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A _ To Our Investors All Supervisory Board members received the documentation relating to the annual financial statements and the auditor’s reports from PwC on schedule. The preliminary financial statements and PwC’s preliminary audit results were discussed in the Audit Committee on 16 February 2022, as well as in the Supervisory Board’s plenary session on 17 February 2022. The finalized financial statements and PwC’s audit reports (dated 21 February 2022) were reviewed by the Audit Committee on 2 March 2022, and in the Supervisory Board plenary session on 3 March 2022. The auditors participated in the discussions and presented key results from their audit. Particular emphasis was placed on the key audit matters described in the auditor’s report and on the audit procedures performed as well as the treatment of the AllianzGI U.S. Structured Alpha matter. No material weaknesses in the internal financial reporting control process were discovered. There were no circumstances that might give cause for concern about the auditor’s independence. In addition, the market value balance sheets dated 31 December 2021 for both Allianz SE and the Allianz Group as well as the respective PwC reports were reviewed by the Audit Committee and the Supervisory Board. On the basis of its own reviews of the annual Allianz SE and consolidated financial statements, the management and group management reports, and the recommendation for the appropriation of earnings, the Supervisory Board has raised no objections and agreed with the results of the PwC audit. It has also approved the Allianz SE and consolidated financial statements prepared by the Board of Management. The financial statements have thus been formally adopted. The Supervisory Board agrees with the Board of Management’s proposal on the appropriation of earnings. The Supervisory Board would like to express its special thanks to all Allianz Group employees for their great personal commitment over the past fiscal year under the continuing difficult conditions caused by the pandemic. There were no changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board in the fiscal year 2021. Dr. Barbara Karuth-Zelle and Mr. Christopher Townsend were appointed as new members of the Board of Management of Allianz SE with effect from 1 January 2021. They succeeded Dr. Christof Mascher and Mr. Niran Peiris, who left the Board of Management on 31 December 2020. Furthermore, Dr. Andreas Wimmer was appointed to the Board of Management of Allianz with effect from 1 October 2021. He succeeded Ms. Jacqueline Hunt, who resigned from office with effect from 30 September 2021. Ms. Sirma Boshnakova was also appointed as a new member of the Board of Management with effect from 1 January 2022. Munich, 3 March 2022 For the Supervisory Board: Michael Diekmann Chairman Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 11

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