D _ Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 20 _ Premiums earned (net) 22 _ Income from financial assets and liabilities carried at fair value Premiums earned (net) through income (net) € mn Property- Casualty Life/Health Consolidation Group Income from financial assets and liabilities 2021 carried at fair value through income (net) Premiums written € mn Gross 60,273 25,884 (94) 86,063 2021 2020 Ceded (6,794) (867) 94 (7,567) Income from financial assets and liabilities held for Net 53,479 25,018 - 78,497 trading (net) (6,784) 4,983 Change in unearned Income from financial assets and liabilities premiums (net) (425) (416) - (840) designated at fair value through income (net) 631 218 Premiums earned Income from financial liabilities for puttable financial (net) 53,054 24,602 - 77,656 instruments (net) (317) (140) 1 Foreign currency gains and losses (net) 4,462 (5,130) 2020 Total (2,008) (69) Premiums written 1_These foreign currency gains and losses arise subsequent to initial recognition on all assets and liabilities denominated Gross 57,772 25,315 (101) 82,986 in a foreign currency that are monetary items and not measured at fair value through income. Ceded (6,163) (690) 101 (6,752) Net 51,609 24,625 - 76,234 Change in unearned premiums (net) 22 (542) - (520) Premiums earned 23 _ Realized gains/losses (net) (net) 51,631 24,083 - 75,714 Realized gains/losses (net) € mn 2021 2020 21 _ Interest and similar income REALIZED GAINS Available-for-sale investments Equity securities 3,019 4,440 Interest and similar income Debt securities 6,341 6,838 € mn Subtotal 9,360 11,277 2021 2020 Other 1,650 1,443 Dividends from available-for-sale investments 3,664 2,260 Subtotal 11,010 12,721 Interest from available-for-sale investments 13,792 13,575 Interest from loans to banks and customers 3,553 3,676 REALIZED LOSSES Rent from real estate held for investment 1,092 1,007 Available-for-sale investments Other 1,035 877 Equity securities (284) (1,731) Total 23,137 21,395 Debt securities (1,114) (639) Subtotal (1,398) (2,370) Other (189) (95) Subtotal (1,587) (2,465) Total 9,423 10,256 Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 161

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