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ESG Integration Framework 03.4.9 Allianz ESG Guideline on Infrastructure Screening and assessment criteria Infrastructure encompasses a wide range of areas, such as: Following an assessment of company, sector and country-specific • transport infrastructure (roads, bridges, rail, airports), ESG risk databases, infrastructure-related transactions are screened 2 • commercial buildings (shopping centers, office towers, sports on the following criteria : stadiums), Biodiversity risks 1 • energy (power plants , transmission lines), • social services (schools, hospitals), • Absence of mitigation measures to reduce impacts on • environmental services (waste facilities, water treatment) and endangered species • telecommunications. • Impact on endangered species listed in the IUCN Red List Allianz is a major investor in and insurer of infrastructure applying Environmental risks risk management expertise for clients. Due to the size of some • Absence of plans for decommissioning / end-of-life infrastructure programs the environmental or social risk can be • Environmental impact assessment not conducted or not significant, but also feasible to be mitigated through best practice conducted in line with national or international standards and management of the issues. the necessary public consultation (including all supporting The ESG Guideline on Infrastructure also applies to our real estate infrastructure, i.e. power lines, access roads) investment transaction policies. • Upstream/downstream impacts (incl. fisheries, pollution, flood External Standards and Sources risk changes, socio-economic impacts) • Use of lignite/coal in power plant The Allianz screening approach criteria are informed by Governance risks • IFC E&S Performance Standards, • Absence of anti-bribery and anti-corruption plans/systems/ • GRI Sector Guidance on Construction and Real Estate, procedures • international human rights standards (see also human rights guideline, section 3.4.7), and Risks to local communities • coal-specific information sources, including the International • Absence of a benefit sharing agreement or compensation Energy Agency (IEA) and NGOs. • Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of impacted parties not obtained • Incidents of harm to local populations and/or the environment from pollution related to the project Risks to protected areas • Project located 30km or less from a site of environmental, social and/or cultural significance (UNESCO World Heritage Sites, RAMSAR sites, IUCN Category I-VI Protected Areas, Natura 2000, Key Biodiversity Areas) 1 Excluding hydro-power (see 3.4.8) and nuclear (see 3.4.11), as covered by separate 19 guidelines. 2 Certain criteria may not be applicable to all types of infrastructure projects.

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