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ESG Integration Framework impact of bias in, for example, recruiting and talent management. the document center on at For more details on Allianz’s no discrimination approach, see the As part of Allianz’s Vendor Screening Process, procurement Allianz Group Code of Conduct. transactions are also assessed under the ESG risk referral and For more details on diversity and inclusion programs and targets, assessment process, where thirteen guidelines, including human see Allianz Group Sustainability Report at rights apply. For further details, please see section 04.3.1. Striving for equality for all The commitment to foster equality goes to the core of Allianz’s 04.4.3 Human rights integration across distribution and Diversity and Inclusion approach. In 2020, Allianz’s CEO Oliver sales Bäte signed a pledge to support the UN Women’s Empowerment According to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Principles and the UN LGBT Code of Conduct. This was followed in Rights, businesses play a pivotal role in preventing and mitigating October 2020 by Allianz signing the B Team’s Principles for Equality, any adverse human rights impacts linked to their products or which aim to ensure equitable, safe, and dignified workplaces that services. respect human rights and allow people to thrive. We also signed Since 2011, Allianz has a global Sales Compliance Program in The Valuable 500 commitment, a global movement working to put place, which describes standardized processes and controls for disability on the agenda of business leadership. Allianz officially communication, monitoring, and review. The program is managed joined this movement and confirmed we will continue working on by Group Compliance. In 2020, the Sales Compliance Framework increasing disability inclusion. was revised to reflect recent developments in regulatory standards For more details on Allianz’s progress on gender equality and and to condense its existing sales compliance requirements into additional diversity initiatives, see the latest Allianz Group a new corporate rule, the Allianz Standard for Sales Compliance. Sustainability Report at This Standard is now the organizations consolidated framework for customer protection. It outlines rules and principles for compliant 04.4.2 Procurement Operations and ethical sales practices across the Allianz Group, and specifies key principles to ensure appropriate fairness and transparency to As a company, Allianz respects and applies international human customers, including in respect of the remuneration of distributors, rights standards for the workforce of its suppliers and promotes and to address the sales compliance risks arising in its business sustainability standards in its supply chain. The Global Sourcing segments. and Procurement department works with current and potential These responsible sales controls reflect Allianz’s clear commitment suppliers. In practice, this means ensuring that suppliers, registering to fairness and transparency as formulated in Allianz’s Code of in Allianz Group’s supplier network are assessed on whether they Conduct. This Code emphasizes that being fair and transparent abide by the environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards with its customers about its products and services, including their outlined in the Allianz Vendor Code of Conduct, which is aligned with limitations is the best guarantee to enjoy customers’ long-term trust. International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the organization’s globally For further details on the Allianz Customer Program and its model, binding Allianz Group Code of Conduct which cover human rights, please see Group Sustainability Report at labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption. sustainability. Further details in Allianz Group Modern Slavery Act Statement in 42

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