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ESG Integration Framework 03.4.10 Allianz ESG Guideline on Mining Screening and assessment criteria The mining sector is a major part of the global economy. Allianz aims Following an assessment of company, sector and country-specific to support the sector as an insurer and investor. Allianz is supportive ESG risk databases, mining-related transactions are screened on the of measures taken to mitigate or avoid environmental and social following criteria: risks. External Standards and Sources Biodiversity risks The Allianz screening approach criteria are informed by • Absence of mitigation measures to reduce impacts on endangered species • the IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standards and • Impact on endangered species listed in the IUCN Red List Guidance Notes, Environmental risks • the GRI Mining Sector Guidelines, • the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative, • Absence of plans for decommissioning / end-of-life • the International Council on Mining and Metals, • Environmental impact assessment not conducted or not • the International Cyanide Management Code and conducted in line with national or international standards and • international human rights standards (see also human rights the necessary public consultation (including all supporting sensitive business area). infrastructure, i.e. power lines, access roads) Furthermore, particular attention is paid to operations in countries • Improper storage and disposal of mine tailings listed in the United States Department of Labor (US DoL) List of • Use of cyanide or cyanide-related processes Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. • Use of mountain and/or hill-top removal mining methods Governance risks • Absence of anti-bribery and anti-corruption plans/systems/ procedures Risks to local communities • Absence of a benefit sharing agreement or compensation • Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of impacted parties not obtained • Health impacts have not been assessed and/or taken into consideration Risks to protected areas • Project located 30km or less from a site of environmental, social and/or cultural significance (UNESCO World Heritage Sites, RAMSAR sites, IUCN Category I-VI Protected Areas, Natura 2000, Key Biodiversity Areas) 21

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