN) working committee NA 159-01-19 AA Human Resource Management“