D _ Consolidated Financial Statements Asset Management Corporate and Other Consolidation Group 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 1,130 953 5,973 5,791 (122) (170) 24,214 22,443 224 65 591 460 (421) (409) 19,604 21,191 135 76 115,351 111,997 (94,272) (90,756) 663,649 656,522 129 51 6,333 6,014 (5,984) (5,685) 124,079 116,576 - - - - - - 158,346 137,307 - - - - (47) (77) 56,731 20,170 - - - - - - 23,756 21,830 1,145 166 765 782 (2,025) (1,571) 1,910 1,006 6,714 5,011 8,223 8,033 (17,915) (18,422) 48,264 45,573 1 1 6 4 - - 145 1,790 7,514 7,301 250 172 - - 18,732 15,604 16,992 13,624 137,492 133,253 (120,785) (117,089) 1,139,429 1,060,012 Asset Management Corporate and Other Consolidation Group 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 - - 523 490 (448) (409) 20,891 24,079 100 43 12,101 11,129 (3,193) (2,910) 15,468 14,722 - - - - (17) (18) 27,501 25,341 - - - - (23) (37) 86,974 80,897 - - (122) (98) (129) (144) 632,061 611,096 - - - - - - 158,346 137,307 (15) 22 389 325 (2,025) (1,571) 5,626 8,595 9,373 4,453 30,922 29,140 (25,717) (25,947) 86,596 49,005 - - - - - - - 1,134 - - 13,441 11,883 (2,653) (2,677) 10,788 9,206 - - 10,864 13,974 (20) (20) 10,956 14,034 9,458 4,518 68,119 66,843 (34,226) (33,732) 1,055,207 975,417 Total equity 84,222 84,594 Total liabilities and equity 1,139,429 1,060,012 Annual Report 2021 − Allianz Group 141