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C _ Group Management Report Environmental management of our operations Further, we include environmental factors in our sourcing and We manage the most significant environmental impacts of our procurement processes, seeking to raise suppliers’ and contractors’ operations and aim to continuously improve our environmental awareness and action on climate change and the environment. In performance. Allianz strives to be a role model in the insurance 2021, we made Energy Sourcing a strategic priority and established industry in delivering its own targets on environmental protection and central governance and expertise within the Sustainable Operations climate change. For our operations, this means specifically: office. Our group-wide environmental management system (EMS) − Reduce the amount and carbon intensity of the energy consumed provides standards and controls, supports environmental data by our operations, in particular through energy-efficient planning, collection, and promotes transparent reporting on environmental construction and operation of buildings, sourcing green electricity, impacts across our operations. It guides us in monitoring and and using carbon-efficient vehicles, managing our use of resources. − Reduce the environmental impact of our business travel, − Use resources – in particular paper and water – efficiently, − Minimize the environmental impact of waste by avoiding, reducing, re-using, and recycling it as appropriate. Targets and achievements: environmental management of our operations Topic Targets 2021 Achievements 2021 Targets 2022 and beyond GHG emissions per employee Reduce carbon emissions by 30 % per − Our carbon footprint per employee was Reduce carbon emissions by 30 % per employee by 2025, against a 2019 0.9 tons (2020: 1.4). This represents a 60 employee by 2025, against a 2019 baseline. baseline. % reduction (2020: 42 %), against a 2019 baseline. − This reduction was mainly the result of increasing the share of renewable power in our energy mix, delivering a structured approach to energy management, and reduced business travel resulting from COVID-19. We expect to include GHG emissions from remote and hybrid working within the scope of our reporting to reflect upcoming infrastructure changes. Renewable electricity Source 100 % renewable electricity for our The share of renewable electricity in total Source 100 % renewable electricity for our operations by 2023. electricity used was 77 % (2020: 57 %). This operations by 2023. was mainly achieved through a combination of strategic discussions with suppliers on “green tariffs”, expanding the use of on-site renewable technologies and first-time use of “unbundled”1 renewable Energy Attribute Certificates. The scope of our environmental reporting includes all entities that, at the time of writing the reports, have been part of Allianz for at least a full reporting year. In 2021, we collected environmental data for entities corresponding to 96 % of our total employee base.2 This permits performance monitoring as well as the comparison and benchmarking of entities based on comparable system boundaries. GHG values reported refer to the sum of Scopes 1, 2, and 3 as defined in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. GHG emissions considered under Scope 3 include business travel, paper use, and energy-related emissions such as transmission and distribution losses. Scope 2 emissions are calculated applying market-based factors. 1_In locations where no direct renewable energy solution is available, we partly purchase Energy Attribute 2_The data is based on meter readings or invoice amounts (where available), and entities’ own estimations. Certificates (EACs) issued to renewable electricity generators operating within the same market Wherever the necessary data cannot be determined in this way and with reasonable effort, it is boundary as the claimant. extrapolated – either for entire entities or for part(s) of them – based on the relevant headcount. Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 63

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