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ESG Integration Framework Table of contents 01 Introduction 2 04 Human rights approach 39 01.1 Scope 3 04.1 Principles and standards 39 01.2 About this document 3 04.2 Governance 39 04.3 Integrating human rights due diligence in our business 02 Roles and responsibilities 4 activities 40 04.4 Integrating respect for human rights in our business 02.1 Group ESG Board 4 operations 41 02.2 Global Sustainability 4 04.5 Remedy and grievance mechanism 43 02.3 ESG Task Forces 5 02.4 Local ESG governance 5 05 ESG integration in Allianz operating entities 44 03 ESG approach 6 05.1 Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE 44 05.2 Allianz Investment Management SE 44 03.1 NGO dialogue 6 05.3 Allianz Real Estate 45 03.2 ESG in corporate standards and governance 6 05.4 Allianz Global Investors 45 03.3 ESG referral process in insurance and investment 8 05.5 Allianz Capital Partners 46 03.4 ESG sensitive business guidelines 9 05.6 PIMCO 46 03.5 Sensitive countries list 27 03.6 ESG scoring approach 28 06 External associations 48 03.7 Active ownership 30 03.8 Risk dialogues 32 06.1 Principles for Sustainable Insurance 48 03.9 Exclusion policies 32 06.2 Principles for Responsible Investment 48 03.10 Asset manager selection, mandating, monitoring and 06.3 UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance 49 review 35 06.4 UN-convened Global Investors For Sustainable 03.11 ESG business opportunities 37 Development Alliance 49 06.5 Other memberships and commitments 50 A Appendix 51 A1 Abbreviations 51 A2 Document change log 52 1

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