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ESG Integration Framework 04 Human rights approach The objective of this section is to provide a transparent overview 04.2 Governance of our approach and policies integrating human rights into our Human rights also fall under the responsibility of the Group ESG business activities and organization. Board. Established in 2012, the Group ESG Board is the highest governing body for sustainability-related issues, including human 04.1 Principles and standards rights. Companies from all industries have an increasing responsibility The Group ESG Board meets quarterly and is responsible for ensuring to incorporate human rights issues into their business standards, ESG integration across all business lines and core processes dealing wherever they operate. with insurance and investment decisions. It also has oversight Allianz Group is committed to respecting human rights in line with of human rights-related topics and associated stakeholder the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles for Human Rights engagement. Allianz is committed to an open dialogue and regular and as set out by the Labor Standards of the International Labor engagement with NGOs and human rights experts. Organization (ILO). The implementation of processes to identify and mitigate potential Allianz recognizes the importance of human rights, as both a value- human rights risks, including reporting, is managed by Global based issue and a business issue. As such, Allianz has integrated Sustainability, Group Compliance, Global Sourcing and Procurement, human rights aspects based on the Organization for Economic Co- Group Human Resources, Group Privacy and local ESG teams across operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational the different operating entities. Enterprises and has been a participant in the UN Global Compact For more details on the composition, roles, and responsibilities of the (UNGC) since 2002. Allianz reports on the implementation of the ESG Board, see section 02.1. UNGC’s Ten Principles every year in its annual Sustainability Report and the UNGC Communication on Progress. For further details, please see the Allianz SE profile on the UNGC website. In the German context, Allianz adheres to the German government’s National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights, which is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Human rights are relevant for Allianz across its various roles – as an insurer and investor, as an employer, as a company (including in our supply chain), and as a corporate citizen. Allianz has different processes in place for each of these dimensions and continuously 39 aims to improve the incorporation of human rights into its business.

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