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C _ Group Management Report Responsible consumer / sales Our Voice of the Customer program applies a holistic and Our strong reputation is built on customers’, shareholders’, employees’ standardized methodology to monitor and improve the customer and the general public’s trust in our integrity. This trust hinges on the journey by collecting real-time qualitative and quantitative feedback. quality of our products, the information and advice we provide to our After each point of contact a customer has with Allianz, they are invited customers, and the personal conduct and capabilities of our sales to state their satisfaction on a five-star scale at predefined touchpoints employees and representatives. along five customer journeys. We use insights from Voice of the The Allianz Group Code of Conduct (CoC) is at the core of our Customer, NPS, and other customer feedback to improve our products, corporate culture. The Code emphasizes that fairness towards services and processes, both globally and locally. We analyze data to customers and transparent communication about our products and prioritize and implement structural improvements. As most complaints services, including their limitations, maximizes our chances to earn across customer journeys and markets are related to the speed of our customers’ long-standing trust. This is expressed through our Global processes, we are continuously working to improve this globally Sales Compliance Framework program which specifies standardized through the Allianz Customer Model (ACM). processes and controls for communication, monitoring and review, and The ACM is our end-to-end global business model, putting the is regularly updated to reflect regulatory developments. customer at the center of our business and enabling Allianz to be The Allianz Standard for Sales Compliance is our consolidated simple, digital and scalable. Simplifying and harmonizing our business customer protection framework. In addition to providing ground rules globally means transforming the whole value chain: products, sales, for compliant and ethical sales practices across the Allianz Group, it claims and operations. ACM was initially designed for Retail Property lays down a set of key principles to ensure fairness, transparent and Casualty lines, and then extended to Health, Life, B2B2C, Mid information and value to customers – including distributors’ Corp, Large Corporate and Reinsurance. We are scaling ACM via the remuneration, product oversight and governance activities – and Business Master Platform (BMP) to digitalize the business outlines the specific sales compliance risks our business segments face. requirements. ACM aims to give our customers, agents and partners the Since 2006, we have used the Net Promoter Score (NPS) as our same experience when interacting with Allianz, wherever they are in key metric for measuring customer loyalty through customer the world. willingness to recommend Allianz. As of 2022, we will switch to digital For more information on our approach to customer responsibility NPS tracking to measure customer loyalty continuously, eliminating and compliance, please see section 02.5 of our Group Sustainability seasonality and deepening our understanding of customers’ Report 2021 sentiment. Additionally, this new measurement will set higher standards (e.g., broader set of competitors), therefore we have adjusted our digital NPS targets accordingly. Our Group ambition is to reach 50 percent of loyalty leaders by 2024. Targets and achievements: responsible consumer / sales Topic Targets 2021 Achievements 2021 Targets 2022-2024 Global NPS performance For over 75 % of Allianz Group business - 48 out of 57 measured segments have - Digital NPS tracking. segments to outperform their local been either above local market or - Our Group ambition is to reach 50 % market (meaning either above market or Loyalty Leaders, resulting in a share of 1 Loyalty Leader position). 84 % (2020: 79 %). loyalty leaders by 2024 . - 33 out of 57 measured segments have been Loyalty Leaders, resulting in a share of 58 % (2020: 60 %). 1_Digital NPS tracking allows us to measure customer loyalty continuously and against a broader set of competitors. This new measurement will set higher standards therefore we have adjusted our digital NPS targets accordingly. Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 65

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