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ESG Integration Framework • Developing sector-specific ESG viewpoints and guiding criteria 02.3 ESG Task Forces for involvement in sectors considered sensitive, based on Addressing sustainability matters requires cross-functional internationally recognized standards and guidelines, input collaboration and support that spans our global operations. from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as Allianz has established dedicated ESG Task Forces (see the Group external research Sustainability Report for an overview of the Task Forces) to integrate • Coordinating and supporting further implementation of sustainability matters across the core processes in the organization. relevant membership commitments, such as Principle for Task Forces are led by senior executives and staffed with team Responsible Investment (PRI) and Principles for Sustainable members from different functions (and OEs) to ensure top-level Insurance (PSI) across Allianz Group alignment and buy-in as well as true integration in these functions. Integrating ESG into central Group processes The Task Forces’ main role is to develop and coordinate projects and • Supporting Group centers and Allianz operating entities in proposals for ESG integration in the organization and the business. coherently managing ESG issues This ensures proper alignment of proposal prior to decision making • Ensuring ESG implementation in the respective business units by the Group ESG Board and Board of Management. ESG Sponsors through existing (whenever possible) or new processes meet regularly to discuss any matters to be raised at Board-level. ESG related dialogues and communication 02.4 Local ESG governance • Communicating the Allianz ESG integration approach to Many Allianz operating entities have set up OE-specific ESG external stakeholders such as customers, NGOs and business functions or have assigned responsibility for ESG topics to specific partners teams within the given entity. • Increasing transparency on ESG topics for internal and external stakeholders and general public Section 04 provides a detailed overview of ESG integration action at • Leading dialogues on ESG topics with NGOs and relevant selected operating entities. stakeholders 5

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