D _ Consolidated Financial Statements 16 _ Financial liabilities for unit-linked contracts Financial liabilities for unit-linked contracts € mn 2021 2020 As of 1 January 137,307 132,168 Foreign currency translation adjustments 1,192 (3,016) Changes in the consolidated subsidiaries of the Allianz Group 2,987 (930) Premiums collected 26,375 21,490 Interest credited 13,129 5,330 Releases upon death, surrender, and withdrawal (17,873) (13,702) Policyholder charges (2,522) (2,159) Portfolio acquisitions and disposals (1,289) (5) Reclassifications1 (960) (1,867) As of 31 December2 158,346 137,307 1_These reclassifications mainly relate to insurance contracts when policyholders change their contracts from an unit- linked to an universal life-type contract. 2_Consists of € 102,855 mn (2020: € 86,340 mn) unit-linked insurance contracts, and € 55,491 mn (2020: € 50,967 mn) unit-linked investment contracts. 17 _ Other liabilities Other liabilities € mn As of 31 December 2021 2020 Payables Policyholders 5,560 4,741 Reinsurance 4,335 2,846 Agents 2,645 2,055 Subtotal 12,540 9,642 Payables for social security 435 397 Tax payables Income taxes 2,519 1,812 Other taxes, interest, and penalties 2,255 1,983 Subtotal 4,774 3,795 Accrued interest and rent 365 457 Unearned income 593 551 Provisions Pensions and similar obligations 11,185 10,725 Employee related 3,099 2,774 Share-based compensation plans 361 367 Restructuring plans 274 306 Other provisions1 6,070 2,040 Subtotal 20,988 16,211 Deposits retained for reinsurance ceded2 31,221 3,903 Derivative financial instruments used for hedging that meet the criteria for hedge accounting, and firm commitments3 994 245 Financial liabilities for puttable financial instruments 2,615 2,072 Lease liabilities 2,790 2,725 Other liabilities 9,281 9,005 Total4 86,596 49,005 1_Includes € 3,687 mn for a litigation provision for Structured Alpha. For further information, please refer to note 37. 2_For further information on the deposits retained for reinsurance ceded, please refer to note 8. 3_Mainly level 2 for fair value measurement. 4_Includes other liabilities due within one year of € 47,286 mn (2020: € 33,237 mn). Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 157

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