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Employee Profile & Diversity Mental Health & Well-being AllianzU Reward & Performance, GM Appendix People Attraction & TM 46 Allianz SE People Fact Book 2021 Overview Employee Engagement Outlook 2022 Key facts In focus In 2022, we are further looking to strengthen the AES follow-up. For that purpose, targeted pulse checks are planned, especially around the topics of “New ways of working” and “Health & wellbeing”. We want to make employee engagement more tangible and hope to gain further insights through these pulse checks. • The Allianz VOICE or Super teams concept is gaining ground across several entities (e.g. Allianz SE, Allianz Services) with a goal to give our people the opportunity to develop concrete and impactful ideas to improve challenges identified via the AES results and drive cultural change from within the organization. It brings together colleagues from all levels and departments and helps build communities, so that employees feel empowered to pitch and work on the ideas that shape Allianz as an organization they love working for. • Worldwide, 132,126 employees in 64 OEs were invited to participate in the Allianz Employee Survey (AES) 2021. • The global employee engagement survey shows a very high participation rate of 82% (108,596 employees). • The Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) – our key measure of cultural change remained stable at its highest level of 78%. The two other key indices WWi+ (69%; -1%-p) and EEI (76%; -2%-p) slightly decreased as expected after the substantial increase in 2020. • Allianz’ largely stable results outperform the market trend where a more significant drop is seen in engagement scores following an initial uplift in the pandemic. Through 2020 and 2021, AllianzGI (Allianz Global Investors) went through a major transformation which encompassed repositioning our strategy and reshaping our structures and organizational footprint across the globe. Aware of the many pitfalls for transformational success, we created a comprehensive top-down & bottom-up program to help guide the organization best possibly through the change journey. The program included special attention to increasing employees’ understanding of the strategy and how they contribute, elements which scored historically low in the 2020 AES results. One voice meetings helped top management to get fully aligned with the direction of the firm and identify culture shifts needed to become the best set up for success. Meet-me-in-the-middle activation webinars and toolkit helped enable managers to take accountability for guiding their teams on strategy and leading their teams through cultural change. Virtual Livingroom sessions with members of top management, frequent Ask-the-Exco sessions, as well as Journey Teams to explore and activate culture shifts to support our strategy, gave employees real opportunities to connect with the strategy and desired culture, and to participate in shaping the way forward. In 2021, a year with negative market trend on employee engagement, AllianzGI employees’ understanding of the strategy and own contribution to company goals increased by 18 and 10 percentage points respectively, helping to improve the Employee Engagement Index by 7 percentage points. Key for success were the multiple formats for continuous and relentless dialogue and collaboration across the organization. Cecilia Grøndahl Head of Culture and Engagement, Allianz Global Investors

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