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ESG Integration Framework Risks to local communities • Absence of a benefit sharing agreement or compensation • Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of impacted parties not obtained • Incidents of harm to local populations and/or the environment from pollution related to the project Risks to protected areas • Project located 30km or less from a site of environmental, social and/or cultural significance (UNESCO World Heritage Sites, RAMSAR sites, IUCN Category I-VI Protected Areas, Natura 2000, Key Biodiversity Areas) • Reputational risks • Negative reputational impacts on Allianz stakeholders (investors, customers, business partners, regulators, staff, ...) Resettlement risks • Incidents of physical harm in relation to resettlement • Relocation of people and land/water/property rights (incl. native peoples) • Resettled persons not duly consulted Workforce risks • Disregard for labor rights including collective bargaining and unionization rights • Involvement in child labor • Involvement in forced labor or human trafficking • Sub-standard working conditions (e.g. Health and safety standards, wages, etc.) Agricultural commodity investments • Allianz does not invest proprietary assets in physical agricultural commodities 11

Allianz ESG Integration Framework - Page 12 Allianz ESG Integration Framework Page 11 Page 13